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65f4e4f I'll have to admit, he really does have quite a smile.Kind of heart-stopping, especially as it comes out of nowhere. I mean... you know. If your heart was in the kind of place to be stopped. sam Sophie Kinsella
5beabc3 "You can't go." "Give me a reason why I shouldn't." "Because I'll miss you, damn it!" she hissed, splaying her arms. "Because what's the point in anything if you just disappear forever?" "The point in what, Celaena?" How could he be so calm when she was so frantic? "The point in Skull's Bay, and the point in getting me that music, and the point in... the point in telling Arobynn that you'd forgive him if he never hurt me again." "You said you didn't care what I thought. Or what I did. Or if I died, if I'm not mistaken." "I lied! And you know I lied you stupid bastard!" sam Sarah J. Maas
3ca5a73 He couldn't be dead. Not from the dagger, or those dozen pirates, or from the catapult. No, Sam couldn't be so stupid that he'd get himself killed. She'd... she'd... Well she'd kill him if he was dead. sam Sarah J. Maas
611a9cf Sam smiled, his brown eyes turning golden in the dawn. It was such a Sam look, the twinkle of mischief, the hint of exasperation, the kindness that would always, always make him a better person than she was. sam Sarah J. Maas
7a7840d He drew a deep breath. 'Well, I'm back,' he said. sam J.R.R. Tolkien
e54a06d "Nervous?" he asked, his voice barely audible above the steady slice of his oars through the calm bay. "No," she lied. "Me too." sam Sarah J. Maas
c1f2bcf Las cosas cambian. Y los amigos se van. Y la vida no se detiene para nadie. stephen-chbosky las-ventajas-de-ser-invisible the-perks-of-being-a-wallflower sam Stephen Chbosky
e32ad8e As the memory of that day echoed through her, she remembered the words Sam kept screaming at Arobynn, as the King of the Assassins beat her, the words that she'd somehow forgotten in the fog of pain: I'll kill you! Sam had said it like he meant it. He'd bellowed it, again and again and again... sam Sarah J. Maas
42b8aba Arobynn hit her-her ribs, her jaw, her gut. And her face. Again and again and again. Careful blows, meant to inflict as much pain as possible without doing permanent damage. And Sam kept roaring, shouting words that she couldn't quite hear over the agony. The last thing she remembered was a pang of guilt at the sight of her blood staining Arobynn's exquisite red carpet. And then darkness, blissful darkness, full of relief that she hadn't seen them hurt Sam. sam Sarah J. Maas
5beba84 Sam dropped me off. When she was too far away to see me, I started to cry again. Because she was my friend again. And that was enough for me. stephen-chbosky the-perks-of-being-a-wallflower sam Stephen Chbosky
63dabd7 The silence was suddenly too charged, his face too beautiful in the light. silence sam Sarah J. Maas
b93513f Being a cheerful hobbit, he had not needed hope, as long as despair could be postponed. hope hobbit sam J.R.R. Tolkien
4fb3c3a Are you making fun of my hero complex?' Yeah. jaine sam Linda Howard
b1aff14 Well, he was certainly desirable-as desirable as Sam, maybe. Sam-when had she ever thought of him as desirable? He'd laugh until he died if ever knew she thought of him like that. sam Sarah J. Maas
d44ae67 With nothing else to distract her, Celeana eventually returned to thinking about Sam. Even weeks later, she had no idea how she'd somehow gotten attached to him, what he'd been shouting when Arobynn beat her, and why Arobynn had thought he'd need three seasoned assassins to restrain him that day. sam Sarah J. Maas
428b29e Sam stared at her long enough for heat to flood her cheek, as if he could see right inside of her-see everything. The fact that he didn't turn away from whatever he saw made her blood thrum through her veins. sam Sarah J. Maas
51caf98 "And unless I'm remembering it wrong, mermaids don't sing and sirens don't swim." "Ariel sang in 'The Little Mermaid'," Corey said. Sam came over to join us. "Do I even want to know why you remember her name?" the-calling kelley-armstrong maya sam the-little-mermaid Kelley Armstrong
4afcb49 "Sam doesn't hesitate for a minute. 'You say, "Mr and Mrs Tavish, you're making me feel inferior. Do you really think I'm inferior or is it just in my mind?" sam Sophie Kinsella
c84f7e1 [I]t is difficult to imagine a set of beliefs more suggestive of mental illness than those that lie at the heart of many of our religious traditions. faith religion sam harris delusion Sam Harris
97f04c9 "Because you love me," I said, sounding smug. "More like you grew on me," he said. "Like fungus." sam T.J. Klune
a0ed198 "I don't have time for all the relations and courting and wooing bullshit," I said. "I'm a wizard. I have quests." "Uh, you're an apprentice," Gary said. "And you're sent on errands." sam T.J. Klune
f6aafad "You okay, Sam?" "Ha-ha, why wouldn't I be? Everything is peachy! I'm okay. I'm better than okay." "Okay. I only ask because you haven't stopped staring at me for the last four hours." "You lie with all your lies!" sam T.J. Klune
e0d9300 "Maybe I'm just unable to resist how handsome he is," she said. Sam went rigid. "He's twelve years older than you." "So?" He didn't think he was serious, did he?" sam Sarah J. Maas
45ade09 Goodbye, master, my dear! Forgive your Sam. He'll come back to this spot when the job's done - if he manages it. And then he'll not leave you again. Rest you quiet till I come; and may no foul creature come anigh you! And if the Lady could hear me and give me one wish, I would wish to come back and find you again. Good bye! tolkien true-love middle-earth sam lord-of-the-rings J.R.R. Tolkien
7418cfc What did I tell you, Mr. Pippin?' said Sam, sheathing his sword. 'Wolves won't get him. That was an eye-opener, and no mistake! Nearly singed the hair off my head! wargs sam J.R.R. Tolkien
b6da7a9 "I like your shoes," I said. Because I did. They were pink and pointed, and I wanted a pair like that so bad. My mom and dad groaned. Morgan looked at me and cocked his head. "Thank you, little one. I made them out of the tears of a succubus and a lightning-struck tree stump I found under the Winter Moon. I like your face." I grinned. "Thank you, big one. My parents made it when they got married. I was a honeymoon baby, whatever that means." sam T.J. Klune
6bcafa0 No onslaught more fierce was ever seen in the savage world of beasts, where some desperate small creature armed with little teeth, alone, will spring upon a tower of horn and hide that stands above its fallen mate. tolkien true-love middle-earth sam lord-of-the-rings J.R.R. Tolkien
ba80808 So it comes to this: I would have lost her either way. If Cole hadn't reinfected her, I would have lost her in the hospital bed. And now Cole's wolf tozin pumps through her veins, and I lose her to the woods, like I lose everything I love. So here is me, and I am a boy watched--by her parents' suspicious eyes, since they cannot prove that I kidnapped Grace but believe nonetheless--and I am a boy watchful--because Tom Culpeper's bitterness is growing palpable in this tiny town and I will NOT bury Grace's body--and I am a boy waiting--for the heat and the fruitfulness of summer, waiting to see who will walk out of those woods for me. Waiting for my lovely summer girl. sam waiting Maggie Stiefvater
5d3f6d4 At that moment there was a knock on the door, and Sam came in. He ran to Frodo and took his left hand, awkwardly and shyly. He stroked it gently and then he blushed and turned hastily away. friendship the-fellowship-of-the-ring frodo the-lord-of-the-rings sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
484df96 "Gary, why Sam sweating?" "Well you see, my dear Tiggy. When a boy loves another boy very much, it makes him awkward and have feelings in his penis and !" "Sam, why you use magic and glue Gary's mouth shut?" "Is that what was? Gosh! I just thought I was singing to myself!" " !" tiggy sam T.J. Klune
8d93d81 The silence brought back everything around her. the-assassin-and-the-underworld sam-cortland sj-maas the-assasin-s-blade sarah-j-maas sam Sarah J. Maas
3572b19 "Afraid she and I had a summer romance?" That insufferable grin was still there. "I hope you did. I certainly enjoyed myself this summer." The smile faded at that. "What do you mean?" She brushed an invisible fleck of dust off her red gown. "Let's just say that the son of the Mute Master was far more welcoming than the other Silent Assassins." sam Sarah J. Maas
ab52921 We went into the Dark Woods and I almost had to get gay fairy married again and now I feel really bad and Ryan got bad-touched by trees and Fairy King Dimitri was cryptic and annoying and apparently has a size kink. ryan sam T.J. Klune
fb91a32 "Hi, my name is Ryan Foxheart. Oh no! There's danger afoot! Let me pull out my sword and pose." I mimed pulling a sword from my side and cocked an eyebrow. "Notice how dashing I am. And immaculate. And today, my hair is parted on the right. Wink." -- sam T.J. Klune
91c9fd0 That's done it! Now I've rung the front-door bell! tolkien middle-earth sam J.R.R. Tolkien
5555deb And so it was settled. Sam Gamgee married Rose Cotton in the spring of 1420 (which was also famous for its weddings), and they came and lived at Bag End. And if Sam thought himself lucky, Frodo knew that he was more lucky himself; for there was not a hobbit in the Shire that was looked after with such care. When the labours or repair had all been planned and set going he took to a quiet life, writing a good deal and going through all his notes. He resigned the office of Deputy Mayor at the Free Fair that Midsummer, and dear old Will Whitfoot had another seven years of presiding at Banquets. marriage rosie-cotton the-lord-of-the-rings the-return-of-the-king sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
6743f0e "The unicorn stared at him. Then, "Gary." "Your name is Gary," Sam said. "Yes." "Ah. That's... not very unicorn-like." Gary scowled. "And what is unicorn-like?" Sam shrugged. "I don't know. Like Princess Moon Cloud or Ethereal Tear or Star Shine." sam T.J. Klune
dab6349 "Gary's eyes narrowed. "I'm pretty sure I don't like you." "My world is crumbling," Ryan said. I might have laughed. Because sass." ryan sam T.J. Klune
b134e22 "Charlie?' 'Uh-huh?' 'Do you like me?' 'Uh-huh.' 'You know what I mean?' 'Uh-huh.' 'Are you nervous?' 'Uh-huh.' funny perks perks-of-being-a-wallflower sam wallflower nervous Stephen Chbosky
c96c914 What a tale we have been in, Mr. Frodo, haven't we?' he said. 'I wish I could hear it told. Do you think they'll say: Now comes the story of Nine-fingered Frodo and the ring of Doom? And then everyone will hush, like we did, when in Rivendell they told us the tale of Beren One-hand and the Great Jewel. I wish I could hear it! And I wonder how it will go on after our part. rivendell the-return-of-the-king sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
4f88353 Saruman rose to his feet, and stared at Frodo. There was a strange look in his eyes of mingled wonder and respect and hatred. 'You have grown, Halfling,' he said. 'Yes, you have grown very much. You are wise, and cruel. you have robbed my revenge of sweetness, and now I must go hence in bitterness, in debt to your mercy. I hate it and you! Well, I go and I will trouble you no more. But do not expect me to wish you health and long life. You will have neither. But that is not my doing. I merely foretell. saruman the-lord-of-the-rings the-return-of-the-king sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
23100bf O Sam! cried Frodo. 'What have I said? What have I done? Forgive me! After all you have done. It is the horrible power of the Ring. I wish it had never, never, been found. But don't mind me, Sam. I must carry the burden to the end. It can't be altered. You can't come between me and this doom. frodo the-ring the-return-of-the-king sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
381e7df "Frodo: Mordor. I hope the others find a safer route. Sam: Strider will look after them. fellowship-of-the-ring strider frodo frodo-baggins the-lord-of-the-rings sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
bddc104 A wild light came into Frodo's eyes. 'Stand away! Don't touch me!' he cried. 'It is mine, I say. Be off!' His hand strayed to his sword-hilt. But then quickly his voice changed. 'No, no, Sam,' he said sadly. 'But you must understand. It is my burden, and no one else can bear it. It is too late now, Sam dear. You can't help me in that way again. I am almost in its power now. I could not give it up, and if you tried to take it I should go mad. frodo the-lord-of-the-rings sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
db85253 "Honey bear," the unicorn said. "You are the gayest thing I've seen since I last saw my own reflection." sam T.J. Klune
3f10fa5 "I'm about to hug the crap out of you," I warned him. "Like, full-on feelings hug where it goes on for a bit too long and becomes slightly awkward and we both clear our throats and shuffle our feet when it's over." sam T.J. Klune
d522693 I glanced back at my merry little band of travelers. A hornless gay unicorn. A half-giant. A knight who was a jerk but that I wanted to have for breakfast. tiggy ryan sam T.J. Klune
45cb0c5 I don't know how long we shall take to - to finish,' said Frodo. 'We were miserably delayed in the hills. But Samwise Gamgee, my dear hobbit - indeed, Sam my dearest hobbit, friend of friends - I do not think we need give thought to what comes after that. To do the job as you put it - what hope is there that we ever shall? And if we do, who knows what will come of that? If the One goes into the Fire, and we are at hand? I ask you, Sam, are we ever likely to need bread again? I think not. If we can nurse our limbs to bring us to Mount Doom, that is all we can do. More than I can, I begin to feel. the-two-towers the-lord-of-the-rings sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
436ae9e "Can you sign something?" Nicole demanded. "This paper? This napkin? My chest? My inner thighs or my wildest dreams? Whatever you want." ryan sam T.J. Klune
6558063 Frodo gave a cry, and there he was, fallen upon his knees at the chasm's edge. But Gollum, dancing like a mad thing, held aloft the ring, a finger still thrust within its circle. the-ring the-return-of-the-king sam j-r-r-tolkien gollum J.R.R. Tolkien
cd02391 Wonderful folk, Elves, sir! Wonderful!' 'They are,' said Frodo. 'Do you like them still, now you have had a closer view? frodo the-lord-of-the-rings sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
5089c28 His love for Frodo rose above all other thoughts, and forgetting his peril he cried aloud: 'I'm coming, Mr. Frodo!' He ran forward to the climbing path, and over it. At once the road lurned left and plunged steeply down. Sam had crossed into Mordor. the-lord-of-the-rings the-return-of-the-king sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
16a04f4 Smeagol,' said Gollum suddenly and clearly, opening his eyes wide and staring at Frodo with a strange light. 'Smeagol will swear on the Precious.' Frodo drew himself up, and again Sam was startled by his words and his stern voice. 'On the Precious? How dare you?' he said. 'Think! the-tower-towers the-lord-of-the-rings sam j-r-r-tolkien gollum J.R.R. Tolkien
1f98833 "Sam said he doesn't have time for a boyfriend, much less Knight Delicious Face." "Remind me why you call him that?" Pete asked. "Uh, pretty simple, Pete," I said. "He's a knight. And his face is delicious." pete sam T.J. Klune
f770ed3 Then Frodo stirred and spoke with a clear voice, indeed with a voice clearer and more powerful than Sam had ever heard him use, and it rose above the throb and turmoil of Mount Doom, ringing in the roof and walls. 'I have come,' he said. 'But I do not choose now to do what I came to do. I will not do this deed. The Ring is mine! the-return-of-the-king sam j-r-r-tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien
3863445 "So, funny story. There are fairies? In the Dark Woods. And I might have pissed off their king." There was silence. Then, "Of course you did." sam T.J. Klune
39a294f Another fairy flew up, carrying a spear and wearing a helmet and not much else. I thought about asking why he had armor on his head and not his balls, but I didn't think that was proper etiquette while being held prisoner by the Dark Woods fairies. ryan sam T.J. Klune
0cd446d He grinned at me again, and the butterflies in my stomach turned into dragons and laid waste to my innards. sam T.J. Klune
bd24698 "Today has been so weird," I side-whispered to Gary. "I think the word you're looking for is erotic," he said back. "Today has been so erotic." sam T.J. Klune
3ccc9aa "Ryan said, "What the hell? Does everything want to have sex with you?" sam T.J. Klune
433e311 Sam's just dealing with some issues. He recently came to the realization that he's a twenty-year-old virgin prude. sam T.J. Klune
056320d "You okay, Sam?" "Ha-ha, why wouldn't I be? Everything is peachy! I'm okay. I'm than okay." "Okay. I only ask because you haven't stopped staring at me for the last four hours." "You lie with all your lies!" ryan sam T.J. Klune
df179e6 "Gary, why Sam sweating?" "Well you see, my dear Tiggy. When a boy loves another boy very much, it makes him awkward and have feelings in his penis and !" "Sam, why you use magic and glue Gary's mouth shut?" "Is what that was? Gosh! I just thought I was singing to myself!" " !" tiggy sam T.J. Klune
4d4ab33 "Too bad you're like my older sister. We could have been something special." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Older? You're seventy-six!" "Boo, you whore," he said." sam T.J. Klune
1765b9b I fell in love with Ryan, you got jealous, then I fell out of love with him because he seemed needy, you tied me up, I got half a chubby because it reminded me of Octavio, and now you have a date with Ryan. Oops. I mean Todd. Gosh, I'm beat. What a long night. sam T.J. Klune
d124482 "Dragons," I said. "They're hoarders. They keep the things they think are pretty. Gold and jewels. In this case, Justin. To each his own, I guess." sam T.J. Klune
7349b90 "You went full-on bitchy and made a dramatic exit?" He sounded way too gleeful over my histrionics. "I have taught you well, my young apprentice." sam T.J. Klune
9037b79 "So I said, "Goddammit," and hugged it out with the both of them, because feelings." tiggy sam T.J. Klune
7e15ca8 "Hey, Sam. Want to join me in the river? We can bathe before the sun sets and it gets too cold." " ." "What?" "Stay back, foul temptress!" "What?" "Er. Not you. Uh. I... sensed the presence of a succubus. Like, near here. Ooooh. So very near." "You can do that?" "Yes. Yes I can. Because I have magic. And my succubus-tracking abilities. It's a thing. A real thing. That I do all the time." "Riiiight. Your magical succubus-tracking abilities." ryan sam T.J. Klune
5d88d07 "Gary laughed. "Yeah, but then people meet you and you're all skinny and adorable, and they're all like whaaaa?" sam T.J. Klune
6a2e548 Honey, you're pouting. That's not dangerous. It's adorable. sam T.J. Klune
cbd3dfa "You are way too pretty to exist in this world with us mere mortals." I somehow managed to stop myself from calling him Knight Delicious Face. It was close." sam T.J. Klune
c0ecfc8 "AND HE was just so amazing," I said as I braided Gary's hair. "Like so selfless and awesome and he smelled like leaves and I think his eyebrows should be declared a treasure of the Kingdom." sam T.J. Klune
e9ec6b9 "He has wet dreams and moans dirty things about chest hair." "That was one time." Okay, more like six times." sam T.J. Klune
fa10865 "It'll be the Date to End All Dates," I told Gary as he nosed his way through my closet. "And yes, before you ask, it is capitalized just like it sounds. Great plans should always be capitalized." sam T.J. Klune
7ec4425 "You told him, huh? Through your secret wizarding network that you still haven't told me about." "It's called a letter in the mail," he said." sam T.J. Klune
83a7089 "Okay, time in. I can yell at whoever I want!" "You really can't," Gary said. "It's unattractive on you. Some people pull off the angry look. You're not one of them." sam T.J. Klune
3db207b "I bet he wants to solve Ryan's riddle," Mary said. "And then he probably wants to riddle his Ryan." sam T.J. Klune
c5459c6 "Underground cock fighting?" I was horrified. "I would never do that to roosters," I said. He winked at me. "I wasn't talking about roosters." I threw up a little in my mouth. "I just learned something new. I never want to hear the word cock come out of your mouth again." "Because you'd rather just have cock come in your mouth instead?" "Wow," I whispered reverently. "That.... Morgan. That was a thing of beauty. And so disgusting, coming from you. What the hell. Thank you for subjecting me to that. And I hate you." sam T.J. Klune
4a86d18 Daniel said, his voice low. Rafe sputtered a laugh. She glowered at him, then at Corey, who'd joined them, grinning as he heard. Even Daniel had to wipe away a smile. she said. Daniel said. I said. She glared at Corey, who was cracking up behind Rafe. Derek said. Sam sighed. Daniel's roar made everyone stumble back. He climbed the steps and stopped in front of Sam. Corey said. insult corey rafe maya sam daniel Kelley Armstrong
f950be7 (Sam) Rafe grinned. humor rafe sam Kelley Armstrong
5e7b419 she said. Daniel winced. Corey lifted his brows. Rafe only sputtered a laugh. insult corey rafe sam daniel Kelley Armstrong
151c27c "My friend lost his mother when we were at college. I spent a lot of nights talking with him. Lot of nights." He pauses. "I know what it's like. You don't just get over it. And it doesn't make any difference if you're supposedly a "grown-up". And it never goes away," sadness sam Sophie Kinsella
89a1f08 I said, barely able to open my jaw enough to get the words out. Rafe looked surprised at first but seeing my face, that melted away and his own face hardened. He turned to Nicole. he said. she squeaked. Her blue eyes rounded and she flinched, like a whipped puppy seeing a raised hand. Hayley said. I clenched my fists tighter and my face started to throb, as if I was about to shift. I took a deep breath and tried to find clam so I could explain. Nicole said again, tears welling up. Sam said. She turned to the others. truth nicole rafe sam reveal Kelley Armstrong