"Here you go, dear."" The corners of Mrs. Colbert's mouth curled up. "You like meat, don't you?" Emily blinked. Was it her, or did that statement seem...loaded? She checked Issac for his reaction, but he was innocently selecting a roll from a wicker basket. "Uh, thanks." Emily said, pulling the platter toward her. She did like meat. The kind you, um, eat."
"You're terrible at this whole 'tell me whatever I want to know' thing." My hand goes to the crossbow, but I don't pick it up. He sighs. "Just ask me something. Ask about my tail. Don't you want to see it?" He raises his brows."
"Stop." She covered her breast with her own hand. "That's no' a healer's touch." His smile was sin incarnate. "Ye've the right of it there, lass. That's a lover's touch. And ye've had only the smallest bit of the pleasure, only a taste of what I would give ye an' ye allow it." "No," She scrambled to her feet to put some distance between them. "An' ye try to take me, I'll scratch yer eyes out, Rob MacLaren." "I'd not take ye. Not a step further than ye wish. I ken ye're a virgin and wanting to stay that way," he said earnestly. "But there's great delight for a man in the giving of pleasure, ye see. And ways around a maidenhead that'll leave ye still pure when we're done." She'd forgotten to breathe as he spoke. Now she sucked in a quick breath. "Shall I pleasure ye, Elspeth?"
I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have no time to be a wet-nurse for a bantling.' To my surprise, he did not flush or draw away in embarrassment. He grinned and winked at me, as if to say I could suckle him any time, and to my horror I felt myself grow red.