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daceaa9 "How do people, like, not curse? How is it possible? There are these gaps in speech where you just have to put a "fuck." I'll tell you who the most admirable people in the world are: newscasters. If that was me, I'd be like, "And the motherfuckers flew the fucking plane right into the Twin Towers." How could you not, if you're a human being? Maybe they're not so admirable. Maybe they're robot zombies." swearing Nick Hornby
9f068d9 Fuck a zombie! epithet swearing Charlaine Harris
5ed13cb Finally, a bit of luck. Rat bastard,' I hissed down at Montmartre. 'Mangy dog of a scurvy goat.' 'That doesn't even make sense,' Isabeau murmured. 'Feels good though. Try it.' She narrowed her eyes at the top of Montmartre's perfectly groomed hair. 'Balding donkey's ass.' 'Nice.' 'Sniveling flea-bitten rabid monkey droppings.' 'Clearly, you're a natural. logan swearing Alyxandra Harvey
21bc25a I'm a heart surgeon, sure, but I'm just a mechanic. I go in and I fuck around and I fix things. Shit. fix heart love mechanic swearing work Raymond Carver
4df0f52 He was kindhearted, in a way. You know the sort of kind heart: it made him uncomfortable more often than it made him do anything; and even when he did anything, it did not prevent him from grumbling, losing his temper and swearing (mostly to himself). grumbling heart kind kindheartedness leaf-by-niggle swearing temper J.R.R. Tolkien
df371ec ...if you've never been cussed out by a Siamese, you don't know what profanity is all about! profanity swearing Lilian Jackson Braun
9f216d2 He smelled the smells of commerce and listened to the cursing of the sailors, both of which he admired: the former, as it reeked of wealth, and the latter because it combined his two other chief preoccupations, these being theology and anatomy. cursing irony swear-words swearing Roger Zelazny
886793f . A silent, putrid committed by someone in this very room, and only one person knows whodunnit. dictionary humor swearing VIZ
d5cd77d "You do that Helen", Mallory dared. "And tell him we said to f*ck off while youre at it"." helen humor mallory swearing Chloe Neill
eebf637 Because of social strictures against even the mildest swearing, America developed a particularly rich crop of euphemistic expletives - darn, durn, goldurn, goshdad, goshdang, goshawful, blast, consarn, confound, by Jove, by jingo, great guns, by the great horn spoon (a nonce term first cited in the Biglow Papers), jo-fired, jumping Jehoshaphat, and others almost without number - but even this cautious epithets could land people in trouble as late as the 1940s. humor language swearing Bill Bryson
7262d98 There was the gate next, which she(Liesel)clung to. A gang of tears trudged from her eyes as she held on and refused to go inside. People started to gather on the street, until Rosa Hubermann swore at them, after which they reversed back whence they came. ~A TRANSLATION OF ROSA HUBERMANN'S ANNOUNCEMENT~ 'What are you arseholes looking at? swearing Markus Zusak
87a0d58 "Francie had heard swearing since she had heard words. Obscenity and profanity had no meaning as such among those people. They were emotional expressions of inarticulate people with small vocabularies; they made a kind of dialect. The phrases could mean many things according to the expression and tone used in saying them. So now, when Francie heard themselves called lousy bastards, she smiled tremulously at the kind man. She knew that he was really saying, "Goodbye--God bless you." swear-words swearing Betty Smith
5457048 ",,I don't think you put the swear word in the right place, Grandpa," Teddy says. When Dad first came here, my boys would look shocked whenever Dad went Old-Faithful-profane, and I began to wonder if Lisa and I shouldn't swear more so Franklin and Teddy weren't so put off by curse words." swearing Jess Walter
d243a12 I have known some people of very modern views driven by their distress to the use of theological terms to which they attached no doctrinal significance, merely because a drawer was jammed tight and they could not pull it out. swearing G.K. Chesterton
ff4a5b2 Rick, I'm holding a do-I-give-a-shit-ometer in my hand, and the needle's not moving. Shut up. swearing Douglas Coupland
8b786d7 ... Pfiffikus, whose vulgarity made Rosa Hubermann look like a wordsmith and a saint. swearing Markus Zusak
99c5ea2 The best saints swear fluently. saints swearing Barbara Cleverly