"You're beautiful, too. I mean, you're hot," I blurted out. "But I always knew you would be." my eyes widened as I realize what just streamed out of my mouth, and his grin to turn into a smile. "Oh my God, I did not just say... any of that out loud." "you did" "Ugh."
I was in love with him. I knew that much was true. Love was the swelling, hopeful feeling in my chest every time I saw him. Love was the way I could forget about everything when I was with him. Love was the catch in my breath when he looked at me in his intense way. Love was the gasp he could draw out of me with the simplest of touches. Love was the way I could... I could be myself around him, know that I didn't need to be perfect or worry about what he was thinking, because he accepted me.
My heart shattered. 'The boy that you keep painting - the one at the warehouse and at the art gallery? That boy is you, isn't it?' Rider didn't say anything. 'It's not you from the past,' I whispered. His handsome face blurred. 'That's still who you are.' He closed his eyes.
My chest clenched as I looked down at the oil-stained asphalt. Here but not. Existing but not living. I knew that feeling. Lived it for several years. Some days it felt like I was still wearing that feeling like a heavy jacket buttoned up too tightly.