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a517480 Sophie said to me once that she was glad she had been scarred. She said that whoever loved her now would love her true self, and not her pretty face. This is your true self, Tessa. This power is who you are. Whoever loves you now--and you must also love yourself--will love the truth of you. self true-self Cassandra Clare
e297f06 If I'm among men who don't agree at all with my nature, I will hardly be able to accommodate myself to them without greatly changing myself. A free man who lives among the ignorant strives as far as he can to avoid their favors. A free man acts honestly, not deceptively. Only free man are genuinely useful to one another and can form true friendships. And it's absolutely permissible, by the highest right of Nature, for everyone to employ clear reason to determine how to live in a way that will allow him to flourish. irvin-yalom spinoza true-self Irvin D. Yalom
98cdf3e "Let's burn our masks at midnight and as flickering flames ascend, under the witness of star-clouds, let us vow to reclaim our true selves. Done with hiding and weary of lying, we'll reconcile without and within. Then, like naked squint-eyed newborns, we'll greet the glorious birth of dawn; authenticity being-real burn carpe-diem inspiration inspirational masks motivational motivational-quotes real true-self true-selves John Mark Green
6ffe240 The essence of true love is mutual recognition-two individuals seeing each other as they really are. We all know that the usual approach is to meet someone we like and put our best self forward, or even at times a false self, one we believe will be more appealing to the person we want to attract. When our real self appears in its entirety, when the good behavior becomes too much to maintain or the masks are taken away, disappointment comes. All too often individuals feel, after the fact-when feelings are hurt and hearts are broken-that it was a case of mistaken identity, that the loved one is a stranger. They saw what they wanted to see rather than what was really there. love love-quotes mask true-love true-self bell hooks
ee5543b I come to the understanding that maybe what was on the inside was more important, and that your outer covering didn't count so much as folks thought it did, colored or white, man or woman. the-good-lord-bird true-self James McBride
ead270a "Our need to be "greater than" or "less than" has been a defense against toxic shame. A shameful act was committed upon us. The perpetrator walked away, leaving us with the shame. We absorbed the notion that we are somehow defective. To cover for this we constructed a false self, a masked self. And it is this self that is the overachiever or the dunce, the tramp or the puritan, the powermonger or the pathetic loser." ashamed child-sexual-abuse child-sexual-abuse-survivor coverup defective defective-humans dunce false-self feeling-bad healing healing-insights hidden-feelings hidden-pain hidden-self incest loser overachiever power-trip puritan recovery-from-abuse shame survivor toxic-shame true-self Maureen Brady
04c3987 "One of our greatest failures in our busy, driven culture is that we don't celebrate the temporary untying of a complex narrative...What is your style of celebrating an ending? Do you only throw large parties after someone graduates, gets married, or dies? If so, then all the other endings in your story are lost in the wake of another day's busyness. Perhaps one of the reasons you and I don't party well, is that we don't know what to do with the tragedies that linger in our life...Can you imagine receiving an invitation "JOIN ME IN A CELEBRATION OF NO LONGER BELIEVING I'M STUPID"? We don't allow endings to be noted, let alone celebrated. Therefore we never allow denouement to be invigorate the upward movement of a new story." community false-self healing true-self Dan B. Allender
9943267 In those moments of unnaming when we have lost ourselves, we must remember to return to our past redemptions to find God's mark of glory on our abandonment, betrayal, and shame. We wrongly believe that we will be happy if we can escape the past. But without our past we are hollow and plastic beings who have only common names and conventional stories. When we enter into our story at the point we lost our name, we are most likely to hear the whisper of our new name. grief healing lament true-self Dan B. Allender
e87a1bc We're in the presence of a good story when the flaw that shatters shalom is also the doorway to redemption... Whether it be our own flaw or the sin of others, God uses the raw material of sin to create the edifice of his redeemed glory. The point cannot be overemphasized: your plight is also your redemption. The Bible assumes that its stories are also our story... We are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Their stories are a paradigm of our own. Each of us is called, redeemed, and exiled - again and again. shalom true-self Dan B. Allender
fd11942 And he began to see the truth, that [he] had neither lost nor won but, naming the shadow of his death with his own name, had made himself whole: a man: who, knowing his whole true self, cannot be used or possessed by any power other than himself, and whose life therefore is lived for life's sake and never in the service of ruin, or pain, or hatred, or the dark. shadow-self true-self wizard Ursula K. Le Guin
ccabb6f "If what God says is the truest thing about us, then it makes sense to follow him and accept our condition as the starting point. Thomas Merton said, 'The reason we never enter into the deepest reality of our relationship with God is that we so seldom acknowledge our utter nothingness before him.' If we confess the truth about ourselves, there's every reason to fear God will say, 'Yeah, that's right; and thing...' and we're fairly sure there will be another thing. We are like people afraid to tell the doctor where we really hurt because we fear we may be sicker than we think. character-of-god julian-of-norwich thomas-merton true-self unconditional-love Brennan Manning
66ddb2c If we enter our story in heartache, we will hear the whisper of the name that will one day be ours. grief healing lament true-self Dan B. Allender
5d5be72 Don't let the bastards get you down. Stay true to yourself and your values. Most of all, keep going. progress true-self values Hillary Rodham Clinton
0941e96 So we grow up in a sea of stories told in a way that fits what we want others to know about us. The stories told in most families are a kind of propaganda. The tragedy is that often these stories are simply a form of dis-information... But our families name us without knowing the consequences. So our life is a journey to discover our true name, though; sadly many of us never choose to begin that search. true-self Dan B. Allender
70e5d62 Tragedy always moves our story forward in a way shalom could never accomplish. healing shalom true-self Dan B. Allender
0955253 He remembered hearing Karl tell James once that it was hard for people to ever know what they really looked like. Reflections in mirrors weren't accurate, Karl said, because when you stared at yourself in a mirror, you subconsciously composed your face in a way that wasn't your natural expression. Marvin wondered it that was true when you were with strangers too. Maybe you only looked like your true self with the people you loved. And maybe that was a face you yourself hardly ever got to see... love mirror reflections reflective self true-self Elise Broach
9548d84 In every story, in every life, there are moments of death that take away our name and rename us as strangers, orphans or widows. At the moment of being unnamed, we are thrown into our story. We lose the name Friend and are given the name Reject. true-self Dan B. Allender
34de4ed The shattering [of shalom] moves us from a place of shalom to a place that is harsh and unrelenting. The shattering brings us a keen awareness that we are alone and in danger. We are on our own. healing shalom true-self Dan B. Allender
9e53c6a Our story will gain momentum and depth only to the degree that we honestly embrace both loss and fear. healing true-self Dan B. Allender
8a229f9 can be assured that the inciting events call for you to sacrifice your comfort and ease in order for your story to move forward. It's easy to ignore such inciting events...It's easy to flee your story. healing true-self Dan B. Allender
984a6c5 But if we honestly name the passionate desires of our heart, and if we risk seeing those desires come to be, the plot of our life story will begin to move with greater intentionality. Yet the only way we can keep walking on that path is to allow our self moments to rest and celebrate the temporary climax of a story in denouement. healing true-self Dan B. Allender
3137bb8 I did believe that my behavior made me unusual - because it didn't seem to match the behavior of other women - but I didn't believe it made me bad...I could have spent the rest of the life trying to prove that I was a good girl - but that would have been unfaithful to who I really was. I believed that I was a good person, if not a good girl...So I gave up on the idea of denying myself what I truly wanted. Then I sought ways to delight myself...Anyway, at some point in a woman's life, she just gets tired of being ashamed all the time. After that, she is free to become whoever she truly is. true-self Elizabeth Gilbert
b17daac A body can't prosper if a person don't know who they are. That makes you poor as a pea, not knowing who you are inside. That's worse than being anything in the world on the outside. the-good-lord-bird true-self James McBride
d3acb03 Shalom is shattered by sin, by the intrusion of a lie, a distortion of the truth that mars the pleasure of being naked, transparent, trusting and true. ... shattering occurs when our dignity os assaulted and death enters to divide and destroy. true-self Dan B. Allender
07c9846 "(from chapter 3, "What Makes A Good Story?") "Our willingness to hold dear the moments of past shalom prepares us to imagine a new and better day, and, even more to move toward that day with passion and purpose." -- true-self Dan B. Allender
3565aa2 Why are we here? To remember, and re-create, Who You Are. [...] You use life to create your Self as Who You Are, and Who You've Always Wanted to Be. inner-being meaning-of-life purpose purpose-of-life true-self why-are-we-here Neale Donald Walsch