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b179166 "After shoving his former clothes inside, Xcor found himself bowing at the waist. "Your assistance has been much appreciated." Antoine raised his palm like he was getting ready to do a clap on the shoulder again. But once more, he caught himself and smiled instead. "Knock her dead, my man." "Oh, no." Xcor shook his head. "That shan't be necessary. This one I like." humor xcor J.R. Ward
c2ec503 "What kind of look are you going for?" he asked instead. "Clothed." xcor J.R. Ward
651fe26 "And I shall take my leave of you now- unless you have plans to shoot me. In which case, I shall take you with me." He lifted up his other hand. In it was a small black handset. " Just so we're clear, the bomb that is wired to the undercarriage of my car will go off if my thumb contracts- which is precisely the kind of autonomic jerk that will occur if you put a bullet in my chest or my back. Oh and mayhap I should mention that the explosion has a radius that more than includes where you are, and the detonation is so efficient, you will not be able to dematerialize out of the zone fast enough" Xcor laughed with genuine respect. "You know what they say about suicide, don't you. No Fade for them " "Its not suicide if you shoot me first. Self-defense" "And your willing to test that out?" "If you are" xcor J.R. Ward
a0c3e95 "I cannae believe you let me touch you." His voice grew hoarse. "I shall remember this for all my nights." Tears speared into her eyes. Dearest Virgin Scribe, for all her life, she had waited for a moment like this.... "Do not cry." His thumb went to her cheeks. "Beautiful female of worth, do not cry." xcor J.R. Ward
bbe85a5 "Tell me something," Xcor drawled. "Yes?" "Is his piggish head still attached to that weak little body of his?" Assail chuckled. "No." "Do you know that is among my favorite ways of killing?" "A warming for me, Xcor? ... "No," he declared. "Just something we have in common. Fare thee well, Assail, for what is left of this night." "Yourself as well. And in the words of our mutual acquaintance, I must needs go. Afore I am forced to slaughter the butler who is pounding, at this very instant, upon the door I have locked." Xcor threw his head back and laughed as he ended the call. "You know," he said to his fighters, "I rather like him." lover-at-last bdb xcor J.R. Ward
7ab84d8 "You are real," she said to herself. "Aye." His voice was deep and resonant, a caress in her ears. But then it cracked, as if he were in pain. "And you are with young." "I am." He closed his eyes again, but now it was as if he'd been struck by a body blow. "I saw you." "When?" "At the clinic. Nights and nights ago. I thought they had beaten you." "The Brotherhood? Why ever - " "Because of me." His eyes opened, and there was such anguish in them, she wanted to comfort him in some way. "I would never have chosen for you to be in this position. You are not of the war, and my lieutenant should never, ever have brought you into it." His voice grew deeper and deeper. "You are an innocent. Even I, who have no honor, recognized that instantly." If he had no honor, why had he disarmed himself just now, she thought. "Are you mated?" he said roughly. "No." Abruptly, his upper lip peeled back from tremendous fangs. "If you were raped - " "No. No, no - I chose this for myself. For the male." Her hand went to her abdomen. "I wanted a young. My needing came, and all I could think of was how much I wanted to be a mahmen to something that was mine." Those narrowed eyes closed again, and he brought up a callused hand to his face. Hiding his irregular mouth, he said, "I wish that I..." "What?" "...I were worthy to have given you what you desired." Layla again felt an unholy need to reach out and touch him, to ease him in some way. His reaction was so raw and honest, and his suffering seemed rather like her own whenever she thought of him." layla xcor J.R. Ward
eb8d4b4 If he had been one of Xcor's males, the Brother might well have had to be killed so that Xcor could retain his prime position: It was a basic tenent of leadership that one eliminated those who presented a potential challenge to one's position ... although it wasn't as if his band were incompetents--after all, one had to eliminate the weak as well. The Bloodletter had taught him that and so much more. bloodletter xcor J.R. Ward