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8cab3fb Mr. Freeman: You are getting better at this, but it's not good enough. This looks like a tree,but it is an average, ordinary, everyday, boring tree. Breathe life into it. Make it bend - trees are flexible, so they don't snap. Scar it, give it a twisted branch - perfect trees don't exist. Nothing is perfect. Flaws are interesting. Be the tree. speak tree young-adult-fiction laurie halse anderson
73c7653 A book is a wonderful present. Though it may grow worn, it will never grow old. cage girl historical-fiction marjorie-bruce old present robert-the-bruce worn young-adult-fiction Jane Yolen
e47d43b When they're together, the world could fall apart around them and they'd never notice or care as long as they have each other. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
1da8aef "Say it again," he says. "That whole drawn-out speech?" I remember something about a solar system, but I'm too light-headed to recite the entire thing all over again. He steps closer. "No. The part about you fallin' for me." romantic young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
dc40779 Nick's eyes widened as a total state of befuddled huh possessed him. Was he in the Twilight Zone? paranormal-fiction young-adult-fiction Sherrilyn Kenyon
b223e5f "I'm not going anywhere until you hear me out." Oh, please no. Anything except having to listen to her lecture. I push the button that calls the nurse. a voice bellows through the speaker. "I'm bein' tortured." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
d6efb10 There's always time for arguin' when you're a Fuentes. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
0b0035c "Is that your cheap way of telling me you want to kiss me?" He looks into my eyes, his dark gaze capturing mine. " , I always want to kiss you." young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
65d3c1c When she wraps her arms around my neck, all I want to do is protect this girl for the rest of my life. young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
77adce5 I realise it's going to happen. This girl of my dreams, this girl who is more like me than anyone I've ever met, wants to kiss me. young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
b72918c "You can't keep her." I know that. But I'm not ready to give her up just yet." young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
f36adcf "I just read this great quote by Junot Diaz, he was talking about true intimacy, and he was saying that it was the willingness to be vulnerable and to be found out. That's what I felt that YA did. It wasn't pretentious, and it wasn't hiding its heart. It wanted to be found out... junot-diaz vulnerability ya young-adult-fiction Libba Bray
fa9c662 The percentage of couples who stay together after high school is, like, less than five percent, you guys. young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
7e56ddf "What are you boys doing?" she asks, as if we're still little kids messing around. "Arguin'," Carlos says matter-of-factly." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
68c8fb5 Thoughts of being a pirate and stealing her away to my ship race across my mind. Although I'm not a pirate, and she's not my captured princess. young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
7c1e95d She ignores me, so I cup my hands over my mouth and do something I haven't done in years-- barnyard sounds. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
e3acc5f "Carlos, are we in complete understanding with each other?" "Yeah," I say. "As long as it's not in your house and you don't know about it, you're okay with us messin' around." "I know you're joking with me. You are joking with me, aren't you?" "Maybe." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
b96e96c "I have trust issues." "I know. I'm on a mission to cure you of that." -- young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
e33e1e0 But sometimes, in tight corners, when your back is against the wall and the world is against you, you have to fight back in unexpected ways. young-adult young-adult-fiction young-adult-horror Caroline B. Cooney
c710e5c Our tragedy is that we forget it might be someone else first. distopian young-adult-fiction Holly Black
9d0b84d "Luis is right there." I point to the corner of the yard, where my little brother is the centre of attention doing imitations of barnyard animals. I have yet to inform him that talent isn't as much of a chick magnet when you get into junior high." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
a99e313 "Ben walks in the room and asks, "What were you guys doing?" Nikki says "Nothing" at the same time I say, "Your sister and I were just makin' out." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
5036b15 I like that girl more than I can remember likin' anything in my life. I'm not about to give her up. I'll start carin' about what other people think when I'm six feet under. young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
ff21a98 "Listen, I don't know what the hell happened between you and Marco. To be honest I don't really want to know, 'cause if I did I'd probably want to kick the shit outta him." "I don't need you to protect me." "What if I want to?" -- young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
517e77a "Sylvia grabs my sleeve. "He's a looker." "I know. The problem is, he knows it, too." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
d082e2e "I have to protect you," he says softly." young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
f332414 I'll always love you, no matter what happens, okay? young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
7211d13 "Whoa, who was that?" "Madison Stone," Kiara mutters. "Introduce me to her." "Why?" Because I know it'll annoy the shit out of you." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
d41094d A text pops up on the screen. It's from Luis. I can't help but grin when I read his perfectly thought-out message. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
81e6e29 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a dickhead. Well, I did. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
6286f53 Three things Marco taught me today race through my mind: boys will lie to your face just to have sex with you, don't trust any boy who says I love you, and never date a boy who lives on the south side of Fairfield. young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
d6665b1 "You look like a hot tamale." "That's not really a compliment." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
9c5e84f Listen, I didn't ask for a face and body girls find attractive. But thanks to the mixture of my parents' DNA, I've got them, and I'm not ashamed to use 'em. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
570aed6 "Just try it," he murmurs, reaching over to cover my hand gently. And I think, Whoa, that's never happened before! Then: Is he just doing that because he thinks Wyatt is interested? And, finally, this: Who the hell cares?!" vampire-romance young-adult-fiction zombies Rusty Fischer
49d1ff1 "Quinn spoke their language--all mystery and inside jokes, scarred souls and statement shirts. It was a beautiful moment for him--in his element and completely happy. When they started playing, he leaned over and whispered in my ear. "See that guitar?" I nodded. "That's a 1969 Martin D28. Hear me when I say if I had to choose between a beautiful girl and that guitar, I'd choose the guitar. Natch." He took a huge gulp of water, clearly affected. "Naturally," I whispered. "It could be why you're still single." glass-girl guitar henry-whitmire indie-band laura-anderson-kurk long-distance-relationship love martin-guitar meg-kavanagh music perfect-glass quinn-o-neill rock-band romance teen-fiction teen-literature ya young-adult-fiction Laura Anderson Kurk
56b51c4 "What's with all those tattoos? Makes you look like a hooligan." "I suspect I am a hooligan." humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
eb5b7a6 I'd love to be a tabletop in Paris, where food is art and life combined in one, where people gather and talk for hours. I want lovers to meet over me. I'd want to be covered in drops of candle wax and breadcrumbs and rings from the bottom of wineglasses. I would never be lonely, and I would always serve a good purpose. france paris parisians travel travel-quotes travel-writing young-adult young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance young-adult-series Maureen Johnson
7357952 Why don't you check out those teenagers in the middle row? They've been going at it like dogs in heat ever since the previews. They're probably both werewolves. And even if they aren't, you should throw them out on principle alone. vampires werewolves ya young-adult-fiction zombies Rusty Fischer
f233e29 The Professor doesn't have a problem being called Dick? If my name was Richard, I'd go by Richard or Rich . . . not Dick. Hell, I'd even settle for being called Chard. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
cb2b4a2 cause if you were my girlfriend and a stud like me was livin' in your house, I'd kiss you in front of the guy every chance I got as a reminder. humour romance young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
381ac0c I'm beginning to think that if you're going to have a role model you should probably pick someone who's already dead so they can't disappoint you. young-adult-fiction Dyan Sheldon
a779434 "Nikki looks at me, confused. "What's wrong?" "Nothin'." young-adult-fiction young-adult-romance Simone Elkeles
fb557f2 "You're mistaking love for perfection," I said. "Real love when it's there? It's just " marisha-pessl neverworld-wake young-adult-fiction Marisha Pessl
3acc391 With every fall of the sun and rise of the moon, I can hear it. The Prophecy. It echoes through the halls of time. It is written on the surface of every star. Even the sun and moon cannot withhold the news of the second coming. I hear it. And I fear it. epic-fantasy fantasy-fiction fiction light moon novel sun young-adult young-adult-fiction Brian A. McBride