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0ba44a1 To properly engage in magical thinking, I find you have to think of every possible ghastly scenario. That's the only way you outsmart fate. A.J. Jacobs
5c0633b Lightning goes up. It shoots right up from the ground and into the cloud. This what the encyclopedia says in the section on climate and weather. I reread this passage a couple of times to make sure I hadn't gone batty--but no, lightning goes up. A.J. Jacobs
f0bc3d0 Probably 90 percent of our life decisions are powered by the twin engines of inertia and laziness. A.J. Jacobs
f5022bb My immune system has always been overly welcoming of germs. It's far too polite, the biological equivalent of a southern hostess inviting y'all nice microbes to stay awhile and have some artichoke dip. A.J. Jacobs
38f7f26 Incidentally, I spent some time on the Purell website, where you can find a list of ninety-nine places germs lurk (in-flight magazines, movie tickets, gas-pump keypads, hotel room a/c controls, and on and on). It's hilarious and terrifying. The only place they don't mention is the Purell dispensers themselves. You know they're coated with germs. It's one of health's cruelest catch-22s. A.J. Jacobs
ab95669 I figured the government wouldn't let poison flow from the taps. But in general, I'm too trusting of the government. I'm the polar opposite of the Tea Partiers. I have no problem with a nanny state. But in this case, the nanny state has been chatting on the cell phone and ignoring the baby as it plays with matches. A.J. Jacobs
f5eebd9 As I was passing this man on the street, he looked at me, snarled, and gave me the finger. What was going through his mind? Does he hate shepherds? Or religion? Did he just read Richard Dawkins's book? A.J. Jacobs
e523e7a You cannot stop religion from evolving. A.J. Jacobs
cbb0de6 I know the name of Turkey's leading avant-guard publication. I know that John Quincy Adams married for money. I know that Bud Abbott was a double-crosser, that absentee ballots are very popular in Ireland, and that dwarves have prominent buttocks. A.J. Jacobs
e1bea94 Paintings! They're like TV, but they don't move. A.J. Jacobs
7eafe8c On the other hand, if you're too delusionally optimistic, you'll be unbearable. You'll refuse to save money or make backup plans. You'll invade foreign countries and expect to be greeted as liberators. Like everything else in health, you need balance. A.J. Jacobs
e582690 The outer affects the inner. religion ritual A.J. Jacobs
ec734c2 Here's why I'm a fan of thanking our lucky stars every day: it helps with forgiving yourself your failures; it cuts down on celebrity worship and boosts humility; and, perhaps most important, it makes us more compassionate. A.J. Jacobs
72e12f2 After decimating several vegetables, I decide juicing is my favorite form of food preparation. There's something perversely appealing about subjecting an innocent plant to that much violence. A.J. Jacobs
d57abe0 So, if weight loss is your goal, and you have impressive self-control, raw food is something to consider. A.J. Jacobs
9d3e162 The strange fact that out of millions of people in the world, your mother and father met and decided to get married to each other. And out of the millions of sperm, that the one with your genes was the one that made it to the egg and fertilised the egg. I'll never forget it. creation egg father genes giving-birth marriage millions mother pregnant sperm A.J. Jacobs
c20fa0a Images are taking over, and writers are a dying breed. The Norman Mailers of today are reduced to writing pun-filled captions for paparazzi photos. Blogs--which were threatening enough to professional writers--are being replaced by video blogs. We writers need to embraced the Second Commandment as our rallying cry for the importance of words. In a literally biblical world, all publications would look like the front page of the Wall Street J.. page-106 second-commandment writing A.J. Jacobs
55c15ff The Bible is so strange, so utterly bizarre, no human brain could have come up with it. A.J. Jacobs
0cb191e Which just goes to prove. Not everybody can be Herman Cappachino. Whatever that means. A.J. Jacobs
569d6ed claque, aka canned laughter It's becoming increasingly clear that there's nothing new under the sun (a heavenly body, by the way, that some Indian ascetics stare at till they go blind). I knew that some things had a history--the Constitution, rhythm and blues, Canada--but it's the odd little things that surprise me with their storied past. This first struck me when I was reading about anesthetics and I learned that, in the early 1840s, it b.. A.J. Jacobs
4a416b4 On the bright side, my slightly lower IQ means that I probably have worse recall. Maybe I'll soon forget that I have a depressed IQ. A.J. Jacobs
62fa257 Studies show that the more you pay attention to your body's statistics, the greater the chance you'll adopt a healthy lifestyle. This idea underpins the Quantified Self movement, in which adherents track everything from caloric output to selenium levels. The mere act of weighing yourself daily makes it more likely you'll shed pounds, according to a University of Minnesota study. Keeping a food journal makes you eat fewer fatty foods, accord.. A.J. Jacobs
db05e05 First impressions are like South American dictators: overly powerful and unreliable. A.J. Jacobs
33373e5 If ever I was going to listen to a string of swearwords sitting next to a ninety-four-year-old, I'm glad that ninety-four-year-old was my grandfather. Not that he swears a lot. It's just that he can take it. And, he is currently laughing so hard that his eyes are watery. A.J. Jacobs
eded0f6 I'm not a big scatology fan, unlike my sons, who can amuse themselves for an entire afternoon by repeating the phrase 'crocodile fart.' So I'll spare you from an overabundance of detail in this chapter. This chapter will be somewhat soft focus, like the TV camera in a Barbra Streisand interview. A.J. Jacobs
6dccd7a How do you gag the voice in your head that says, 'You don't have to go to the gym today. There's always tomorrow. C'mon, my friend, it's just one plate of curly fries. Yes, just for you!' (My inner voice reminds me of a particularly aggressive rug salesman at a Turkish bazaar.) A.J. Jacobs
c7ec5be year hasn't been observed since the time of the Temple (The Second Jewish Book of Why, p. 262). The Sabbath year is still observed in some form, but only in Israel (ibid., p. 320). DAY 44 I first learned about the "domino" phrase in the book Serving the Word: Literalism in America from the Pulpit to the Bench, a very interesting look at fundamentalism. The history of literalism is actually" -- A.J. Jacobs
37b7234 Greenberg tells me, "Never blame a text from the Bible for your behavior. It's irresponsible. Anybody who says X, Y, and Z is in the Bible--it's as if one says, 'I have no role in evaluating this.'" The" A.J. Jacobs
f1c69e8 I love the way he talks. By the end, perhaps I'll be able to speak in majestic food metaphors like Reverend Richards. A.J. Jacobs
5123634 Mrs. Bush answers: "I think you ought to treat your spouse like you treat your friends. You clean your house for your friends, you make sure they're taken care of. A spouse often comes second. So treat your spouse like the friends. Don't just go halfway. If each spouse goes seventy-five percent of the way, it's a perfect match." A.J. Jacobs
92d108c For most of my life, I've been working under the paradigm that my behavior should, ideally, have a logical basis. But if you live biblically, this is not true. I have to adjust my brain to this. You A.J. Jacobs
038974d I thought that religion, for all the good it does, seemed too risky for our modern world. A.J. Jacobs
c67d51d I thought that religion, for all the good it does, seemed too risky for our modern world. The potential for abuse too high. A.J. Jacobs
8b6087c The Bible may have not been dictated by God, it may have had a messy and complicated birth, one filled with political agendas and outdated ideas--but that doesn't mean the Bible can't be beautiful and sacred. A.J. Jacobs
50027e0 I've even come to a conclusion that would get me blackballed from ever setting foot in liberal education circles again. That is this: colonialism wasn't 100 percent evil. More like 96 percent evil. Sometimes the colonizing culture actually made moral improvements in the native culture. I came to this conclusion while reading about the abolition of the Indian custom of widow burning. In pre-British India, a man's widow was burned alongside h.. A.J. Jacobs
9825f61 Reading Encyclopaedia Britannica is like channel surfing on a very highbrow cable system. curiosity A.J. Jacobs
6e617d9 My growing collection of facts keeps overlapping with my life. openness revelation A.J. Jacobs
0172fbb Cigarettes' cost far outweigh any resulting trimness, just as asphyxiation outweighs the benefits of stretching out the spine when you hang yourself from a shower curtain rod. A.J. Jacobs
637369e The dehydrator blows warm air on your food for hours, sometimes days. It reminds me of the temperature and intensity of dog's breath. So imagine a German shepherd exhaling on your fruit for a weekend. A.J. Jacobs
4ae6bde Step back for a minute. Pretend you're from Mars. From a coldly rational point of view, pedestrian helmets aren't a crazy idea. A.J. Jacobs
7dfc5b3 Journalism is an enemy of rationality. What makes news? The unusual and the spectacular, which by their nature distort reality and pervert our decisions. You read headlines like 15 KILLED IN PLANE CRASH IN WYOMING. You don't read headlines like ANOTHER 2,000 DIED OF HEART DISEASE YESTERDAY. This leads to the Availability Fallacy. Our lazy mind gloms on to the most vivid, emotional examples. When we think of danger, we think of hideous plane.. A.J. Jacobs
b521d60 hand and wrist aches are more common than ever...Wikipedia favorite, Raver's Thumb, which you can get from repeatedly waving a glow stick in the air (see, kids, ecstasy really is bad for you). A.J. Jacobs
8dc50ae Like God and Duane Reade drugstores, toxins are everywhere. A.J. Jacobs
cd184b3 Tyson emails back: "I'm going to tell you the same thing that I told Henry Louis Gates" (Gates had asked Tyson to appear on his show Finding Your Roots): My philosophy of root-finding may be unorthodox. I just don't care. And that's not a passive, but active absence of caring. In the tree of life, any two people in the world share a common ancestor--depending only on how far back you look. So the line we draw to establish family and heritag.. A.J. Jacobs
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