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cc16128 It's been my experience that only children never learn when to keep their fucking traps shut. An older brother would have beat that out of you. only-children talking siblings Adrian McKinty
4835cb9 Human beings are pattern-seeking animals. It's part of our DNA. That's why conspiracy theories and gods are so popular: we always look for the wider, bigger explanations for things. religion patterns gods humans Adrian McKinty
3ca050e We drank our whiskeys. It was the good stuff and it tasted of salt, sea, rain, wind and the Old Testament. Adrian McKinty
2f23929 He was one of those characters who felt that a weak handshake could somehow damage his authority, which meant that every handshake had to bloody hurt. handshake Adrian McKinty
514182b Don't worry, Duffy. I like you. We'll kill you last. Adrian McKinty
d932a69 Greek mythology has always been my Achilles elbow. Adrian McKinty
6b19a3c The riot had taken on a beauty of its own now. Arcs of gasoline fire under the crescent moon. Crimson tracer in mystical parabolas. Phosphorescence from the barrels of plastic bullet guns. A distant yelling like that of men below decks in a torpedoed prison ship. The scarlet whoosh of Molotovs intersecting with exacting surfaces. Helicopters everywhere: their spotlights finding one another like lovers in the Afterlife. And all this through .. helicopters riot bombs revolution Adrian McKinty
79ddf77 A black Mercedes Benz 450 SL pulled up. It was your classic hood auto beloved of terrorists, pimps and African dictators. mercedes-benz pimps terrorists cars car Adrian McKinty
954aa8e Johnnie Walker in the tea, Jim Beam in the coffee Adrian McKinty
26af19d With gas cookers and chip pans in every kitchen, the chip-pan fire was by far the most popular method these Proddies had for burning their houses down. The second technique was the ever popular chimney fire and number three had to be the drunken cigarette drop on the carpet. Mind you, why they'd be cooking chips at this hour was anyone's guess. chimneys chip-pans cigarettes fire Adrian McKinty
cb0a575 The problem with Double Fantasy was the arrangement whereby they alternated John Lennon tracks with Yoko Ono tracks. You couldn't escape Yoko for more than four minutes at a time. Adrian McKinty
c6627de A bullet in the head will fix an incipient asthma attack every time. Adrian McKinty
7c3cc13 You painted it pink?' Price asked with a grin. 'That's lavender, you colour-blind eejit,' I said. McCallister saw that Price clearly hadn't got the message yet. 'Hey lads, you know why Price nearly failed the police entrance exam? He thought a polygon was a dead parrot.' The lads chuckled dutifully and somebody punched Price on the shoulder. Adrian McKinty
bd2f17a Keeping pigeons without a licence is illegal as well, but we can't have people going round shooting pigeon-keepers, can we? It is the job of the RUC to enforce the law in Northern Ireland, not paramilitary groups, not vigilantes, not 'concerned citizens', it's our responsibility and ours alone," McCallister said which made me proud of him. Not quite tears-in-eyes but maybe warm-glow-in-tummy." Adrian McKinty
60c165b Intelligence is no substitute for wisdom. Live long enough to get wise, eh? Adrian McKinty
765eb64 How do you feel about homosexuals, Mr. Scavanni?' I asked. 'I think they're great. More women for the rest of us,' he said sarcastically. women Adrian McKinty
34eadbb The Bible says that man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward. Well, trouble followed me like sharks trailing a slave ship. Even when I tried to get away it was there swirling in a vortex around me. Adrian McKinty
b584874 A cocked .38 doesn't feel the same as an unprimed revolver. The frame tightens differently, the trigger is on a hair and this tension is communicated to you and the people around you. revolver guns tension Adrian McKinty
59de19d Radio One played "Ebony and Ivory," a new song by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder. The breakfast DJ Mike Read played it two times in a row which was pretty hardcore of him as it was clearly the worst song of the decade so far, perhaps of the entire century." Adrian McKinty
6166c8d I remembered about the pharma coke, went outside and nailed a line so pure it was like getting yelled at by God. Yorkshire tea, Mrs Campbell's Black Forest, Bayer cocaine - the lunch of champions. Adrian McKinty
0777450 A man once told me that all books should end at chapter seventy-seven. Adrian McKinty
8ce56aa You ever read Thucydides? I'll boil him down for you into one easy moral: intergenerational civil war is a very bad thing. Adrian McKinty
ded84e6 The darkness keeps its own counsel. Adrian McKinty
b235d96 Twelve-year-old Islay. Good stuff if you liked peat, smoke, earth, rain, despair, and the Atlantic Ocean, and who doesn't like that? Adrian McKinty
3edb665 If you really have to get shot, Belfast is one of the best places to do it. After twenty years of the Troubles, and after thousands of assassination attempts and punishment shootings, Belfast has trained many of the best gunshot-trauma surgeons in the world. irony ireland Adrian McKinty
1be88a2 The driver had on Radio 1, which was giving us Kylie Minogue's 'I should be so lucky'....By the song's second verse I was already longing for an IRA ambush and and by the second chorus I was dreaming of a rogue comet strike. Adrian McKinty
8b99c73 popular short Adrian McKinty
b2c4e44 Who do you think's after you, Shane, my lad? Or is it just the dark you're afeared of? fear Adrian McKinty
cb45abb The minutes ticked past. This is why peelers need a book. A wee paperback to stick in your pocket. time reading police Adrian McKinty
ea626a3 What's news?" She put the magazine down and looked at me. "Philip K. Dick is dead." "Who's that?" I asked." Adrian McKinty
801ab7d But this was Northern Ireland in 1981 which was slightly less conservative than, say, Salem in 1692 Adrian McKinty
7323779 more guilt, guilt, guilt. That's the Irish condition. ireland irish Adrian McKinty
da14ed4 You're a glass-half-empty kind of guy, sir, aren't you?" "I don't even acknowledge the existence of the glass, son." Adrian McKinty
70d8dae Patriotism is a hard disease to eradicate, and ennui stamps us all. Adrian McKinty
4ac31f4 coruscation. Adrian McKinty
ad50489 thumbs through Sarah Bakewell's At the Existentialist Cafe and is momentarily Adrian McKinty
514ffda If I don't make it, don't let them cast some asshole to play me in the movie version of this, Adrian McKinty
ea95dcc Age hasn't matured you. It's made those traits that were ticks in the twenty-five-year-old into full-blown affectations in the thirty-eight-year-old. Adrian McKinty
2eed768 Nelson had a face like Brian Clough getting sodomised with a pineapple. Adrian McKinty
baa83f0 Revenge is the foolish stepbrother of justice. Adrian McKinty
a48a4e5 Life's tough and even tougher when you're stupid, Adrian McKinty
ea34f32 As the Russians say, getting what you want sometimes requires moving like the knight in chess: forward and to the left. Adrian McKinty
3dccd4a squirrel is in a pine tree, when all of a sudden, it starts shaking. He looks down, and sees an elephant climbing the tree. 'What are you doing? Why are you climbing my tree?' the squirrel calls down to the elephant. 'I'm coming up there to eat some pears!' the elephant responds. 'You fool! This is a pine tree! There aren't any pears up here!' The elephant looks perplexed for a moment, and then says, 'Well, I brought my own pears. Adrian McKinty
9b6a2a6 Ireland in shades of black and green under the gibbous moon. Ireland under the canopy of grey cloud, under the crow's wing and the helicopter blade. A night ride over the Lagan valley and the bandit country of South Armagh. The music in my head was Mahler's Ninth Symphony, which opens with a hesitant syncopated motif evocative of Mahler's irregular heartbeat. Adrian McKinty