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113129d Nite-Owl: Look, I just meant we took enough unnecessary risks retrieving your outfit this morning... Rorschach: Unnecessary? Cowering down here in sludge and pollution, conjuring names on screens, learning nothing: that is unnecessary. Give me smallest finger on man's hand. I'll produce information. Computer unnecessary. This face, all that's necessary... all I need. Alan Moore
69b3ffa Existen personas. Existen historias. Las personas creen modelar las historias, pero lo contrario suele acercarse mas a la verdad. Las historias modelan el mundo. Existen independientemente de las gentes. En lugares donde no hay hombres, tambien hay mitologias. Los glaciares tienen sus leyendas. El oceano canta sus propios romances. Alan Moore
42a87a1 Rome sees some bloke from the London School of Economics on the telly while he's flicking through the channels. This chap makes the point that governments don't actually do anything for us. The only thing that makes them boss is that they control all the currency. Historically, anyone proposing an alternative to cash is brutally suppressed, but then historically they haven't got the Internet, which makes such things much easier to set up; m.. Alan Moore
23e71e2 Give me a platform of ideas and harmonies on which to gesture and unfurl my wings. Give me a place to stand. Alan Moore
2d0ab66 There never was a Jack the Ripper. Mary Kelly was just an unusually determined suicide. Why don't we leave it there. Alan Moore
abbc149 Perhaps the entire over-engineered concept of endless rebirth only recapitulates the much smaller, simpler idea that nothing material is destroyed - we already know that the matter of our bodies is reincarnated endlessly in both organic and inorganic form. We have continuity with everything that our bodies will ever be or have already been, shit and stars alike. How Alan Moore
9449f96 tkhyh khrdn bh khthryty khh skhwt khrdn fydh y chndny ndrh; chwn skhwt khyly shkhnndh st b yh Sdy blnd z byn myrh Alan Moore
2e4254d yn khshwr njt pyd nkhrdh.. chnyn fkhry nkhn... wly tmm `tqdt khhnh sh bh wyrny khshydh shdn w rwy wyrnh st khh mytwnym chyz jdydy bszym Alan Moore
4410667 Do not weep. Being is enough. There, that is all. I am done... meaning-of-life Alan Moore
c23260d It doesn't matter how "successful" each of us is in life. We're all doomed to die. Why can't anyone else see that?" success Alan Moore
720bbac Come...dry your eyes, for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond dreams of Heisenberg; the clay in which the forces that shape all things leave their fingerprints most clearly. Alan Moore
3ee8afb As I see it,part of the art of being a hero is knowing when you don't need to be one anymore,realizing that the game has changed and that the stakes are different and that there isn't necessarily a place for you in this strange new pantheon of extraordinary people. Alan Moore
4473153 SR: "We are talking of a world war." AQ: "And that makes you sweat, son?" SR: "Heavens, man! Doesn't it you?" Alan Moore
e9b4d31 Perhaps in the process of reconstructing its corporeal form, this new and wholly original entity achieved a complete mastery of all matter; able to shape reality by the manipulation of its basic building blocks. When news of this being's phenomenal genesis was first released to the world, a certain phrase was used that has--at varying times--been attributed both to me and to others. On the newsflashes coming over our tvs on that fateful nig.. Alan Moore
a7f8f4a Spring Lane burned with a mythology of chipped slates, pale wash-water blue and flaking at the seam. The summer yellow glow of an impending dawn diffused, diluted in the million-gallon sky above the tannery that occupied this low end of the ancient gradient, across the narrow street from where Phyllis and Michael stood outside the alley-mouth. The tannery's high walls of browning brick with rusted wire mess over its high windows didn't have.. Alan Moore
0a18622 Michael saw Northampton Castle being built by Normans and their labourers, while being pulled down in accordance with the will of Charles the Second fifteen hundred years thereafter. A few centuries of grass and ruins coexisted with the bubbling growth and fluctuations of the railway station. 1920s porters, speeded up into a silent comedy, pushed luggage-laden trolleys through a Saxon hunting party. Women in ridiculously tiny skirts superim.. Alan Moore
31a1189 I despise the comic industry, but I will always love the comic medium. Alan Moore
a98f44a Sex is glorious, it's how we all got here, and it's most people's favourite activity. Alan Moore
0ffea57 There is an inverse relationship between imagination and money. Alan Moore
585540b I suppose that the main drive is to find the edge of something and then throw myself over it. Alan Moore
6e61e05 Murder? Don't talk to me about murder. I invented murder! Alan Moore
0aa63f7 We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. Alan Moore
98bbba7 Memories so treacherous... Alan Moore
4ec1337 Happiness is the most insidious prison of all. Alan Moore
8a4054b I like a film where you can see every penny of the budget up there on the screen. Alan Moore
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