We all had to say goodbye, sooner or later, to those we loved--or they had to say goodbye to us. Those were the only two possibilities that this world allowed. But no matter how much we tried to face up to it, it never became easier.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Or would Hell be an endless loop of boy bands or rap? Either would be torture.
Alexander McCall Smith |
You do not have to read a book to understand how the world works. You just have to keep your eyes open.
Alexander McCall Smith |
when she had those dreams at night, he was there, as if he had never died, although she knew, even in the dream, that he had. One day she would join him, she knew, whatever people said about how we came to an end when we took our last breath. Some people mocked you if you said that you joined others when your time came. Well, they could laugh, those clever people, but we surely had to hope, and a life without hope of any sort was no life: i..
Alexander McCall Smith |
He is a good, kind man," said Mma Potokwane. "And such men are often too busy. I have noticed that round here too. That man I was talking to just then--one of our groundsmen--he is like that. He is so kind that everybody asks him to do everything. We had a bad-tempered man working here once and he had nothing to do because nobody, apart form myself, of course, had the courage to ask him to do anything."
Alexander McCall Smith |
We are all human, she would say. Men particularly. You must not be ashamed.
Alexander McCall Smith |
the names we gave to others, and the things we accused them of, often said more about us than they did about them.
Alexander McCall Smith |
And he readily admitted that he knew nothing about women's clothing, as most men would have to admit; and yet women always claimed to know what clothes were right for a man. There was some injustice here, thought Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni, although he was not quite sure how one might pursue the point.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Who is happier, those who are aware, and doubt, or those who are sure of what they believe in, and have never doubted or questioned it? The answer, she had concluded, was that this had nothing to do with happiness, which came upon you like the weather, determined by your personlaity.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Small ones too, Mma Sometimes big problems are really tiny ones when you look at them in the right way.
Alexander McCall Smith |
I heard him say that he knew that he had been very stupid and that he would not be stupid again. Those were his very words, Mma, and I wrote them down on a piece of paper which we can keep in the office here and take out and wave at him some time in the future if we need to do so.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Her friend who treated her maid badly was not a wicked person. She behaved well towards her family and she had always been kind to Mma Ramotswe, but when it came to her maid--and Mma Ramotswe had met this maid, who seemed an agreeable, hardworking woman from Molepolole--she seemed to have little concern for her feelings. It occurred to Mma Ramotswe that such behaviour was no more than ignorance; an inability to understand the hopes and aspi..
Alexander McCall Smith |
there were occasions on which talking about distressing things merely kept those things alive, whereas not talking about them, consigning them to the past, forgetting them, allowed one to think about things that were positive, things that made the world a bit better.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Yes, thought Mma Ramotswe, the world can be very discouraging. But we cannot sit and think about all the things that have gone wrong, or could go wrong. There was no point in doing that...There was much for which we could be grateful, whatever the sorrows of this world.
Alexander McCall Smith |
But if you do not forgive, and you think all the time about getting even, or punishing somebody who has done you a wrong, what are you achieving?
Alexander McCall Smith |
A sleeping partner?" "That's it. I always thought that was an odd expression, Mma. I always thought of a sleeping partner as being somebody who sat with his head on his desk and slept."
Alexander McCall Smith |
There are so many people who would love to be able to live in peace, but there are so many others who do not want to let them. Mr.
Alexander McCall Smith |
It was curious how some people had a highly developed sense of guilt, she thought, while others had none.
Alexander McCall Smith |
He will be a small man inside," said Mma Ramotswe. "He will feel small and unimportant. That is why he needs to put ladies down, Mma. Men who are big inside never feel the need to do that."
Alexander McCall Smith |
Most of us are quite selfish when it comes to our children, you know. We want things from them: love, the satisfaction of seeing them do well, and so on. Plenty of parents don't think just of their child's best interest. Oh, they may pay lip service to it, but they really think of themselves, of what they get from parenting.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Skepticism had its place, but we should not lose sight of the possibility that some beliefs were both necessary and beneficial--a belief in human goodness being a prime example of this. There were plenty of grounds to doubt human goodness; but if one ceased to believe in it, then we would lose the comfort of trust. And people needed their scraps of comfort in this world if they were to be able to deal with hardship and disappointment.
Alexander McCall Smith |
That was what the story of Goldilocks and the three bears was all about: breach of trust.
Alexander McCall Smith |
chairs are public, and one only needs to seek permission to sit in another's chair if the owner of the room is present; once you were by yourself, any chair was fair game. Except the chairs of really important people--one should not sit on a throne when left unattended in a monarch's throne room; that really was going too far. And yet who would miss such an opportunity? There could surely be little doubt but that visitors
Alexander McCall Smith |
I have the luxury, I suppose, of being self-employed. But I know what it's like to apply for jobs.
Alexander McCall Smith |
We all know that it is women who take the decisions, but we have to let men think that the decisions are theirs. It is an act of kindness on the part of women.
Alexander McCall Smith |
A society that undermined its teachers and their authority only dug away at its own sure foundations.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Most people had something in their lives that was particularly important to them.
Alexander McCall Smith |
To lose your own language was like forgetting your mother, and as sad, in a way.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Usually bullies have severe mothers and bad fathers, and they are usually frightened of them. That is why they are bullies, I think. There is something wrong at home. I have found that with children in general and this applies to men as well.
Alexander McCall Smith |
And the memory made her humble; for we should not forget what it is to be young and to have ideas and attitudes that may later seem so fanciful.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Mr Mandela, who had given his whole life for justice and had never once thought of himself. How unlike these people were modern politicians, who thought only of power and tricks.
Alexander McCall Smith |
When people ask for advice they very rarely want your advice and will go ahead and do what they want to do anyway, no matter what you say. That applied in every sort of case; it was a human truth of universal application, but one which most people knew little or nothing about.
Alexander McCall Smith |
They sang that song which distills all the suffering and the hope of Africa; that song which had inspired and comforted so many, "Nkosi Sikeleli Afrika," God Bless Africa, give her life, watch over her children."
Alexander McCall Smith |
But that's what the world is all about, Jamie. Stories. Stories explain everything, bring everything together.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Non omnis moriar, said Horace's Odes--I shall not wholly die. Yes, and he was right. As long as people remembered, then death was not complete. Only if there were nobody at all left to remember would death be complete.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Some of my friends who play rugby talk about Murrayfield Stadium as sacred turf.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Even a battlefield can be peaceful, can be a place for flowers to grow, for children to play; the memories, the sadness, are within us, not part of the world about us.
Alexander McCall Smith |
What was wrong with the past?" asked Mama Ramotswe. She intended the question seriously. There were too many people who took the view that the past was bad, that we should rid ourselves of all traces of it as soon as possible. But the past was not bad; some of it may have been less than perfect-- there had been cruelties then that we had done well to get rid of-- but there had also been plenty of good things. There had been the old Botswana..
Alexander McCall Smith |
I do not think this is so, because there is no difference between white men and black men; we are all the same; we are just people.
Alexander McCall Smith |
No, the idea of a benevolent god was very much an exception in the enormous pantheon of gods that people had invented over the course of human history.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Make a list of what you know, what you don't know, and what you'd like to know. Make a list of possible outcomes. Choose the outcome you think is best, then go for that!
Alexander McCall Smith |
She had lost her baby, and where was she? She hoped that her baby was happy and would be waiting for her when she left Botswana and went to heaven. Would Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni get round to naming a wedding date before then? She hoped so, although he certainly seemed to be taking his time. Perhaps they could get married in heaven, if he left it too late. That would certainly be cheaper.
Alexander McCall Smith |
Every story has two sides. So far, we've only heard one. The stupid side." LIFE"
Alexander McCall Smith |
Her eyes went to the shelves that stretched up to within a few inches of the ceiling. All four walls were covered; piles of books stood here and there, teetering, vulnerable, she judged, to the slightest footfall. "But who doesn't have a lot of unread books? It's nice, though, just to know that they're there." He"
Alexander McCall Smith |