hector him like this from now on, when I could get him alone.
Alice Munro |
Algo habia ocurrido alli. En la vida tienes unos cuantos sitios, o quiza uno solo, donde ocurrio algo, y despues estan todos los demas sitios.
Alice Munro |
Durante mucho tiempo te desprendes del pasado con facilidad y de una forma que parece automatica y adecuada. Las escenas del pasado, mas que desvanecerse, dejan de tener importancia. Y entonces se produce una brusca vuelta atras, lo que esta acabado y bien acabado resurge de repente, requiere tu atencion, incluso que hagas algo al respecto, aunque salte a la vista que no se puede hacer nada.
Alice Munro |
He told her that he had got into acting by way of his religion. His family belonged to some Christian sect Greta had never heard of. This sect was not numerous but very rich, or at least some of them were. They had built a church with a theater in it in a town on the prairie. That was where he started to act before he was ten years old. They did parables from the Bible but also present day, about the awful things that happened to people who..
Alice Munro |
But when she was finished running away, when she just went on, what would she put in his place?
Alice Munro |
L'attimo di felicita che aveva diviso con loro gli resto nei ricordi, ma non seppe mai che farsene. Chissa se quei momenti significano davvero, come sembra, che avremmo a disposizione una vita felice nella quale ci imbattiamo, consapevolmente, solo qualche rara volta? Chissa se gettano su quel che precede e quel che segue, tutto cio che e accaduto nella nostra vita, o che noi abbiamo fatto accadere, una luce tale da rendere ogni cosa trascu..
Alice Munro |
I actually had a long career as a flirt ahead of me. It's quite a natural behaviour, once the loss of love makes you give up your ideas of marriage.
Alice Munro |
I know how you love this place," he says to me, apologetically yet with satisfaction. And I don't tell him that I am not sure now whether I love any place, and that it seems to me it was myself I loved here - some self that I have finished with, and none too soon."
Alice Munro |
She barely notices when I say that I am going on to Toronto to visit my grandparents. Except to remark that they must be really old. Not a word about Alister. Not even a bad word. She would not have forgotten. Just tidied up the scene and put it away in a closet with her former selves. Or maybe she really is a person who can deal recklessly with humiliation.
Alice Munro |
I was thinking about changing into a different sort of person than the one I am. I do think about that. I read a book called The Art of Loving. A lot of things seemed clear while I was reading it but afterwards I went back to being more or less the same. What has Cam ever done that actually hurt me, anyway, as Haro once said. And how am I better than he is after the way i felt the night Mother lived instead of died? I made a promise to myse..
Alice Munro |
I think that this is minor. Things will happen in your life--things will probably happen in your life--that will make this seem minor. Other things you'll be able to feel guilty about.
Alice Munro |
My sister and I didn't know what that meant either but we were not equal to two questions in a row. And I knew that wasn't what rape meant anyway; it meant something dirty. "Purse. Purse stolen," said my mother in a festive but cautioning tone. Talk in our house was genteel."
Alice Munro |
This was the great difference between disappointing him and disappointing somebody like my mother, or even my aunts. Masculine self-centeredness made him restful to be with.
Alice Munro |
She thought that when she went with Peter to an engineers' party, the atmosphere was pleasant though the talk was boring. That was because everybody had their importance fixed and settled at least for the time being. Here nobody was safe. Judgment might be passed behind backs, even on the known and published. An air of cleverness or nerves obtained, no matter who you were.
Alice Munro |
It would become hard to explain, later on in her life, just what was okay in that time and what was not. You might say, well, feminism was not. But then you would have to explain that feminism was not even a word people used. Then you would get all tied up saying that having any serious idea, let alone ambition, or maybe even reading a real book, could be seen as suspect, having something to do with your child's getting pneumonia, and a pol..
Alice Munro |
The final four works are not quite stories. They form a separate unit, one that is autobiographical in feeling, though not, sometimes, entirely so in fact. I believe they are the first and last - and the closest - things I have to say about my own life.
Alice Munro |
Forgiveness in families is a mystery to me, how it comes or how it lasts.
Alice Munro |
In quel momento la nostra dolcezza reciproca era senza nubi, senza strategie, e i nostri conflitti sembravano irreali. Si era aperto un cancello, molto probabilmente, ma noi non lo varcammo. (La dama spagnola)
Alice Munro |
The problem, the only problem, is my mother. And she is the one of course that I am trying to get; it is to reach her that this whole journey has been undertaken. With what purpose? To mark her off, to describe, to illumine, to celebrate, to get rid, of her; and it did not work, for she looms too close, just as she always did. She is heavy as always, she weighs everything down, and yet she is indistinct, her edges melt and flow. Which means..
Alice Munro |
Ecco Dotty, tirata fuori dal mondo reale ed esposta alla luce, sospesa all'interno della splendida gelatina trasparente che Hugo ha passato la vita a imparare a realizzare. Si tratta di un numero di magia, non c'e altro modo per definirlo; si tratta, potremmo anche dire, di un generoso atto d'amore particolare, libero da ogni sentimentalismo. Di un dono felice e meraviglioso. (Materiali)
Alice Munro |
Dorothy," said my mother, shifting gears with an angry little spurt, and we cleared the top of the hill,"
Alice Munro |
and there was still a lot of soft snow in the bush. We
Alice Munro |
Doing this was like wading and then throwing yourself into the lake for the first icy swim, in June. A sickening shock at first, then amazement that you were still moving, lifted up on a stream of steely devotion--
Alice Munro |
I gave him a gentle uncomprehending look in return. I am a grown-up woman now; let him unbury his own catastrophes.
Alice Munro |
He did take her to the movies. They saw Father of the Bride. Grace hated it. She hated girls like Elizabeth Taylor in that movie, she hated spoiled rich girls of whom nothing was ever asked but that they wheedle and demand. Maury said that it was only supposed to be a comedy, but she said that was not the point. She could not make clear what the point was. Anybody would think that it was because she worked as a waitress and was too poor to ..
Alice Munro |
Que era una vida normal? Era la vida de las chicas que trabajaban con ella, las fiestas de homenaje, las sabanas de hilo, las baterias de cocina y la cuberteria de plata, ese complicado orden femenino; y, por otro lado, era la vida del salon de baile Gay-la, ir borracha en coche por carreteras negras, escuchar chistes de hombres, soportar y pelearte con hombres y conseguirlos, conseguirlos: un lado no podia existir sin el otro, y al asumir ..
Alice Munro |
qlt yzbyl (Hsnan, ml ldhy kn bmknh f`lh 'kthr mn dhlk, 'n ySly mn 'jlh?)
Alice Munro |
Isn't it true that all the people I know in the world so far are hardly more than puppets for me, serving the glossy contrivings of my imagination?
Alice Munro |
hry bh lrn gfth bwd dr zndgy mhm yn st khh Hwst jm` bshd. chshm hyt r bz khny w mkhnt blqwh r-nsnyt r- dr hr khsy bbyny. twjh khny. gr my twnst chyzy bh lrn yd bdhd, hmyn bwd. twjh khrdn.
Alice Munro |
I don't take up the story and follow it as if it were a road, taking me somewhere... I go into it, and move back and forth and settle here and there, and stay in it for a while. It is more
Alice Munro |
Tak chto bud' umnitsei, Khelen, i zhivi dal'she, kak vse ostal'nye, i skoro-skoro my vse uvidim vesnu.
Alice Munro |
I don't take up the story and follow it as if it were a road, taking me somewhere... I go into it, and move back and forth
Alice Munro |
Chorar tambem nem faz mal, sabe, desde que voce nao passe a vida inteira chorando.
Alice Munro |
Alice Munro |
Ora non credo piu che la gente abbia segreti precisi e comunicabili, ne sentimenti esuberanti e facili da riconoscere. Non ci credo piu.
Alice Munro |
A los hombres les encantan las rarezas cuando la chica es lo suficientemente bonita
Alice Munro |
Demasiada felicidad
Alice Munro |