Until you do right by me, I say, everything you even dream about will fail. I give it to him straight, just like it come to me. And it seem to come to me from the trees.
Alice Walker |
The years have come and gone without a single word from you. Only the sky above us do we hold in common. I look at it often as if, somehow, reflected from its immensities, I will one day find myself gazing into your eyes.
Alice Walker |
The world was almost at the point of forgetting what a fine time people can have helping one another. That people like to work together and to kick back after work and share their experiences. What would happen if our foreign policy centered on the cultivation of joy rather than pain? she thought.
Alice Walker |
Naw, I say. Mr ____, can tell you, I don't like it at all. What is it to like? He git up on you, heist your nightgown round your waist, plunge in. Most times I pretend I ain't there. He never know the difference. Never ast me how I feel, nothing. Just do his business, get off, go to sleep. She start to laugh. Do his business, she say. Do his business. Why, Miss Celie. You make it sound like he going to the toilet on you. That's what it feel..
Alice Walker |
Why can't Tashi come to school? she asked me. When I told her the Olinka don't believe in educating girls she said, quick as a flash, They're like white people at home who don't want colored people to learn. Oh, she's sharp, Celie. At the end of the day, when Tashi can get away from all the chores her mother assigns her, she and Olivia secret themselves in my hut and everything Olivia has learned she shares with Tashi. To Olivia right now T..
Alice Walker |
I love children say Sofia. But all the colored women that say they love yours is lying. They don't love Reynolds Stanley any more than I do. But if you so badly raise as to ast 'em, what you expect them to say? Some colored people so scared of whitefolks they claim to love the cotton gin.
Alice Walker |
We'll, you know how nigger is. Can't nobody tell 'em nothing even today. Can't be rule. Every nigger you see got a kingdom in his head.
Alice Walker |
But it ain't easy, trying to do without God. Even if you know he ain't there, trying to do without him is a strain.
Alice Walker |
Then he say something that really surprise me cause it so thoughtful and common sense. When it come to what folks do together with they bodies, he say, anybody's guess is as good as mine. But when you talk about love I don't have to guess. I have love and I have been love. And I thank God he let me gain understanding enough to know love can't be halted just cause some peoples moan and groan.
Alice Walker |
I think us here to wonder, myself. To wonder. To ast. And that in wondering bout the big things and asting bout the big things, you learn about the little ones, almost by accident. But you never know nothing more about the big things than you start out with.
Alice Walker |
When we have changed everything we will eat congratulations with our tea.
Alice Walker |
The crushed teapot in the rubbish of the bulldozed house will sing in your ears forever.
Alice Walker |
There was a saying among the Mundo: It takes only one lie to unravel the world.
Alice Walker |
Hard times' is a phrase the English love to use, when speaking of Africa. And it is easy to forget that Africa's 'hard times' were made harder by them.
Alice Walker |
T}here is a point at which even grief feels absurd. And at this point, laughter gushes up to retrieve sanity.
Alice Walker |
I dead parting from them because in the short time we've been together they've been like family to me. Like family might have been, I mean.
Alice Walker |
When I was a child I read books for entertainment and information; I now think of books as lifeboats.
Alice Walker |
You know Shug will fight, he say. Just like Sofia. She bound to live her life and be herself no matter what.
Alice Walker |
Two old fools left over from love
Alice Walker |
The mysterious inner life that she had imagined gave them a secret joy was simply a full knowledge of the fact that they were dead, living just enough for their children.
Alice Walker |
Because you rubbed my shoulder last night a poem
Alice Walker |
The end is coming yesterday it was here too.
Alice Walker |
Ha qualquer faceta em todos nos que deseja uma medalha por aquilo que temos feito. Essa faceta deseja ser apreciada.
Alice Walker |
In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in ..
Alice Walker |
She used to read to us without pity; forcing words, lies, other folks' habits, whole lives upon us two, sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice. She washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn't necessarily need to know.
Alice Walker |
Celie, tell the truth, have you ever found God in church? I never did. I just found a bunch of folks hoping for him to show. Any God I ever felt in church I brought in with me. And I think all the other folks did too. They come to church to share God, not find God.
Alice Walker |
I believe God is everything, say Shug. Everything that is or ever was or ever will be. And when you can feel that, and be happy to feel that, you've found it.
Alice Walker |
Eu unu cred ca suntem aici ca sa ne miram. Sa ne miram. Sa intrebam. Iar daca te miri de lucrurile mari si intrebi de lucrurile mari, atuncea 'nveti despre alea marunte, aproape din intamplare. Da despre lucrurile mari n-ai sa stii niciodata mai multe decat stiai la inceput. Cu cat ma mir mai mult, cu atat iubesc mai mult, a spus el.
Alice Walker |
A little love, a little buckshot, that's how I'd say handle yourself.
Alice Walker |
It is the need to be remembered that has caused most of the trouble in the world,
Alice Walker |
The colonizing mind invites itself wherever it wishes to intrude; it is a worthwhile practice for the coming millennium to train ourselves away from such a mind.
Alice Walker |
I think of the meaning of the word "testimony." Originally it named the custom of two men holding each other's testicles in a gesture of trust, later to metamorphose into the handshake."
Alice Walker |
there could be no happy community in which there was one unhappy child.
Alice Walker |
You are all talking a bit too much, said Armando, who had cautioned them from the beginning to stay out of popular culture and in their own interior worlds. When you are caught up in the world that you did not design as support for your life and the life of earth and people, it is like being caught in someone else's dream or nightmare. Many people exist in their lives in this way. I say exist because it is not really living. It is akin to b..
Alice Walker |
Anyhow, I say, the God I been praying and writing to is a man. And act just like all the other mens I know. Trifling, forgitful, and lowdown.
Alice Walker |
The more powerful the powerful appear the more invisible they become, said Armando. This used to work differently than now. In the old days it was said that the powerful merged with the divine and the divine was all that one saw. But now the powerful have merged with the shadow, really with death, and when you encounter them they are really hard to see.
Alice Walker |
He beat me when you not here, I say. Who do, she say, Albert? Mr ____, I say. I can't believe it, she say. She sit down on the bench next to me real hard, like she drop. What he beat you for? she ast. For being me and not you.
alice walker |
I think us here to wonder, myself. To wonder. To ask. And that in wondering bout the big things and asking bout the big things, you learn about the little ones, almost by accident. But you never know nothing more about the big things than you start out with. The more I wonder, he say, the more I love.
Alice Walker |
All he think about since us married is how to make me mind. He don't want a wife, he want a dog. (Walker 2000: 58)
Alice Walker |
But what was good tween us must have been nothing but bodies, she say. Cause I don't know the Albert that don't dance, can't hardly laugh, never talk bout nothing, beat you and hid your sister Nettie's letters. Who he?
alice walker |
That she had seen the magazines we receive from home and that it was very clear to her that black people did not truly admire blackskinned black people like herself, and especially did not admire blackskinned black women. They bleach their faces, she said. They fry their hair. They try to look naked.
Alice Walker |
Tashi's mother and father were just here. They are upset because she spends so much time with Olivia. She is changing, becoming quiet and too thoughtful, they say. She is becoming someone else; her face is beginning to show the spirit of one of her aunts who was sold to the trader because she no longer fit into village life. This aunt refused to marry the man chosen for her. Refused to bow to the chief. Did nothing but lay up, crack cola nu..
Alice Walker |
And there was no entertainment for them at night. They were too poor to own a television set. But they seemed content. Truman with his sculpting and building the recreation center. Lynne writing poems occasionally, reading them to her friends, then tearing them up.
Alice Walker |
Let him hear me. If [god] ever listened to poor colored women, the world would be a different place.
Alice Walker |