the pernicious spread of raw food continues, and its prodigiously farting adherents continue to multiply. They must be stopped.
Anthony Bourdain |
Jacques Pepin's La Technique.
Anthony Bourdain |
Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food.
Anthony Bourdain |
Life without stock is barely worth living, and you will never attain demi-glace without
Anthony Bourdain |
like slicing bread, thick-skinned tomatoes and so on -- but on your full line of vegetables, spuds, meat and even fish. My sous-chef uses his for just about everything. F. Dick makes a good one for about twenty-five bucks.
Anthony Bourdain |
And I've long believed that good food, good eating is all about risk.
Anthony Bourdain |
The menu selections for my brother and me expanded somewhat, to include steak-frites and steak hache (hamburger).
Anthony Bourdain |
cuisine in the world -- whole roasted fish, Tuscan-style, for instance --
Anthony Bourdain |
We are, after all, citizens of the world -- a world filled with bacteria, some friendly, some not so friendly. Do we really want to travel in hermetically sealed popemobiles through the rural provinces of France, Mexico and the Far East, eating only in Hard Rock Cafes and McDonald's? Or do we want to eat without fear, tearing into the local stew, the humble taqueria's mystery meat, the sincerely offered gift of a lightly grilled fish head? ..
Anthony Bourdain |
I'd been the culinary equivalent of the Flying Dutchman too long, living a half-life with no future in mind, just oozing from sensation to sensation.
Anthony Bourdain |
It's like demanding of a date that she have unprotected sex with four or five other guys immediately before sleeping with you--just so she can't point the finger directly at you should she later test positive for clap.
Anthony Bourdain |
The food was what you might expect to find on Air Uganda tourist class:
Anthony Bourdain |
Just believe me when I tell you that the city is beautiful - and not in the oppressive way of, say, Florence, where you're almost afraid to leave your room because you might break something.
Anthony Bourdain |
What most people don't get about professional-level cooking is that it is not all about the best recipe, the most innovative presentation, the most creative marriage of ingredients, flavours and textures; that, presumably, was all arranged long before you sat down to dinner. Line cooking - the real business of preparing the food you eat - is more about consistency, about mindless, unvarying repetition, the same series of tasks performed ove..
Anthony Bourdain |
What's the most frightening thing to a child? The pain of being the outsider, of looking ridiculous to others, of being teased or picked on in school. Every child burns with fear at the prospect. It's a primal instinct: to belong. McDonald's has surely figured this out--along with what specific colors appeal to small children, what textures, and what movies or TV shows are likely to attract them to the gray disks of meat. They feel no compu..
Anthony Bourdain |
I'm through being cool. Or, more accurately, I'm through entertaining the notion that anybody could even consider the possibility of coolness emanating from or residing anywhere near me. As any conscientious father knows in his bones, any remaining trace elements of coolness go right out the window from the second you lay eyes on your firstborn. The second you lean in for the action, see your baby's head make that first quarter-corkscrew tu..
Anthony Bourdain |
The essence of cool, after all, is not giving a fuck. And let's face it: I most definitely give a fuck now. I give a huge fuck. The hugest. Everything else--everything--pales. To pretend otherwise, by word or deed, would be a monstrous lie. There will be no more Dead Boys T-shirts. Whom would I be kidding? Their charmingly nihilistic worldview in no way mirrors my own. If Stiv Bators were still alive and put his filthy hands anywhere near m..
Anthony Bourdain |
I love the saying "Nobody likes a dirty old man or a clean little boy."
Anthony Bourdain |
Is there something fundamentally, ethically ... wrong about a meal so Pantagruelian in its ambition and proportions? Other than the "people are starving in Africa" argument, and the "250,000 people lost their jobs in America last month alone" argument, there's the fact that they must necessarily trim off about 80 percent of the fish or bird to serve that perfectly oblong little nugget of deliciousness on the plate. There's the unavoidable o..
Anthony Bourdain |
Shortcut.' The word filled me with dread. When has a shortcut ever worked out as planned? The word - in a horror film at least - usually precedes disembowelment and death. A 'shortcut' almost never leads to good times.
Anthony Bourdain |
Hot, salty, crunchy, and portable, the previously awful-sounding collection of greasy delights can become a Garden of Eden of heart-clogging goodness when you're in a drunken stupor, hungering for fried snacks. At that precise moment, nothing could taste better.
Anthony Bourdain |
Norman Mailer described the desire to be cool as a "decision to encourage the psychopath in oneself, to explore that domain of experience where security is boredom and therefore sickness and one exists in the present, in that enormous present which is without past or future, memory or planned intention."
Anthony Bourdain |
I do have a heart, you see. I've got plenty of heart. I'm a fucking sentimental guy - once you get to know me. Show me a hurt puppy, or a long-distance telephone service commercial, or a film retrospective of Ali fights or Lou Gehrig's last speech and I'll weep real tears. I am a bastard, when crossed, though, no question.
Anthony Bourdain |
This book is about street-level cooking and its practitioners. Line cooks are the heroes.
Anthony Bourdain |
Let ketchup do its job. And don't make "house-made ketchup" either. Why would you do that? If it's not broken, as they say, why the fuck would you fix it?"
Anthony Bourdain |
How many'd we do?" is the question frequently asked at the end of the shift, when the cooks collapse onto flour sacks and milk crates and piles of dirty linen, smoking their cigarettes, drinking their shift cocktails,"
Anthony Bourdain |
I talk about these mysterious forces all the time with my chef cronies. Nothing illustrates them more than the Last Meal Game. You're getting into the electric chair tomorrow morning. They're gonna strap you down, turn up the juice and fry your ass until your eyes sizzle and pop like McNuggets. You've got one meal left. What are you having for dinner? When playing this game with chefs - and we're talking good chefs here- the answers are inv..
Anthony Bourdain |
To want to own a restaurant can be a strange and terrible affliction. What causes such a destructive urge in so many otherwise sensible people? Why would anyone who has worked hard, saved money, often been successful in other fields, want to pump their hard-earned cash down a hole that statistically, at least, will almost surely prove dry? Why venture into an industry with enormous fixed expenses (...), with a notoriously transient and unst..
Anthony Bourdain |
history, as they say, will always be written by the victors.
Anthony Bourdain |
Regina Schrambling is both hero and villain. My favorite villain, actually. The former New York Times and LA Times food writer and blogger is easily the Angriest Person Writing About Food. Her weekly blog entries at gastropoda.com are a deeply felt, episodic unburdening, a venting of all her bitterness, rage, contempt, and disappointment with a world that never seems to live up to her expectations. She hates nearly everything--and everybody..
Anthony Bourdain |
It's more an affliction than the expression of any high-minded ideals. I watch Mark Bittman enjoy a perfectly and authentically prepared Spanish paella on TV, after which he demonstrates how his viewers can do it at home--in an aluminum saucepot--and I want to shove my head through the glass of my TV screen and take a giant bite out of his skull, scoop the soft, slurry-like material inside into my paw, and then throw it right back into his ..
Anthony Bourdain |
From my vantage point in a busy working kitchen, when I'd see Emeril and Bobby on the tube, they looked like creatures from another planet--bizarrely, artificially cheerful creatures in a candy-colored galaxy in no way resembling my own. They were as far from my experience or understanding as Barney the purple dinosaur--or the saxophone stylings of Kenny G. The fact that people--strangers--seemed to love them, Emeril's studio audience, for ..
Anthony Bourdain |
The room smelled like a gust of wind from Satan's anus.
Anthony Bourdain |