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e0c3f82 Don't dare presume there's shame in the lot of a woman who carries on. Barbara Kingsolver
95dc28c If people played their channels right, they could be spared from disagreement for the length of their natural lives. Finally she got it. The need for so many channels. Barbara Kingsolver
d50cb0c The main barrier standing between ourselves and a local-food culture is not price, but attitude. The most difficult requirements are patience and a bit of restraint -- virtues that are hardly the property of the wealthy. These virtues seem to find precious little shelter, in fact, in any modern quarter of this nation founded by Puritans. Furthermore, we apply them selectively: browbeating our teenagers with the message that they should wait.. Barbara Kingsolver
61548cd Several studies, including research done by Allison Byrum of the American Chemical Society, have shown fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides and herbicides to contain 50 to 60 percent more antioxidants than their sprayed counterparts. Barbara Kingsolver
53e2067 from an entry by her daughter Camille] On the other hand, if cattle remain on pasture right to the end, that kind of beef is called "grass finished." The difference between this and CAFO beef are not just relevant to how kindly you feel about animals: meat and eggs of pastured animals also have a measurably different nutrient composition. A lot of recent research has been published on this subject, which is slowly reaching the public. USDA .. Barbara Kingsolver
10c1615 from an entry by her daughter Camille] ...research published fifteen years ago in the New England Journal of Medicine: eggs from chickens that ranged freely on grass have about half the cholesterol of factory-farmed eggs, and it's mostly HDL, the cholesterol that's good for you. They also have more vitamin E, beta-carotene and omega-3 fatty acids than their cooped-up counterparts. Barbara Kingsolver
7162776 Like many human beings, he took the least sign of conversation as his cue to make noise. humans noise Barbara Kingsolver
d41daf7 Thomas Jefferson presumed on the basis of colonial experience that farming and democracy are intimately connected. Cultivation of land meets the needs of the farmer, the neighbors, and the community, and and keeps people independent from domineering centralized powers. In Jefferson's time, [George] was the king. In ours, it's multinational corporations. Barbara Kingsolver
821b622 Humans are in love with the idea of our persisting,' he said. 'We fetishize it, really. Our retirement funds, our genealogies. Our so-called ideas for the ages. mortality Barbara Kingsolver
465b5b5 I took my time exploring. I savored the first minutes in a new home. Carlos would always go straight to unpacking boxes, looking for the sheets and coffeepot and swearing that we were going to get better organized, while I stepped stealthily over the bare floors, peeking around corners and into alluring doors, which generally turned out to be the broom closet. But there was that thrilling sense that, like a new lover, the place held attribu.. Barbara Kingsolver
e7f5618 How does an artist learn enough about life to fill a thimble?" "Soli, I'm going to tell you. He needs to go rub his soul against life. ..." -- barbara kingsolver
53119dd You from out of town?" he asked after a while, eying my car. "No," I said. "I go to Kentucky every year to get my license plate." I didn't like his looks." Barbara Kingsolver
c78f8e3 It was pretty clear there would be no stopping the Bullhorn, or someone like him. Here was the earthquake, the fire, flood, and melting permafrost, with everyone still grabbing for bricks to put in their pockets rather than walking out of the wreck and looking for light Barbara Kingsolver
51612fe The human person cannot face up to a bad outcome, that's just the deal. Barbara Kingsolver
270a1cb It was hard to see where all this could possibly go when it melted. Barbara Kingsolver
03b907f I read in a book that they cut off the workers' hands if they hadn't collected enough rubber by the end of the day. The Belgian foremen would bring baskets full of brown hands back to the boss, piled up like a mess of fish. Could this be true of civilized white Christians? Barbara Kingsolver
398ac55 My heart had grown older, with more in it to break. Barbara Kingsolver
5981747 Cooking is the great divide between good eating and bad. The gains are quantifiable. Cooking and eating at home - even with quality ingredients - costs pennies on the dollar compared with meals prepared by a restaurant or factory. Barbara Kingsolver
e2dbf73 Borders crumble; they won't hold together on their own; we have to shore them up constantly. They are fortified and patrolled by armed guards, these fences that divide a party of elegant diners on one side from the children on the other whose thin legs curve like wishbones, whose large eyes peer through the barbed wire at so much food--there is no wall high enough to make good in such a neighborhood. For this, of course, is what the fences .. trump Barbara Kingsolver
6e71063 The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that current food production can sustain world food needs even for the 8 billion people who are projected to inhabit the planet in 2030. This will hold even with anticipated increases in meat consumption, and without adding genetically modified crops. Barbara Kingsolver
9b87ea5 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Barbara Kingsolver
c86244d was after they discovered the world was round. I'm not scared of big words." "I didn't say you were." "You did, too! 'I realize you're no scientist, Miss Rawley," Barbara Kingsolver
0887e58 I didn't wish to be comforted. "You can't replace people you love with other people," I said. "They're not like old shoes or something." "No. But you can trust that you're not going to run out of people to love." Barbara Kingsolver
b58a3be Religion has no place in the science classroom, where it may abridge students' opportunities to learn the methods, discoveries, and explanatory hypotheses of science. Rather, its place is in the hearts of the men and women who study and then practice scientific exploration. Ethics can't influence the outcome of an experiment, but they can serve as a useful adjunct to the questions that get asked in the first place, and to the applications t.. Barbara Kingsolver
8b0b334 I don't see why you're not just going for this.' Dovey looked her in the eyes, in the mirror. 'You a rocket. You go for thing, Dellarobia. That is you. When did you ever not?' gender inequality woman women women-things work Barbara Kingsolver
3477545 Now, see, that's why everybody wants Internet friends. You can find people just exactly like you. Screw your neighbors and your family, too messy.' Dovey's phone buzzed, and she laughed, ignoring it. 'The trouble is, once you filter out everybody that doesn't agree with you, all that's left is maybe this one retired surfer guy living in Idaho. friends human-connection internet online social-media Barbara Kingsolver
b7430b2 One way of surviving heartache is to stay busy. Making something right in at least one tiny corner of the vast house of wrongs... Barbara Kingsolver
fca15eb The backs of his hands remind him of paper burning in the fireplace, the moment the taut membrane goes slack into a thousand wrinkles, just before it withers to ash and air. Barbara Kingsolver
60f4fa9 She's got a mean streak in her," I told him. "If you're unlucky enough to get ahold of a dog like that, you give it away to somebody with a big farm. I don't know what you do about a neighbor." Estevan shrugged. "I understand," he said. "Really, I don't think she knew what she was saying, about how the woman and kid who got shot must have been drug dealers or whatever." "Oh, I believe she did. This is how Americans think." He was looking at.. Barbara Kingsolver
18e4b7e A mother's body remembers her babies--the folds of soft flesh, the softly furred scalp against her nose. Each child has its own entreaties to body and soul. It's the last one, though, that overtakes you. I can't dare say I loved the others less, but my first three were all babies at once, and motherhood dismayed me entirely. The twins came just as Rachel was learning to walk. What came next I hardly remember, whole years when I battled thro.. Barbara Kingsolver
cae76d8 Want is a thing that unfurls unbidden like fungus, opening large upon itself, stopless, filling the sky. But needs, from one day to the next, are few enough to fit in a bucket, with room enough left to rattle like brittlebush in a dry wind. Barbara Kingsolver
b141c32 There will never be another Frida. Barbara Kingsolver
723988d Michael Pollan: "The industrialization--and dehumanization--of American animal farming is a relatively new, evitable, and local phenomenon: no other country raises and slaughters its food animals quite as intensively or as brutally as we do." U.S. consumers may take our pick of reasons to be wary of the resulting product: growth hormones, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, unhealthy cholesterol composition, deadly E. coli strains, fuel consumpt.. Barbara Kingsolver
349178a you always write about individualism vs. community, and that you see independence as stupidity and instead celebrate dependency. Barbara Kingsolver
681087d Twenty pounds of tomatoes will cook down into a pot of tomato sauce that fits into five one-quart freezer boxes, good for one family meal each. (Be warned, the fragrance of your kitchen will cause innocent bystanders to want to marry you.) Barbara Kingsolver
f0ec5d9 My "Kentucky NCAA Champions" shirt was by now so bloodstained, you would think I had worn it to a North Carolina game. Also, I had feathers sticking to my hair." Barbara Kingsolver
a2cc18d What we suffered in our lives we went through together, but somehow we came out different doors, on different ground levels. Barbara Kingsolver
314b2f2 Engineered genes don't play by the rules that have organized life for three billion years (or, if you prefer, 4,004). And in this case, winning means loser takes all. Barbara Kingsolver
3249d0f from an entry by her daughter Camille] Organic produce actually delivers more nutritional bang for the buck. These fruits and vegetables are tougher creatures than those labeled "conventional," precisely because they've had to fight off predators themselves." Barbara Kingsolver
e1962dd from an entry by her daughter Camille] If nobody is spritzing chemicals on the predators, all a plant can do is toughen up by manufacturing its own disease/pest-fighting compounds. That's why organic produce shows significantly higher levels of antioxidants than conventional--these nutritious compounds evolved in the plant not for our health, but for the plant's. Several studies, including research done by Allison Byrum of the American Chem.. Barbara Kingsolver
af495d4 I don't know," Magda says, "Seems like that's just how it is with you and me. We're like islands on the moon." Barbara Kingsolver
ece73a7 A storm was coming up from the south, moving slowly. It looked something like a huge blue-gray shower curtain being drawn along by the hand of God. Barbara Kingsolver
094ad23 Heroes may be less than heroic, while the common man saves the day. Barbara Kingsolver
8c00c1f You can fool history sometimes, but you can't fool the memory of your intimates. Barbara Kingsolver