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f21f703 Error can point the way to truth, while empty-headedness can only lead to more empty-headedness or to a career in politics. Barry Hughart
8b544b3 Fable has strong shoulders that carry far more truth than fact can. Barry Hughart
e88e5fa The supernatural can be very annoying until one finds the key that transforms it into science," he observed mildly... "Come on, Ox, let's go out and get killed." Barry Hughart
e768e33 The emotional health of a village depended upon having a man whom everyone loved to hate, and Heaven had blessed us with two of them. Barry Hughart
d951cfd O great and mighty Master Li, pray impart to me the Secret of Wisdom!" he bawled. "Take a large bowl," I said. "Fill it with equal measures of fact, fantasy, history, mythology, science, superstition, logic, and lunacy. Darken the mixture with bitter tears, brighten it with howls of laughter, toss in three thousand years of civilization, bellow -- which means 'dry cup' -- and drink to the dregs." Procopius stared at me. "And I will be wis.. Barry Hughart
fa526a0 Blessed are the idiots, for they are happiest people on earth. Barry Hughart
357563f Immortality is only for the gods," he whispered. "I wonder how they can stand it." Barry Hughart
5d01313 Don't be ashamed of reliving your childhood, Ox, because all of us must do it now and then to maintain our sanity. sanity Barry Hughart
b1e8570 Occasionally a moderately intelligent thought misses a turn and accidentally enters my mind Barry Hughart
ab540c0 the problem with poetic justice is that it never knows when to stop. Barry Hughart
1fbf2f2 Master Li, how are we going to murder a man who laughs at axes?" I asked. We are going to , dear boy. Our first order of business will be to find a deranged alchemist, which should not be very difficult. China," said Master Li, "is overstocked with deranged alchemists." china mad-scientists Barry Hughart
41e8916 I have never been able to understand why perfectly sensible people waste time being wittily obscure instead of just saying what they want and going on about their business. Barry Hughart
3555623 Master Li turned bright red while he scorched the air with the Sixty Sequential Sacrileges with which he had won the all-China Freestyle Blasphemy Competition in Hangchow three years in a row. Barry Hughart
dcde473 The mind is a miser," he said. "Nothing is ever thrown away, and it's amazing what you can find if you dig deep enough." Barry Hughart
dd5de64 Mystery and terror are the bulwarks of tyranny. Barry Hughart
7987337 Our senses are woefully limited. Our brains are but tiny candles flickering in an infinity of darkness. Our only wisdom is to admit that we cannot understand, and since we cannot understand we must do the best we can with faith. which is our only talent. The greatest act of faith we are capable of is that of loving another more than we love ourselves, and occasionally we can be quite good at it. love Barry Hughart
8efe54e everybody knows that the soul of a cat is formed from the composite souls of nine debauched nuns who failed in their vows. Barry Hughart
a749854 Show me a quest for personal immortality and I'll show you a path through a slaughterhouse, and the incense of personal divinity is the stench of other people's corpses. Barry Hughart
2019d26 I shall clasp my hands together and bow to the corners of the world. May your villages remain ignorant of tax collectors, and may your sons be many and ugly and strong and willing workers, and may your daughters be few and beautiful and excellent providers of love gifts from eminent families that live very far away, and may your lives be blessed by the beauty that has touched mine. Farewell. Barry Hughart
cd82837 Ox, what occupation is most closely linked to insanity?' 'Emperor,' I said promptly. Barry Hughart
c59d6ae Ox, at an early age a Chinese genius gazes at the path that lies ahead and reaches for a wine jar," Master Li said. "Is it any wonder that our greatest men have lurched rather than walked across the landscape as they hiccuped their way into history?" -- Barry Hughart
9366a12 Boy, just look at the soul shining through my eyes! It's like a goddamned flower! Barry Hughart
eaa4390 The problem with 'the crown jewel of Chinese literature' [Dream of the Red Chamber] is that it has two thousand pages and an equal number of characters, and the hero is an effeminate ass who should have either been spanked or decapitated, both ends being equally objectionable. Barry Hughart
b478012 Coge un cuenco grande, dije. Llenalo con medidas iguales de hechos, fantasias, historia, mitologia, ciencia, supersticion, logica y locura. Oscurece la mezcla con lagrimas amargas, aclarala con carcajadas, viertele tres mil anos de civilizacion, grita kan pei, que significa "copa seca", y bebela hasta las heces." Propocio me clavo los ojos. "?Y sere sabio?", pregunto. "Mejor que eso", le respondi. "Seras chino." Barry Hughart
6f75fe0 To cherish perfection is to commit creative suicide, and every true artist knows that a masterpiece is an accident that should be burned. barry-hughart li-kao master-li-and-number-ten-ox perfection story-of-the-stone wisdom Barry Hughart
c8d3d48 I have decided that the problem with poetic justice is that it never knows when to stop. Barry Hughart
9ba05e7 A fool will study for twenty or thirty years and learn how to do something, but a wise man will study for twenty or thirty minutes and become an expert. In this world, it isn't ability that counts, but authority. Barry Hughart
899fdbc the emotional health of a village depended upon having a man whom everyone hated. Barry Hughart
2d2cd59 Key Rabbit, allow me to bore you with a comparison of your wife and a beautiful woman," I said. "In the morning a beauty must lie in bed for three or four hours gathering strength for another mighty battle with Nature. Then, after being bathed and toweled by her maids, she loosens her hair in the Cascade of Teasing Willows Style, paints her eyebrows in the Distant Mountain Range Style, anoints herself with the Nine Bends of the River Diving.. beauty-queens humor Barry Hughart
336b0c0 Of course there is a slight chance that somebody might want to give the Celestial Bookmaker a heart attack. Barry Hughart
2150450 I shall clasp my hands together and bow to the corners of the world. Barry Hughart
7df880f once there was a great king who gazed down from a tall tower upon a gardener who sang as he worked, and the king cried, 'Ah, to have a life of no cares! If only I could be that gardener.' And the voice of the August Personage of Jade reached out from Heaven and said, 'It shall be so,' and lo, the king was a gardener singing in the sun. In time the sun grew hot and the gardener stopped singing, and a fine dark cloud brought coolness and then.. Barry Hughart
bec10f4 Nothing on the face of this earth - and I do mean nothing - is half so dangerous as a children's story that happens to be real, and you and I are wandering blindfolded through a myth devised by a maniac. Barry Hughart
a79832f Immortality is a meaningless word unless invulnerability goes with it. Barry Hughart
424940c O great and mighty Master Li, pray impart to me the Secret of Wisdom!' he bawled. A silly smile was sliding down the side of his face like a dripping watercolor, and his eyeballs resembled a pair of pink pigeon eggs that were gently bouncing in saucers of yellow won-ton soup. To my great credit I never batted an eyelash. 'Take a large bowl,' I said. 'Fill it with equal measures of fact, fantasy, history, mythology, science, superstition, lo.. Barry Hughart
5b7ebc9 I used to love history class. I can still quote whole passages by heart: "When the emperor entered the Hall of Balming Virtue, a violent wind came from a dark corner, and out of it slithered a giant serpent that coiled around the throne. The emperor fainted, and that night earthquakes struck Loyang, and waves swept the shores, and cranes shrieked in the marshes. On the fifth day of the sixth moon a long trail of black mist floated into the .. Barry Hughart
f41f531 Miser Shen is preparing to spend the night with a goat. Barry Hughart
3aa8954 One of the previous possessors of the stone was Chuang Tzu. He had a disciple who spent seven years studying universal energy and then demonstrated his wisdom by walking across the surface of a river and back again, and Chuang Tzu broke into tears. 'Oh, my boy!' he sobbed. 'My poor, poor, boy! You spent seven years of your life learning to do that, and all the while old Meng has been running a ferry not two miles from here, and he only char.. Barry Hughart
5131596 Within an hour we had a visit from a gentleman with shifty eyes and an interesting pattern of knife scars where his nose used to be, Barry Hughart
976480d Ginseng hunters refer to the plant as chang-diang shen, "the root of lightning," because it is believed that it appears only on the spot where a small mountain spring has been dried up by a lightning bolt. After a life of three hundred years the green juice turns white and the plant acquires a soul. It is then able to take on human form, but it never becomes truly human because ginseng does not know the meaning of selfishness." Barry Hughart
84bcb6b Nothing on the face of this earth - and I do mean nothing - is half so dangerous as a children's story that happens to be real... Barry Hughart
a5aa729 Men cannot come any closer to immortality without going insane. Barry Hughart
98ecbf9 He actually seemed to want an answer, so I shrugged and said, "A superior who inherited the job from an uncle rams a barge pole up his ass." Barry Hughart
fbaf383 Is it any wonder that our greatest men have lurched rather than walked across the landscape as they hiccupped their way into history?" "Sir, that's the best autobiography I ever heard!" I said enthusiastically." Barry Hughart