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c2f2194 I don't think you ever get over it, but you do get through it. Beverly Jenkins
f0775d9 legs smooth as silk, Beverly Jenkins
336e978 Even though he was glad they'd have a second chance, that chance wouldn't be with him, and because it wouldn't, sorrow rode him. Logically, he understood the state wanting them placed with people of their own race but his heart didn't believe that should be the only measuring stick. What about caring and commitment? Admittedly, he knew next to nothing about child-raising, but he and the twins could have learned along the way. Maybe sometime.. Beverly Jenkins
cf73582 Just because women whore doesn't mean they don't have hopes or dreams or desires of their own. There is little glamour in taking strange men into your bed. Beverly Jenkins
95d8f38 Most men like you are always interested in women like myself, but what they fail to see is this is my job, it isn't necessarily who I am. People tend to meld the two and fail to realize that distinction. Beverly Jenkins
58b1b94 The Death Books Zahra and her forces were hunting were real, and they are referenced in Adams' Congressional testimony, as well. In my humble opinion, a full historical treatment of Henry Adams and his contributions to the race is long overdue, so all of you true historians out there, the ball's in your court. Beverly Jenkins
9d3fe2b Restating her refusal to marry him and making him believe it once and for all seemed necessary, however, so she said, "Dinner would be fine." Beverly Jenkins
a3730d5 The name and accomplishments of Oscar J. Dunn have faded so much over time, he has all but disappeared from the history books. The controversy surrounding his untimely death remains unresolved. No one knows why his family refused the autopsy, or why considering the numbers of other Republicans who claimed to have had the same symptoms, Dunn was the only one to die. Beverly Jenkins
5376252 but if he did marry, the least he could do was honor his mother's ultimate sacrifice by finding a woman who didn't hold her and the Old Queens he was descended from in contempt. In some ways such a pledge made little sense to a man who'd left his race, but to Rhine it made all the sense in the world. Beverly Jenkins
2c9546b She did look up then. "Do you always insult women with knives in their hands, Mr. Brown?" Beverly Jenkins
0dde2fc I've always believed the Spirit puts people in our lives for a reason. I'm not sure if that applies to eleven-year-old carjackers, but we'll work with what the Spirit sends. Beverly Jenkins
a899762 Never is a strong word, Domino. Life often has a way of negating nevers. Beverly Jenkins
6abf011 Michigan in Ann Arbor were seeking to establish practices in larger cities such as Boston, Philadelphia, and Richmond. Nate had written many letters, but it seemed no one wanted to practice in a place like the Grove where payment for services was more likely to be rendered in chickens and vegetables than in coin. There were also no big city amusements available unless one counted the gambling and whores at Maddie's Liberty Emporium outside .. Beverly Jenkins
a2d2d84 If you were the man of my heart, I'd be your wife, not mistress. I don't share well. Beverly Jenkins
580a651 She gave him a knowing smile and said pleasantly, "For all your legendary expertise, Mr. Le Veq, you know nothing about a woman like me, so, shall we return to the business at hand?" Archer got the distinct impression that he'd offended her. An offended whore?" Beverly Jenkins
976bbc6 mouth, savoring her response and how perfectly her behind fit his palms. He eased her into his hardness while he languidly and brazenly slid his hands over her hips. The thought of exploring the warmth she treasured between her thighs made him want to undress her fully and take Beverly Jenkins
d14bafe We were barred last year as well," Sylvie informed Eddy. "But it's okay. We do our celebrating on August first anyway, just like the rest of the country's Colored communities." -- Beverly Jenkins
3e61621 So, having been dismissed by his mistress while pining for a woman who belonged to another, he rode out of the city to the abandoned plantation his good friend Hugh had purchased, and hoped he had some cognac on hand. Beverly Jenkins
1ac6c8b While Logan sat in the carriage, Drew and the baby entered the bordello, and for the second time that night, the place went ghostly quiet. Few babies patronized Gertie's. Beverly Jenkins
3d6f482 You aren't a hitter, are you?" He stared down, confused. "You mean will I hit you?" "Yes. I know that some men are." "No. Never." He gathered her back in and held her tight. "Never." "Good. I didn't think you were." He pulled back and scanned her face. "If I do you have my permission to shoot me." "I'll shoot you permission or not." He laughed. "We're going to do well together." sassy-heroine spousal-abuse Beverly Jenkins
9798596 all females, regardless of age, race, or circumstances, should always be plotting rebellion to better the state of women. Beverly Jenkins
95827af Eddy dreamed of owning her own restaurant. It was a common belief that women like her, the descendant of slaves, had no right to dream. Beverly Jenkins
c7c3504 There were undoubtedly worse things than being an unmarried woman in charge of her own life, free to come and go as she pleased, free to explore pleasure. Beverly Jenkins
b61d42f Sheriff, I'm wanted everywhere--but not by the law. romance Beverly Jenkins
08fbe0f Never mind then. Do what's best for her. Not you. But if you need me to ride north, let me know. Beverly Jenkins
ecc52ad Two years ago, the Supreme Court handed down an 8-1 decision that found the 1875 Civil Rights unconstitutional. Beverly Jenkins
7ca75bf Why do you want to marry me?" "Because I want this adventure we're on to continue. Because you fill my heart. Because I want you to have that garden." marriage-proposal Beverly Jenkins
7b1afea Because the world needs sons and daughters with the courage of their fathers, and you are a courageous man. courage Beverly Jenkins
896d415 The catsuit would hug her frame like steam on glass. Beverly Jenkins
1ad2818 What your mother means is that we could hear you snoring soon as we pulled up into the driveway. No way was I going to risk my hearing by going into your room. Beverly Jenkins
bf83d21 I'd given him my virginity because he told me I was special, but apparently I was simply a new link in a very long chain." "So what did you do?" ... "Put red pepper sauce in his rubbers." Beverly Jenkins
b60b35d Maggie knew Betsy was a female crusader, but also knew that many times crusaders like her were only interested in their own personal equality. social-justice suffragette race-relations Beverly Jenkins
687314b Maggie cracked, "Quite the businesswoman, isn't she?" "Makes the capitalists back East look like rubes." capitalism Beverly Jenkins