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81c2c3b The gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place on October 26, 1881. It took about thirty seconds to write a chapter in American history that will never be forgotten. Bill O'Reilly
9a8f345 Lincoln has become so addicted to the telegraph's instant news from the front that he still can't let go of the need for just one more bit of information, even though the prospect of another great battle is slim. Bill O'Reilly
e20b9b8 Most people live their lives as if the end were always years away. They measure their days in love, laughter, accomplishment, and loss. There are moments of sunshine and storm. Yet life can end in less time than it takes to draw one breath. Bill O'Reilly
3dd470c I'm gonna make race the basis of politics in this state, and I'm gonna make it the basis of politics in this country." Later, at his inaugural, he proclaimed, "I have stood where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this cradle of the Confederacy, this very heart of the great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom ... Let us rise to the call of freedom-lovi.. Bill O'Reilly
d95627d I believe the highest aspiration of man should be individual freedom and the development of the individual. That there is a sacredness to individual rights! Bill O'Reilly
e05fa88 Gen. George S. Patton Jr. fears no one. But now he sleeps flat on his back in a hospital bed. His upper body is encased in plaster, the result of a car accident twelve days ago. Room 110 is a former utility closet, just fourteen feet by sixteen feet. There are no decorations, pictures on the walls, or elaborate furnishings--just the narrow bed, white walls, and a single high window. A chair has been brought in for Patton's wife, Beatrice, w.. Bill O'Reilly
22172f4 Antwerp Bill O'Reilly
96d8027 the Secret Service is now saying that Hinckley could have been stopped. All it would have taken was for Delahanty and the other Metro Police officers on the rope line to continue facing the crowd as Ronald Reagan departed the Hilton. It is a question that will dog Thomas Delahanty the rest of his life. Bill O'Reilly
53ac154 It has been widely pointed out that the two men had much in common. In fact, the parallels are amazing: Lincoln was first elected in 1860, Kennedy in 1960. Both were assassinated on a Friday, in the presence of their wives. Their successors were both southerners named Johnson who had served in the Senate. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808, Lyndon Johnson in 1908. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846, while Kennedy was elected to the House .. Bill O'Reilly
5f32900 The president's philandering aside, unquestionably the biggest change between the Kennedy Bill O'Reilly
7cc14e7 audience looking on, and 3,700 mourners in the pews, Margaret Thatcher's taped eulogy concludes. Bill O'Reilly
737bf24 autobiography, he claimed Bill O'Reilly
558bfc2 Karen Morley Bill O'Reilly
d80d45e the idea that someone with a different upbringing, from a different part of the country, with a different outlook and a different viewpoint, might actually have something valid to say, something worth listening to. Bill O'Reilly
6ff04e5 they respect the private; he is the company Bill O'Reilly
981fdaa It is a substantial meal: orange juice, bacon, toast slathered in marmalade, two soft-boiled eggs, and coffee with cream. Bill O'Reilly
52bd133 he needed to have sex at least once a day or he would suffer awful headaches. Bill O'Reilly
de1b9c6 And so it is that Simon--whom Jesus renames Peter, meaning "rock"--becomes Jesus's first disciple." Bill O'Reilly
54f6a94 his brain splattered all over the trunk of a car. Bill O'Reilly
241828f I can be smart when it's important," she replies, "but most men don't like it." Bill O'Reilly
442984d the aging diplomat sits down at the desk of French foreign minister Charles Gravier, the Bill O'Reilly
5cf047f Civilians!" they read in Japanese. "Evacuate at once! "These leaflets are being dropped to notify you that your city has been listed for destruction by our powerful air force. "This advance notice will give your military authorities ample time to take necessary defensive measures to protect you from our inevitable attack. Watch and see how powerless they are to protect you. Systematic destruction of city after city will continue as long as .. Bill O'Reilly
b459982 Ask not what your country can do for you," he commands, his voice rising to deliver the defining sentence, "but what you can do for your country." Bill O'Reilly
e49901f Lauren Bacall stands Bill O'Reilly
56e92fa In fact, the parade scene in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off memorably honors Von Steuben Day and the Baron's German heritage. Bill O'Reilly
29f0526 either live happily ever after--or murder the president of the United States. Bill O'Reilly
23ba9fd President Franklin Roosevelt issues a special exhortation. He encourages citizens not just to give thanks but to read their own version of Scripture every day between now and Christmas to ensure "a renewed and strengthening contact with those eternal truths and majestic principles which have inspired such measure" Bill O'Reilly
7e3ab2f Boson Bill O'Reilly
4f3d1e7 he walks Bill O'Reilly
3851efd Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Reverend King is as intense and enigmatic as President Kennedy. He is a man of deep religious values who also sleeps with women outside his marriage. His Bill O'Reilly
b5d6702 Estimates of the number of people killed by Stalin range from as low as twenty million to as high as sixty-two million "unnatural deaths" during Stalin's time as Soviet leader. The man who is credited with saying that "death solves all problems" and "One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic" murdered his own citizens through executions, artificial famines, forced-labor camps, incarceration, and torture." Bill O'Reilly
c056425 Our past is our key to our future, Bill O'Reilly
d2d97ea It's almost comical that a man plotting a murder takes the bus to and from target practice, Bill O'Reilly
6dc1369 The 1930s taught us a clear lesson: Aggressive conduct, if allowed to grow unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to war. This nation is opposed to war. We are also true to our word. Our unswerving objective, therefore, must be to prevent the use of these missiles against this or any other country and to secure their withdrawal or elimination from the Western Hemisphere. Bill O'Reilly
5b87d34 enormity of the German caravan Bill O'Reilly
7093fdb From their lofty summits overlooking Boston Harbor and the city itself, the colonists can fire cannonballs--which is why the British have spent the last three weeks secretly plotting an invasion of the Charlestown Peninsula, to capture those heights. But just two days ago, on June 13, the rebels got word of the British plans. Working day and night, they have been preparing redoubts from which to fend off the redcoats. Six feet high, made of.. Bill O'Reilly
301ec93 Here's something that really surprises me: The more stuff I have, the more stuff I want. And so I looked around and saw that everyone else was the same way. It was not until I had a few things that I noticed how this works. The material stuff is addicting! Remembering my parents, I try to fight against the "stuff addiction." I refuse to buy jewelry or trinkets. I don't need expensive toys like Jet Skis or snowblowers. I keep the material th.. Bill O'Reilly
757b709 In short, this country has developed a ridiculous blind spot: the power and glorification of money. This is truly an affliction. It is holding us back as a nation, as a community. The true heroes of America are not the new Internet billionaires or the overpaid sports stars and movie actors or the wise guys who jack up their companies' stocks. The true heroes of America are the men, women, and teenagers who go to work for a modest wage, fulf.. Bill O'Reilly
82d185a Such is life in the Roman Empire, which has begun its slow decline into ruin. There is little justice or nobility among Bill O'Reilly
cf5daa8 The general public had no love for either the banks or the railroads, which were controlled by fat cats in the North and the East who cared not at all for the troubles of the poor workingman. All Jesse James was doing was fighting back for all the people who had no fight left in them. He became the nation's most revered outlaw. Bill O'Reilly
e40d6a0 But the question remains: How accurate--if at all--was Edwards's portrayal? Was there, in reality, any political motivation behind James's life of crime, or was he simply a bad guy who served a symbolic purpose? Was he a hero of the downtrodden South, or was he the same person once described by Robert Pinkerton as "the worst man, without any exception, in America. He is utterly devoid of fear and has no more compunction about cold blooded m.. Bill O'Reilly
b8bd542 A fiery horse, with a speed of light--a cloud of dust, a hearty laugh, The Lone Ranger is perhaps the most attractive figure ever to come out of the West. Bill O'Reilly
c631885 I'm that same David Crockett, fresh from the backwoods, half horse, half alligator, a little touched with the snapping turtle; can wade the Mississippi, leap the Ohio, ride upon a streak of lightning and slip without a scratch down a honey locust; can whip my weight in wildcats and, if any gentleman pleases, for a ten dollar bill he may throw in a panther ... Bill O'Reilly
a4d5ee1 tactician. He also has a deep understanding of Japanese culture, believing that the nation Bill O'Reilly
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