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20636a6 have a smile for everyone you meet and a plan to kill them. smile Brad Thor
20b164f You know when I told you the joke about how a friend will help you move, but a real friend will help you move a body? I was only kidding. brad-thor scot-harvath fiction thriller Brad Thor
5f10879 all members of Congress should be required wear NASCAR uniforms. You know, the kind with the patches? That way we'd know who is sponsoring each of them. I think he was kidding; they'd never be able to do it but it's a great idea and would wake people up in this country. nascar sponsorship politics humor Brad Thor
78df664 There are many lay people and scholars alike, both with and without the Muslim community, who feel that the pure orthodox Islam of the fundamentalists could never survive outside the context of its seventh-century Arabian origins. Apply twenty-first-century science, logic, or humanistic reasoning to it and it falls apart. They believe this is why Islam has always relied so heavily on the threat of death. Question Islam, malign Islam, or lea.. humanism islam Brad Thor
731c415 You can't kill an American Citizen without benefit of a trial." "I can if you're on the list, traitor." "LIST? What list? What the hell are you talking about?" BLACK LIST, July 24" black-list brad-thor fiction Brad Thor
060290b There aren't many honest men or women in Washington anymore. Politicians get where they are by the sheer force of their egos, not their convictions. And you know what? It's our fault as voters. We don't demand better candidates, so we end up getting what we deserve--on both sides of the aisle. Brad Thor
8e05774 Power perceived is power achieved. Brad Thor
4d77e53 Happiness in life is all about three things--something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. Brad Thor
1b6d740 If he's like any other man I've ever met, it's not my smile he's going to be looking at. brad-thor scot-harvath men fiction humor life thriller Brad Thor
512acb2 Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." --JOHN F. KENNEDY" Brad Thor
36b13e1 Benjamin Franklin, that those who trade some of their liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither and will lose both. The wisdom of the founders never ceased to amaze him. Brad Thor
e682e9e Hegelian dialectic--a psychological tool used to manipulate the masses. In this case, you create a problem, wait for the reaction, and then offer the solution. What people historically fail to realize, though, is that those offering the solution are the same people who caused the problem in the first place. They also fail to realize that no matter what the solution is, it always ends up providing its creators with more power. Brad Thor
8b3713c If you steadfastly refused to quit, you rapidly narrowed your options to only winning. Brad Thor
fc49831 You ever work with a UN stabilization force?" Ash asked. Harvath shook his head. "Then trust me. As the old saying goes, you can't spell unprofessional, unethical, or unaccountable without the UN. The cholera outbreak the old blue helmets caused in Haiti? Over ten thousand dead, and it has spread to the Dominican Republic and Cuba. The rapes and sex crimes they have committed in Mali and everywhere else? The stories of their depravity and b.. Brad Thor
449a45b Human beings are the most successful of animals because of their capability to learn, and an abused animal learns very quickly to defend itself. It also learns very quickly to trust very few people - if any. lifelessons trust-no-one truthbomb people trust Brad Thor
ca31a22 Canada was the most patient invading force in the world--one penny at a time, one pop singer at a time, one actor at a time. ... It might take them ten thousand years to conquer the United States, but they were on the move, and the American people needed to wake up. Brad Thor
a29352d We don't even use the word terror anymore. There's only 'man-made disasters' caused by disenfranchised groups who are really just 'misunderstood. Brad Thor
2b458cc We've been warned." "Exactly. It's a clever form of the Hegelian dialectic--a psychological tool used to manipulate the masses. In this case, you create a problem, wait for the reaction, and then offer the solution. What people historically fail to realize, though, is that those offering the solution are the same people who caused the problem in the first place. They also fail to realize that no matter what the solution is, it always ends u.. Brad Thor
e404ec8 Muslim students would go through a bunch of feel-good exercises and leave with the impression that without Islamic contributions to science, there would be no U.S. space program. Brad Thor
9832d02 While the words are yet unspoken, you are master of them; when once they are spoken, they are master of you. Brad Thor
dfb4edc I know my limits. You don't ever need to worry about me." "Thanks, Scot. I'll remind myself of that next time I see you looking like a flipped turtle." Brad Thor
a253081 He was coming in way too fast. He'd had no choice. The wind had changed, and coming in quickly was the only way to keep up with the speed of the enormous vessel. Brad Thor
43e18d7 Al Qaeda" didn't translate to "the base," as most Western media outlets had so ignorantly reported, but rather, "the database." It referred to the original computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with the help of the CIA to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan." Brad Thor
d340547 When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." --EDMUND BURKE" Brad Thor
0897796 Anything that grows is, by definition, alive. Washington, D.C. was no exception. As a living organism, the Federal Government's number one job was self-preservation. Any threat to its existence had to be dealt with. Brad Thor
8614daa My point is that bureaucrats--like everyone else--have a mind-set. The longer they work for government, the more they believe government is the answer, and the less they trust the everyday citizen. In fact, they begin to believe that certain groups of citizens are the root of the nation's problems. They see them as a threat. If those citizens can be brought to heel, the bureaucracy sees itself as doing the citizenry at large a greater good,.. Brad Thor
4d1049d 1. Decrease current human population below five hundred million and keep it in perpetual balance with nature. 2. Guide reproduction wisely--improving fitness and diversity. 3. Unite humanity with a "living" new language. 4. Redistribute global wealth under the more acceptable term "global public goods." 5. Rebalance personal rights with "social duties." 6. Replace passion, faith, and tradition with reason. 7. Make clever use of new technolo.. Brad Thor
6b14e04 The only people who might hope to survive were those who had exercised some degree of caution and had prepared in advance. Brad Thor
9098ad4 The worth of a culture, in his opinion, could be boiled down to one thing--how well that culture took care of its weakest members, particularly its women and children. Brad Thor
64ddcc1 The great thing about the British SAS was that they viewed war the same way the American Special Operations community did. You didn't win by thinking inside the box and following someone else's rules. You turned the box upside down and made your own rules, no matter what the enemy threw at you. Brad Thor
3f37fd3 The rain forests of the Congo Basin contained so much water that they caused their own weather system, and were known as the "Lungs of Africa." Brad Thor
cc4a5d3 speed of the enormous vessel. There was no other way to do this. It had to be tonight. They might wait weeks for Brad Thor
2c3f290 As a living organism, the Federal Government's number one job was self-preservation. Any threat to its existence had to be dealt with. Brad Thor
e983f9e The best kind of nation was one where the government feared the people. When the government feared the people there was liberty. When the people feared the government, there was tyranny. Brad Thor
f88241b Malthus believed that a Utopian society could never be achieved as long as the world's population was allowed to continue to grow unchecked. The only way to protect the earth and improve the existence of mankind was to have less of mankind--something he believed Mother Nature would eventually deliver in the form of widespread famine and disease. Brad Thor
2eef09a For instance," said Alan, "we're now learning that the smallpox pandemics of the Middle Ages, not the plague, mind you, but smallpox, left generations of people with a rare genetic defect that protects them against infection by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. We estimate that approximately one percent of people descended from northern Europeans are virtually immune to HIV infection." Brad Thor
718d49a People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. --George Orwell Brad Thor
0899616 In America, only opportunity is assured, not outcomes. Anyone who promises otherwise is acting contrary to the values upon which our Republic was founded. Brad Thor
cd9e667 Aerotechnik Super Vivat Icarus motorgliders had an enormous wingspan and looked like a typical side-by-side pilot/passenger configuration sailplane that had been crossed with a small Cessna single-prop aircraft. Brad Thor
4cdee53 He had the three ingredients to happiness right in the palm of his hand and he knew it--something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. Brad Thor
f19db53 As the old saying goes, you can't spell unprofessional, unethical, or unaccountable without the UN. Brad Thor
dc32d64 If there's one lesson I've learned, it's that life is all about change, and stress comes from avoiding change. Brad Thor
1e5bd48 Good luck with that, Harvath thought. In his experience, life was predominantly made up of three distinct groups: sheep, sheepdogs, and wolves. And if there was one thing he had learned from a lifetime of hunting wolves and protecting sheep, it was that sheep had two speeds--graze and stampede. Now that word was out that the virus was loose, all bets were off. Very soon, chaos was going to ensue. "What else do you have?" he asked, bracing h.. Brad Thor
17b4b13 Robert Ashford possessed one of the key character flaws necessary to a traitor. He thought he was smarter than everyone else. This allowed the overeducated career bureaucrat to sell out his own country, because he believed he knew what was best for his nation and its people. traitors elite vanity Brad Thor
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