Peter yelled out, "Jesus!" He and the disciples moved to help. Jesus snapped his palm back at them to stop. He was fifty yards away from the disciples, right inside the temple district of the ravine. The demoniacs staggered out of their hiding places toward Jesus. He now looked up into heaven with hands held out in vulnerability. Simon could feel, if not hear, the sounds of a thousand spirits whispering foul words and vile thoughts in the a..
Brian Godawa |
It had some kind of access to the underworld. Equally significant was the fact that this sacred space stood at the foot of the mountain range of Hermon, the cosmic mount of assembly of the gods. Simon had read the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Giants at Qumran. He knew of the fall of the Watcher gods at this very mountain before the Flood. This was the heart of evil in the land of Bashan, the place of the Serpent.
Brian Godawa |
As their ranks closed in, Simon could see that the solid crowd of hundreds of possessed creatures had stopped its advance within a few yards of Jesus. Those behind tried to push forward, but the line would not move. It was as if an invisible barrier held them from advancing upon him. There was no way out for Jesus, and no way in for them. They swayed as if under a spell. A cacophony of growls and screeches peppered the crowd, making Simon t..
Brian Godawa |
Jesus lowered his arms. The entire massive crowd of demoniacs fell to the ground, unconscious, downed by a spiritual wave of power. A gust of wind drew up out of the fallen bodies and became a whirlwind around Jesus. Dust and debris flew around him. The whirlwind then sucked away from Jesus into the large cave opening, and everything went silent. Dead silent. When the individuals in the crowd began to move, they were disoriented, as if they..
Brian Godawa |
Jesus said to those around him, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" Peter blurted out, "Some say John the Baptist come back from the dead." John spoke up, "Some say you are Elijah from heaven." Simon added, "It seems the masses have imagined you being the return of just about every prophet from our Scriptures." Jesus looked around at them with a somber face. "But who do you say that I am?" The disciples glanced at each other sheepis..
Brian Godawa |
From primeval days, this cosmic mountain and its gates has been a stronghold of evil on this earth. Yet, I say to you, upon this rock, I will build my church. And the Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." He thought for a moment, then looked back at the disciples again. "To you, I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heave..
Brian Godawa |
Jesus looked back at the cave, then up at the mountain and recited a Psalm of David. "O mountain of God, mountain of Bashan; O many-peaked mountain, mountain of Bashan! Why do you look with hatred, O many-peaked mountain, at the mount that Elohim desired for his abode, yes, where Yahweh will dwell forever? The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; the Lord is among them; Sinai is now in the sanctuary. You ascende..
Brian Godawa |
Rabbi, where are you going?" After an uncomfortable silence, Jesus finally said, "Back to camp," and he turned and walked away. The disciples caught up with him on the path along the other side of the river. Demas and Gestas overheard Jesus explaining to them, "We must prepare to go to Jerusalem soon. It will be a time of great suffering for me." "What do you mean?" asked Peter. "I will be killed there. But the twelve of you should not desp..
Brian Godawa |
mountain of God, O many-peaked mountain of Bashan. The mount that Elohim desired for his abode.'" He looked directly at Demas and Gestas. "The phrase, 'twice ten thousand, thousands of thousands' refers to the heavenly host of Elohim's divine council. They are his holy ones, Sons of God who did not rebel." The brothers knew that "host" was a military term for a king's army of warriors. "Sinai was Yahweh's holy mountain in the Exodus, until ..
Brian Godawa |
Jesus turned back to the cave, took a deep breath, and said, "Get ready for all Hades to break loose." He led them into the dark, wide cavernous mouth of death. It was pitch black. But the archangels could see just as well as in the light with their preternatural sight. Being human, Jesus was not so equipped. He stumbled on some rocks. Mikael, his guardian, took his hand and led him gingerly into the blackness. They had gone some distan..
Brian Godawa |
opportunity to boast to Ittai. "A big battle is coming. The Sons of Rapha will finally be unveiled in all our power and glory. Speak nothing of this, or I will have to slit your throat." "Of course." Lahmi gave his usual grin of contempt. "We are the Seed of the Serpent cursed by the Israelite god Yahweh. Ha! It is a badge of honor to be so cursed by such a despicable deity. We will hand him his curse back on the blade of our scimitars!" It..
Brian Godawa |
Ittai was thinking of the fact that he had Nephilim blood in him. He did not have the height, but he had the extra fingers and toes--which he had cut off--and he had the strength. He had Nephilim blood in his own veins. He was cursed by this Yahweh god who fascinated him. Lahmi was unaware of Ittai's concerns. "So the sword you forge today for Goliath will be the sword that will cut off the head of this so-called messiah king. That is why i..
Brian Godawa |
Elohim worked in mysterious ways.
Brian Godawa |
The angels came up to Jesus carrying Gabriel and Uriel. Raphael said, "Mikael is on his way to Tartarus with Ba'al." Saraqael and Raguel approached from out of the black. Saraqael said, "Pan got away. He is a slippery scoundrel, that one." Mary smiled broadly. "I know where he went." They looked to her for more. She said, "He went to Gaia, the Mother Earth Goddess." Gabriel said, "Well, isn't that convenient. That old gnarly tree was next o..
Brian Godawa |
When Ham was under the spell of Anu and Ishtar, they had secretly experimented on him through occultic sciences that were beyond the knowledge of mankind at the time. They had altered his body by splicing their own genetic makeup into his. But they also violated his wife, Neela, impregnating her with a newly developed genetic implantation. One that would carry the recessive genes of the Watchers without resulting in immediate gigantism. The..
Brian Godawa |
it was plain by Canaanite standards, a simple elevated wooden seat carved from a tree, with two lion Cherubim also carved from wood at each side of the arms. To David, it represented Yahweh's messiah king, anointed by Yahweh's holy Seer to bring heaven and earth into unity. As in heaven, so on earth, he thought. They waited by the entrance for the king's arrival. Saul stepped out from the back of the room and approached the throne. He was a..
Brian Godawa |
David said to Saul, "Sorry, my lord. Forgive my incompetence." He began to play the coronation psalm he had played for Jonathan on the hillside. Its effect on Saul was immediate. A peace came over him. The whisperer went away. His tension released and his nervous twitching and ticks vanished. It seemed as if his mind all of a sudden became clear and he could even see more clearly with his eyes. It was like a fog had been lifted from over hi..
Brian Godawa |
In this moment of clarity, Saul regretted that he had opened the gates of Tartarus to satisfy his hunger. There was an emptiness in his soul, a deep and abiding emptiness, like a pit in Sheol, that drove him. He had believed that greatness and glory might satiate the hunger. But now he realized he had bitten off more than he could eat. He felt nauseous. Nevertheless, he determined to institute a pogrom to root out all mediums, necromancers ..
Brian Godawa |
I accept your offering, and I bid you welcome my children, my Sons of Rapha." Goliath responded with the respect he showed only to the gods but to no man, "We are your bondservants, my lord and god. Command us and we will obey." Dagon growled, and then spoke. "The skies are very dark over the land of Canaan. The time has come for me to reveal to you your most important calling." Goliath responded, "We have trained for twenty-five years. We ..
Brian Godawa |
In response to this provocation from Judas, Caesar placed Judea under direct provincial administration from Rome. The Herodian rulership over the Jews was restricted to Galilee, but the Roman army made its presence felt with quartered troops all over the territory. They delivered harsh punishments for every minor offense. The people lived in abject fear for their lives with the grip of Imperial Rome around their throats. It was within this ..
Brian Godawa |
Herodian ruling class. These were the traitors that fornicated with Rome and exploited the Jewish poor. These were the wealthy who bought and paid for the priesthood of Israel, turning the holy into an abomination.
Brian Godawa |
They all tended to portray a gloomy dark world where the unrighteous dead suffered in one form or another. The righteous dead, however were taken away to garden paradises, or "Isles of the Blessed."
Brian Godawa |
Nimrod continued, "These were the one percent of wealthy pigs who ruled over the ninety-nine percent of people with their greed and their selfishness! But I swear to you by my very head and by the head of my queen Semiramis, that as our subjects you will never go hungry!" The crowd burst out in applause. He milked it, "You will never be without shelter in the great city of Babylon!" More applause resounded. "You will never be without health..
Brian Godawa |
Baptism was recruitment into that supernatural holy war that reiterated the waters of the Flood cleansing unholiness and evil from the individual's life, in preparation for a new messianic world. But in the case of Jesus, it was much more. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit had come upon him, which was foretold by Isaiah the prophet, "Behold my Servant, whom I uphold, my Chosen One, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon ..
Brian Godawa |
Yahweh the Father then spoke the words from heaven, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Those words were an allusion to a well-known messianic psalm of David where Yahweh spoke to the coming King. "You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your possession." But justice and inheritance were not merely a passive receiving of land rights...
Brian Godawa |
And the faithful were not the only ones privy to the prophecy. Even from the earliest of ages, the heavenly principalities and powers used the Seed of the Serpent to hunt down the Chosen Ones in each generation to try to kill them. Enoch, Noah, Abraham and others were protected by Yahweh from this murderous plan. The oracles of the pagan diviner Balaam and others foretold a divine star coming from the line of Jacob, a kingly scepter from Is..
Brian Godawa |
Uriel thought flies a most disgusting creature and quite apropos for demonic entities. This was only beginning. She fell to the ground in convulsions. Jesus said, "That is one of you. There are six more. Come out of her, foul spirits." A piercing, shrieking howl bellowed from deep within her and echoed throughout the cave. Uriel winced at the high pitch. He had sensitive ears. Another demon left her. Jesus reached over and placed her robe b..
Brian Godawa |
Just smell that. It's heavenly." Jesus's senses came alive with the sweet warm smell of freshly baked bread. His stomach cried out ferociously. Belial's words were sing song seductive. "Well, look what we have here. I believe it is exactly the stone ground wheat bread your own mother, that blessed Virgin, used to bake for you." Jesus was still on his knees. He looked over to see a loaf of steaming hot bread, fresh from the oven, sitting on ..
Brian Godawa |
Prove now you are worthy of your Scriptural claims. If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, 'He will command his angels concerning you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.' Or are you not God's new Melchizedek?" His sarcasm carried particular venom when he mocked Jesus's phrase, "it is written." Jesus swallowed and replied, "On the other hand, it is also written, ..
Brian Godawa |
When Elohim sent the Deluge as punishment for mankind's wickedness on the earth, part of that evil was this miscegenation of unholy human angelic hybrids. With those waters, archangels came from heaven and imprisoned many of the Watchers in the earth to await their final judgment. Seventy of the Watchers remained free.
Brian Godawa |
Warned by Gabriel, the Magi never returned to Herod and Jesus's parents escaped to Egypt until after Herod died. By the time Herod, that son of a serpent, murdered all the young male children of Bethlehem, Jesus was already gone. Jesus knew that Herodian mass murder was a mere portent of the battle he had in his future. And this monster before him was the heavenly architect of his earthly opposition. Jesus swayed in his stance. He reached d..
Brian Godawa |
Jesus was standing on the high place of the stronghold of supernatural evil next to the Prince of the Power of the Air. Belial swiped his hand and the clouds appeared to part, enabling Jesus the ability to see all the known world below and their cities of men. Belial's contempt melted into a seductive whisper in Jesus's ear. "Do you see all these kingdoms and their glory? They have been delivered to me, and I give them to whom I will."
Brian Godawa |
How deliciously ironic that something so apparently beneficial to the mind as education could be twisted into a tool of power to lull young minds into thoughtless adherence.
Brian Godawa |
the toledoth or genealogy, 'These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood. The sons of Ham were Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.' Now by careful exegesis of the tablet text, I noticed that there was an unusual repetitive reference to 'Ham, the father of Canaan.' Hermeneutics, or the art of textual interpretation, would tell us that such repetition points toward an unusual identity..
Brian Godawa |
In your blood runs the future of a people who have the power to change the world. I am the god you will need to help you be able to do so." "B-but I am cursed of Elohim," said Canaan, "to be a slave to the sons of Noah." Ishtar bent down and whispered with a hiss, "When I am done with you, you will rule over the sons of Noah! And Elohim will choke on his curse as you choked on this food."
Brian Godawa |
The heavenly principalities and powers cannot touch you. But the earthly humans over which we rule can." Though they had no authority to touch Yahweh's anointed, they might do so through their human vessels. Jesus trembled with the weight of responsibility that now overwhelmed him. But the pain was lessened when he heard the familiar sound of his favorite angel echo in his mind. Jesus, be strong and courageous. "Jesus, be strong and courage..
Brian Godawa |
Mikael, the largest and best groomed of the three, was the guardian prince of Israel, and tended to be protective of his ward. He offered a wineskin to Jesus, who took it and gulped with gratitude. After a moment of silence, Jesus wiped his beard of the wine and said, "You need a better sense of humor, Gabriel." Gabriel pouted with frustration at being ganged up on. Uriel, his perpetual nemesis was one thing. But being teased by the Master ..
Brian Godawa |
understood the larger picture they were all participating in. Jesus was binding the principalities and powers over the land, and his next target was at Caesarea Philippi.
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Twenty-five miles to the south, the Sea of Galilee and its surrounding cities of Capernaum, Bethsaida and Tiberius were all within reasonable distance for common travel and economic activity. Caesarea Philippi was a multicultural nexus of ethnicity as well, with a thoroughly mixed population of Semites, Greeks and Romans from all over the empire.
Brian Godawa |
He saw them as a mob, carried away by their own bloodlust, and just as easily manipulated by their rulers as their entertainers. A crowd of otherwise intelligent or moderate individuals, could become a hive of unthinking insects, hornets incited by a wave of the hand or the proclamation of a meaningless slogan.
Brian Godawa |
Far be it from you, Lord. This shall never happen to you. Do not the Scriptures say Messiah will reign at the right hand of Yahweh until he has made his enemies your footstool?" Jesus turned angry toward him. "Get behind me, Accuser. You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man." Jesus strode away, leaving Peter in shock, crestfallen. A moment before, Jesus had given him the key..
Brian Godawa |
Yahweh says to my Lord Adonai: "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." Yahweh sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies! Yahweh is at your right hand; he will shatter kings on the day of his wrath. He will execute judgment among the nations, filling them with corpses. A Psalm of David"
Brian Godawa |
Gestas asked Simon, "The demon in that girl you exorcised, how did it know our hearts?" Simon said, "The power of demons lies in the sins of mankind. Unconfessed or unatoned sin is the weapon that a spirit uses against its host and its enemies." The implication was obvious to each of the brothers. They needed atonement. Demas thought, Why do I need atonement? Rome is the evil that has raped our land, enslaved our people, and stolen everythi..
Brian Godawa |
It was a universal notion in their world since primordial days that the heavens were connected to the earth. The saying went, "As above, so below." From Baal-Hermon, to Babylon, to Assyria, to Israel, temples were cosmic mountains that connected the heavens above with the earth and underworld below. As Asaph, the Israelite psalmist wrote, "He built his sanctuary like the high heavens, like the earth, which he has founded forever." The earth..
Brian Godawa |