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fd8d6fc The mannequins are not fitted with full simulation mechanics, so you will have to imagine the next part. Apparently it is a necessary procedure in proper courtship ritual. The man will kiss her ear, lick it, and promise his everlasting love. Traditionally, this causes the woman to go into heat." He looked sternly at the boy. "Do you understand this so far?" Gilbertus nodded. Somewhat to Erasmus's consternation, the boy displayed a detached .. Brian Herbert
a4d7d21 Brilliant, Piter! I'm glad I didn't execute you all those times when you were so annoying.' 'So am I,' de Vries said. Brian Herbert
b4fb229 You carve wounds upon my flesh and write there in salt! Brian Herbert
ab035be What is this Love that so many speak of with such apparent familiarity? Do they truly comprehend how unattainable it is? Are there not as many definitions of Love as there are stars in the universe? Brian Herbert
f4c71fe Though death will cancel it, life in this world is a glorious thing. Brian Herbert
f6d37cb The Unknown surrounds us at any given moment. That is where we seek knowledge. Brian Herbert
bf89a80 Some say that the anticipation of a thing is better than the thing itself. In my view, this is utter nonsense. Any fool can imagine a prize. I desire the tangible. Brian Herbert
1463365 A man may fight the greatest enemy, take the longest journey, survive the most grievous wound -- and still be helpless in the hands of the woman he loves. Brian Herbert
6f7c73b We are indeed miserable, my friends, but we don't have to be dismal about it. Brian Herbert
ab20e90 As a human being, I was born on the brink of personal destruction, and I have spent my life dancing along the edge of that cliff. Brian Herbert
9814790 Not all accidents are what they seem. Victims do no even know why they have been chosen. Brian Herbert
79a53ba We are animals, yet are expected to be so much more. Although honor requires us to make altruistic decisions, even acting for the benefit of other people keeps coming back to self-interest, no matter how much one attempts to conceal it. Brian Herbert
2170b02 Baron Vladimir Harkonnen had made a lifetime career of seeking new experiences. He dabbled in hedonistic pleasures - rich foods, exotic drugs, deviant sex - discovering things he had never done before. But a baby in Harkonnen would he handle that? Brian Herbert & Kevin Anderson
9d8c2d9 Absolute rules are for unthinking people. Sheep require fences--humans do not. Brian Herbert
7d02634 Her face looked like a fruit from which all the juice had been sucked. old Brian Herbert
b935572 We must face our responsibilities regardless of whether we get what we want. Brian Herbert
d7e7a8b Think of what this planet has done to us. Dune took my Duke and my son and shattered all our hopes and dreams as a family. It people. Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
b434b4b Written words, if carefully laid down, represent the civilized ideal of reason. writing Brian Herbert
673fe19 But this ... creature was none of those things. He was barely distinguishable from an animal. The young man--singlehandedly--seemed intent on increasing the universe's entropy by an order of magnitude. Brian Herbert
6a36f7c Your outrageous and reckless chaos is the only reason you are able to beat me in any strategy game," Seurat said. "It certainly has nothing to do with your innate skills." Brian Herbert
5fd343a the tough philosophy of Ginaz taught that there were no accidents, no excuses for failure. Every event was the result of a sequence of actions. Intentions were irrelevant to actual outcomes. Brian Herbert
3cbe2ff Quite a body count around here today, Fenring mused. And I didn't kill any of them. Brian Herbert & Kevin Anderson
5209af6 Looking closely at de Vries, he added, 'You are a very ugly man, Piter. Even with my disease, I'm still prettier than you. Brian Herbert & Kevin Anderson
933d310 Some people consider facts to be dangerous things that must be locked away and carefully guarded. But I consider mysteries a far greater threat. We should seek answers wherever possible, regardless of the consequences. --GILBERTUS ALBANS, secret Erasmus dialogues Brian Herbert
81e007d the Baron felt cold inside, certain that even the most careful manipulations would not stand up to the close scrutiny of these demonic auditors. Brian Herbert
c021ece Each of us influences the actions of the people we know. --XAVIER HARKONNEN, Brian Herbert
42de09a A winner has more skills than a loser," Vor said, "no matter how you define the competition." -- winners vorian-atreides winning losers losing Brian Herbert
36aae62 The tapestry of the universe is vast and complex, with infinite patterns. While threads of tragedy may form the primary weave, humanity with its undaunted optimism still manages to embroider small designs of happiness and love. Brian Herbert
db3ca77 Anyone who searches for the meaning of life is on a fool's journey. Human life has no redeeming purpose or value. --the cymek GENERAL AGAMEMNON, A Time for Titans Brian Herbert
6d505d2 Address the solvable first, instructs the father by way of teaching his son crisis management. That way, he counsels, there is less distraction to tackle more daunting issues. leadership priorities Brian Herbert
70cb081 But the Butlerians turn fear into violence and panic into a weapon. By creating imaginary problems and raising the specter of nonexistent enemies, they transform common people into a wild herd that destroys everything they do not understand. sci-fi Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
8acfa9a A requirement of creativity is that it contributes to change. Creativity keeps the creator alive. -- FRANK HERBERT, unpublished notes Brian Herbert
34fd2bd The simplest solution is an immediate cessation of all hostilities between you and the League of Nobles," Vidad said to Omnius. "You keep your Synchronized Worlds, and the free humans keep their League Worlds. In exchange, the mutual aggression ends. There will be no further deaths, no further violence between machine and man." Brian Herbert
e2cdce3 Eventually, if Quinto Paolo succeeded in his mission, at least Vorian Atreides would understand. Xavier asked for nothing more. Brian Herbert
1c6f1e4 Dhartha's deep blue eyes flashed. "This is not about pride, Aurelius Venport. This is only about killing a pest of the desert." Brian Herbert
1684e36 She suspected that Iblis Ginjo was a dangerous, duplicitous man, but saw no one more qualified to take the Jihad where it needed to go. For his own reasons, he did, after all, espouse the same cause as her Sorceresses: the utter annihilation of thinking machines. Iblis would, however, require the closest sort of scrutiny and would have to be handled with excruciating care. Brian Herbert
376ae1c Looking around, Ishmael noted that the humans in control here didn't seem to care. Why is their religious fervor acceptable, while ours is a matter of scorn? Brian Herbert
ae913ba Would it ... would it be possible for me to speak with them?" "No," the secondary said. In his exalted position, Iblis Ginjo was unaccustomed to hearing such a response." Brian Herbert
5cea9a5 Jool Noret, we admire you. You are the scourge of Omnius." "I am merely doing my job." Brian Herbert
75c4133 Arrakis is ours because we have taken it," Selim announced. "We have learned to survive under the harshest circumstances, without depending upon the benevolence of strangers or trade with offworld intruders." Brian Herbert
196b3c9 I have seen into the heart of the universe. Brian Herbert
39cee94 No matter the challenge, his people knew how to endure. Brian Herbert
284dd18 My child, human love is an infinite resource. No matter how many times it is expended, whether stolen or given away, love can grow again--like a flower from a bulb--and fill your heart. Brian Herbert
9d3cf3c I will take their ridiculous peace and shove it down their cold metal throats. Brian Herbert
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