Todo es amor... todo es amor. Con el amor llega la comprension. Con la comprension llega la paciencia. Y entonces el tiempo se detiene. Y todo es ahora.>>
Brian L. Weiss |
People cannot be judged hastily.
Brian L. Weiss |
The experience is necessary to add emotional belief to intellectual understanding. But the impact of experience always fades to some degree.
Brian L. Weiss |
special?" "No, just"
Brian L. Weiss |
Our body is just a vehicle for us while we're here. It is our soul and our spirit that last forever.
Brian L. Weiss |
But another type of life review happens to all of us when we die and our consciousness leaves the physical body at the end of each lifetime. This time it is not done with a therapist, but rather with our spiritual guides or other wise beings; it is not a clinical life review but a karmic one. As we are replenished by the beautiful light, our awareness is directed to review the results of our actions while we were on the physical plane. We s..
Brian L. Weiss |
On another night, in a different dream I was asking a question. "How is it that you say all are equal, yet the obvious contradictions smack us in the face: inequalities in virtues, temperances, finances, rights, abilities and talents, intelligence, mathematical aptitude, ad infinitum?" The answer was a metaphor. "It is as if a large diamond were to be found inside each person. Picture a diamond a foot long. The diamond has a thousand facets..
Brian L. Weiss |
Empathy teaches this lesson; it is one of the feelings we are put on Earth to learn, a key aspect of our preparation for immortality. It is difficult lesson in that we must experience it not only in our mind but in our physical bodies, and in the mind and body we have pain, dark emotions, difficult relationships, enemies, loss and grief. We thus tend to forget others and concentrate on ourselves. But we also have love, beauty, music, art, d..
Brian L. Weiss |
silent. This was
Brian L. Weiss |
La gente aparece en nuestras vidas en momentos determinados por diversos motivos que tienen que ver con las lecciones que hay que aprender. No
Brian L. Weiss |
Pero si la gente supiera que <>, entonces ese miedo desapareceria. Si todos supieran que han vivido antes incontables veces y que volveran a vivir otras tantas, !cuanto mas reconfortados se sentirian! Si supieran que hay espiritus a su alrededor, cuando se encuentran en estado fisico; que despues de la muerte, en estado espiritual, se reuniran con esos espiritus, inclui..
Brian L. Weiss |
Se que hay un motivo para todo. Tal vez en el momento en que se produce un hecho no contamos con la penetracion psicologica ni la prevision necesarias para comprender las razones, pero con tiempo y paciencia saldran a la luz.
Brian L. Weiss |
El miedo es un derroche de energia; impide a las personas cumplir con aquello para lo cual fueron enviados.
Brian L. Weiss |
Wisdom is achieved very slowly. This is because intellectual knowledge, easily acquired, must be transformed into 'emotional,' or subconscious, knowledge. Once transformed, the imprint is permanent. Behavioral practice is the necessary catalyst of this reaction. Without action, the concept will wither and fade. Theoretical knowledge without practical application is not enough.
Brian L. Weiss |
By knowledge we approach God.
Brian L. Weiss |
George told me that there was a hierarchy of spirits and that the one who visited him in his dream wasn't necessarily at the highest level. There are other places and other dimensions that are even higher and do not belong to the Earth. Still, we have to learn the lessons of the Masters because the important thing was to progress, he said. ... His blue spirit told him that we see the past lifetimes that are important to this one. ... "You..
Brian L. Weiss |
Poor health tends to make narcissists of us, and narcissism makes us blind to compassion, empathy, anger management, and patience - all elements that, when mastered, will lead us higher up the evolutionary scale toward immortality.
Brian L. Weiss |
I thought about how people tended to congregate in homogeneous groups, avoiding and often fearing outsiders. This was the root of prejudice and group hatreds. "We also must learn not to just go to those people whose vibrations are the same as ours." To help these other people. I could feel the spiritual truths in her words."
Brian L. Weiss |
A constantly criticized child can loose as much confidence and self-esteem as one who remembers being humiliated on one particular, horrifying day. A child whose family is impoverished and has very little food available on a day-to-day basis might eventually suffer from the same psychological problems as a child who experienced one major episode of accidental near-starvation.
Brian L. Weiss |
Our task is to learn, to become God-like through knowledge. We know so little. You are here to be my teacher. I have so much to learn. By knowledge we approach God, and then we can rest. Then we come back to teach and help others.
Brian L. Weiss |
The past is finished. Learn from it and let it go. The future is not even here yet. Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it. Worrying is worthless. When you stop ruminating about what has already happened, when you stop worrying about what might never happen, then you will be in the present moment. Then you will begin to experience joy in life. We
Brian L. Weiss |
When I talk about religions, I am referring to the wonderful spiritual wisdom and traditions, not to the man-made edicts and rules that were promulgated for political reasons and which serve to separate people rather than to unify them. We must be careful to differentiate spiritual truths from politically motivated rules. Such rules are fences, keeping us fearful and apart.
Brian L. Weiss |
I was fascinated by the way her conceptions of death and the afterlife changed so much from lifetime to lifetime. And yet her experience of death itself was so uniform, so similar, every time. A conscious part of her would leave the body around the moment of death, floating above and then being drawn to a wonderful, energizing light. She would then wait for someone to come and help her. The soul automatically passed on. Embalming, burial ri..
Brian L. Weiss |
O Karma nao e um castigo,mas antes uma oportunidade de crescimento. Mesmo que as experiencias sejam dificeis e dolorosas, elas nao sao uma retribuicao. Sao apenas a via para aprender a licao que precisamos de aprender. Meio de aprendizagem e crescimento.
Brian L. Weiss |
On another night, in a different dream I was asking a question. "How is it that you say all are equal, yet the obvious contradictions smack us in the face: inequalities in virtues, temperances, finances, rights, abilities and talents, intelligence, mathematical aptitude, ad infinitum?" The answer was a metaphor. "It is as if a large diamond were to be found inside each person. Picture a diamond a foot long. The diamond has a thousand facets..
Brian L. Weiss |
I remember the words of the great physicist Albert Einstein: A human being is part of the whole we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself in his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest . . . a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to fr..
Brian L. Weiss |
even found myself overlooking my own flaws, for the same reasons. I didn't need to try to be perfect or in control all the time. There really was no need to impress anyone.
Brian L. Weiss |
There is no real evil. Ignorant spirits might appear to be dark, but they are simply at an unenlightened (literally, "in the dark") level."
Brian L. Weiss |
If you do not, when you return you will have to carry that trait, as well as another one, into your next life. The burdens will become greater. With each life that you go through and you did not fulfill these debts, the next one will be harder. If you fulfill them, you will be given an easy life. So you choose what life you will have. In the next phase, you are responsible for the life you have. You choose it.
Brian L. Weiss |
Whenever we kill another person, we also kill a part of ourselves. To be violent, to hate, and to kill are wrong. We fail the lesson; we have to repeat the course. At a deeper level, we can never really be killed because we are consciousness, we are soul. But in this physical dimension we can die corporeally, and we must stop the violence. It is time to act like the spiritual beings that we truly are. .
Brian L. Weiss |
Es asi de sencillo. El reino de los cielos esta en nuestro interior. Deje de buscar gurus. En vez de eso, busquese a si mismo. No tardara en encontrar su verdadero hogar.
Brian L. Weiss |
The Biology of Hope and the Healing Power of the Human Spirit,
Brian L. Weiss |
Nos nao somos seres humanos a ter uma experiencia espiritual. Somos seres espirituais a ter uma experiencia humana.
Brian L. Weiss |
Si se lo permitimos, los ninos pueden ensenarnos la salida.
Brian L. Weiss |
Es importante recordar que el karma esta relacionado con el aprendizaje, no con el castigo. Nuestros padres y todas las personas con las que nos relacionamos estan dotados de libre albedrio. Pueden querernos y ayudarnos, u odiarnos y hacernos dano. Su eleccion no es nuestro karma. Su eleccion es una manifestacion de su libre albedrio. Tambien ellos estan aprendiendo.
Brian L. Weiss |
Los hechos de una vida previa encauzan la vida presente. Tolstoi
Brian L. Weiss |
Brian L. Weiss |
Abrir el corazon] tiene muchisima relacion no solo con la calidad de vida sino tambien con su cantidad, es decir, con su duracion. [...] La soledad y el aislamiento aumentan el riesgo de enfermedad y de muerte prematura por cualquier motivo, entre un doscientos y un quinientos por ciento. [...] Cuando
Brian L. Weiss |
Elegimos a nuestros padres, que suelen ser almas con las que hemos interactuado en vidas anteriores.
Brian L. Weiss |
A menudo resulta que hechos del pasado lejano siguen influyendo en las relaciones actuales. Darse cuenta de las causas fundamentales de vidas anteriores puede servir para arreglar la relacion del presente.
Brian L. Weiss |
Aunque hemos caminado sobre la luna y hemos dividido el atomo, todavia discriminamos y libramos guerras en nombre de la religion. Parece que en nuestras creencias respectivas solo vemos las diferencias, o las verdades comunes. Los arboles no nos dejan ver el bosque.
Brian L. Weiss |
Todos somos lo mismo; todos remamos en la misma galera. En nuestras muchas reencarnaciones, hemos sido de todas las religiones, de todas las razas. El alma no tiene raza, no tiene religion. Solo
Brian L. Weiss |
En un estudio publicado en The Lancet, la prestigiosa revista medica britanica, un grupo de investigadores informo de que una combinacion de dieta, ejercicio y tecnicas de reduccion del estres podia invertir el proceso de obstruccion arterial en las enfermedades coronarias. Los cambios en la dieta y el ejercicio, por si solos, no producen este efecto. De hecho, las tecnicas de reduccion del estres constituyen un factor necesario y mucho mas..
Brian L. Weiss |
The detailed, scientifically acceptable studies of Dr. Joseph B. Rhine at Duke University, of Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia, Department of Psychiatry, of Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler at the College of the City of New York, and of many other serious researchers prove that this can be done.
Brian L. Weiss |