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b1eeeb6 I know you feel inhuman, and as if you are set apart, away from life and love, but... I promise you, the right man won't care. Cassandra Clare
8ecdc5a I suspect he's sweet on Sophie and doesn't like to see her work too hard.' Tessa was glad to hear it. She'd felt awful about her reaction to Sophie's scar, and the thought that Sophie had a male admirer - and a handsome one like that- eased her conscience slightly. 'Perhaps he's in love with Agatha', she said. 'I hope not. I intend to marry Agatha myself. She may be a thousand years old, but she makes an incomparable jam tart. Beauty fades,.. humorous glib infenal-devices jam clockwork-angel tessa-gray will-herondale Cassandra Clare
53900f4 You and your name-dropping. 'I knew Michael'. 'I knew Sammael'. 'The angel Gabriel did my hair'. It's like with biblical figures. lilith jace-lightwood Cassandra Clare
046861c It is as great a thing to love as it is to be loved. Love is not something that can be wasted. Cassandra Clare
d2f7f7c This is bad," said Jace. "You said that before." "It seemed worth repeating." Cassandra Clare
4ec8aab You stole a boat," she snapped. "What am I doing with you, you boat-stealing lunatic?" humour Cassandra Clare
f4f7808 Isabelle and Sebastian? Hardly. Sebastian's a nice guy - Isabelle only likes dating thoroughly inappropriate boys our parents will hate. Mundanes, Downworlders, petty crooks..." "Thanks," Simon said. "I'm glad to be classed with the criminal element." simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
9678db5 Charlotte slammed the paper down onto her desk with an exclamation of rage. "Aloysius Starkweather is the most stubborn, hypocritical, obstinate, degenerate--" She broke off, clearly fighting for control of her temper. Tessa had never seen Charlotte's mouth so firmly set into a hard line. "Would you like a thesaurus?" Will inquired. "You seem to be running out of words." Cassandra Clare
a881e37 I saw Jonathan after he faced the fear demon, you know. It showed itself to him as you. That told me all I needed to know. The greatest fear in Jonathan's life is the love he feels for his sister. Cassandra Clare
a7973b3 She had never imagined that the kiss would be so brief and desperate and wild. Or that it would taste of holy water. Holy water and blood. Cassandra Clare
7788c0b He took something out of his jacket and handed it to her. It was a long thin dagger in a leather sheath. The hilt of the dagger was set with a single red stone carved in the shape of a rose. She shook her head. "I wouldn't even know how to use that--" He pressed it into her hand, curling her fingers around it. "You'd learn." He dropped his voice. "It's in your blood." She drew her hand back slowly. "All right." "I could give you a thigh sh.. Cassandra Clare
ff28d66 It's so dark," she said lamely. "You want me to hold your hand?" Clary put both her hands behind her back like a small child. "Don't talk down to me." "Well, I could hardly talk up to you. You're too short." Cassandra Clare
1e4ae79 Yeah, well, you clearly also couldn't be bothered to call me and tell me you were shacking up with some dyed-blond wanna-be goth you probably met at Pandemonium. After I spent the past three days wondering if you were dead." "I was not shacking up," Clary said, glad of the darkness as the blood rushed to her face. "And my hair is naturally blond," said Jace. "Just for the record." Simon, Clary, and Jace, pg. 115" jace-wayland simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
0f25e48 He'd felt like a jack-o-lantern for the past few days, as if his guts had been yanked out with a fork and dumped in a heap while a grinning smile stayed plastered on his face. Cassandra Clare
adb7dda Clarissa," he said, "here with the vampire, I see. When things have settled a bit, we really must discuss you choice in pets.." Cassandra Clare
5eba938 And now," Eric yelled into his mircophone, "we're going to sing a new song-one we just wrote. This one's for my girlfriend. We've been going out for three weeks, and, damn, our love is true. We're gonna be together forever, baby. This one's called 'Bang You Like a Drum." -- funny humor love eric teenage-love teen crazy Cassandra Clare
04cbc8d Iz," Alec said tiredly. "It's not like it's one big bad thing. It's a lot of little invisible things. When Magnus and I were traveling, and I'd call from the road, Dad never asked how he was. When I get up to talk in Clave meetings, no one listens, and I don't know if that's because I'm young or if it's because of something else. I saw Mom talking to a friend about her grandchildren and the second I walked into the room they shut up. Irina .. magnus-bane gay Cassandra Clare
f07744e Love potions? For Will Herondale? T'aint my way to turn down payment, but any man who looks like you has got no need of love potions, and that's a fact. will-herondale Cassandra Clare
9179e8b You've got a lot of responsibility now," Jace said to Julian. "You'll have to make sure Emma winds up with a guy who deserves her." Julian was strangely white-faced. Maybe he was feeling the effects of the ceremony, Emma thought. It had been strong magic; she still felt it sizzling through her blood like champagne bubbles. But Jules looked as if he'd been slapped. "What about me?" Emma said, quickly. "Don't I have to make sure Jules winds .. responsibility lady-midnight parabatai jace-herondale the-dark-artifices emma-carstairs julian-blackthorn Cassandra Clare
f138b61 His hands lay flat on either side of him, his arms at his sides. He seemed barely to be breathing; she wasn't sure she was breathing herself. She slid her own hand across the bedsheet, just far enough that their fingers touched-so lightly that she would have probably hardly been aware of it had she been touching anyone but Jace; as it was, the nerve endings in her fingertips pricked softly, as if she were holding them over a low flame. She .. love jace-and-clary jace-wayland Cassandra Clare
74d2526 While this is all very amusing, the kiss that will free the girl is the kiss that she most desires," she said. "Only that and nothing more." Jace's heart started to pound. He met the Queen's eyes with his own. "Why are you doing this?" ... "Desire is not always lessened by disgust...And as my words bind my magic, so you can know the truth. If she doesn't desire your kiss, she won't be free." "You don't have to do this, Clary, it's a trick--.. kissing kiss clary-and-jace fairie-kiss jace-and-clary jace-and-clary-kissing jace-pov clary-fray the-mortal-instruments jace Cassandra Clare
a22b15b Jem shook his head. "You bit de Quincey" he said. "You fool. He's a VAMPIRE" will-herondale Cassandra Clare
656cd81 If it's the lack of forbidden you're worried about. You could still forbid me to do things." "What kind of things?" She felt him smile against her mouth. "Things like this." Cassandra Clare
a23d0d3 I don't know why I ever helped you." "Because you like broken things." Cassandra Clare
dfd0bf7 Alec," Magnus said. He put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder; Alec was standing still, staring angrily at the floor. "Are you okay?" Alec looked at him. "Who are you again?" Magnus gave a little gasp; he looked -- for the first time Simon could remember -- actually unnerved. It lasted only a moment, but it was there. "Alexander," he said. "Too soon to joke about the happy memory thing, I take it," Alec said." magnus-bane Cassandra Clare
9f971ac Simon stepped between them. "I'm not going to let you fight with each other." "And what are you going to do about it if . . . Oh." Jace's gaze trailed up to Simon's forehead, and he grinned reluctantly. " So basically you're threatening to turn me into something you can sprinkle on popcorn if I don't do what you say?" city-of-fallen-angels jace-lightwood simon-lewis mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
085154d We need to talk," she said. "All of us. About what we're going to do now." "I was going to watch ," said Jace. "Its on next." "No you're not," said Magnus. He snapped his fingers and the TV went off, releasing a small puff of smoke as the picture died. "You need to deal with this." "Suddenly you're interested in solving my problems?" "I'm interested in getting my apartment back. I'm tired of you cleaning all the time." Magnus snapped his f.. clary-fray jace-wayland magnus-bane simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
c2c1add Wo wei ni xie de," he said, as he raised the violin to his left shoulder, tucking it under his chin. He had told her many violinists used a shoulder rest, but he did not: there was a slight mark on the side of his throat, like a permanent bruise, where the violin rested. "You -- made something for me?" Tessa asked. "I wrote something for you," he corrected, with a smile, and began to play." tessa-gray Cassandra Clare
2a18c37 This could be the last night of our lives, certainly the last even barely ordinary one. The last night we go to sleep and get up just as we always have. And all I could think of was that I wanted to spend it with you." Her heart skipped a beat. "Jace-" "I don't mean it like that," he said. "I won't touch you, not if you don't want me to. I know it's wrong - God, it's all kinds of wrong - but I just want to lie down with you and wake up with.. jace-wayland Cassandra Clare
a725253 He leaned against the door frame, ignoring the kick of adrenaline the sight of her produced. He wondered why, not for the first time. Isabelle used her beauty like she used her whip, but Clary didn't know she was beautiful at all. Maybe that was why. Cassandra Clare
61a2a06 Oh, I can never get enough," he said. "Which, incidentally, is what your sister said to me when - " The carriage door flew open. A hand shot out, grabbed Will by the back of the shirt, and hauled him inside. The door banged shut after him, and Thomas, sitting bolt upright, seized reins of the horses. A moment later the carriage had lurched forth into the night, leaving Gabriel staring, infuriated, after it." Cassandra Clare
1e21f23 She had loved him for such a long time, she thought. How was it that she did now know him at all? jealousy wonder sadness heartbreak love Cassandra Clare
aefcc18 It's a girl," Jace said, recovering his composure. "Surely you've seen girls before, Alec. Your sister Isabelle is one." city-of-bones clary-fray isabelle-lightwood jace mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
00d233b Demon pox, oh, demon pox, Just how is it acquired? One must go down to the bad part of town Until one is very tired. Demon pox, oh, demon pox I had it all along-- No, not the pox, you foolish blocks, I mean this very song-- For I was right, and you were wrong! will Cassandra Clare
c3b8945 She pulled away. "That doesn't make any sense." "Neither does this," he said, "but I don't care. I'm sick of trying to pretend I can live without you. Don't you understand that? Can't you see it's killing me?" jace-wayland Cassandra Clare
381a0ef I thought perhaps that when you told me you did not love me that my own feelings would fall away and atrophy, but they have not. They have grown every day. I love you now more desperately, this moment, than I have ever loved you before, and in an hour I will love you more than that tessa-gray will-herondale Cassandra Clare
0cbdf87 Isabelle and Jace had left the topic of dead Shadowhunters behind and had moved on to something Jace apparently found even more horrifying__Isabelle's date with Simon. "I can't believe he took you to an actual restaurant." Jace was on his feet now, putting away the floor mats and training gear while Isabelle leaned against the wall and played with her new gloves. "I assumed his idea of a date would be making you watch him play World of Warc.. clary-fray jace-lightwood Cassandra Clare
fc7b662 Alec pulled his knees up to his chest and looked thoughtfully at Jace. "I know," he said. "I'm not jealous. I always knew, from the first, that everyone thought you were better than me. My dad thought it. The Clave thought it. Izzy and Max looked up to you as the great warrior they wanted to be like. But the day you asked me to be your parabatai, I knew you meant that you trusted me enough to ask me to help you. You were telling me that you.. Cassandra Clare
65fab11 Look, Simon, Luke thinks you should tell your mom. You can't hide it from her forever." "I can damn well try." "Think about Luke," she said desperately. "You can still live a normal life." "And what about us? Do you want a vampire boyfriend?" He laughed bitterly. "Because I foresee many romantic picnics in our future. You, drinking a virgin pina colada. Me, drinking the blood of a virgin." Cassandra Clare
e0252ad Do you want to go back to Vienna?" he said. Alec didn't answer, just stared into space. "Or we could go somewhere else," said Magnus. "Anywhere you want. Thailand, South Carolina, Brazil, Peru - Oh, wait, no, I'm banned from Peru. I'd forgotten about that. It's a long story, but amusing if you want to hear it." south-carolina magnus-bane Cassandra Clare
de58e50 Oh, God, the lovebirds," Magnus said, pulling the pillow off his face. "I hate happy couples." Cassandra Clare
5a47c16 Isabelle!" he called again. "Let down your raven hair!' "Oh my God," Clary muttered. "There was something in that blood Raphael gave you, wasn't there? I'm going to kill him." city-of-heavenly-fire clary sizzy the-mortal-instruments isabelle shadowhunters simon vampires Cassandra Clare
213e38c Jace likes to pretend that everyone isn't talking about him, even when he knows they are. Cassandra Clare
8ab9162 Maybe I could love someday." If you ever do," he said, "come and let me know. You know where to find me." Her teeth were chattering harder. "I can't lose you, Simon. I ." You never will. I'm not leaving you. But I'd rather have what we have, which is real and true and important, than have you pretend anything else. When I'm with you, I want to know I'm with the real you, the real Clary." She leaned her head against his, closing her eyes... Cassandra Clare