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b68e512 I swear that all dogs are born knowing certain words. Walk. Eat. Good dog. The important stuff. Charles de Lint
0e3fc08 There's stories and then there's stories," he said, interrupting her. "The ones with any worth change your life forever, perhaps only in a small way, but once you've heard them, they are forever a part of you. You nurture them and pass them on and the giving only makes you feel better. "The others are just words on a page." Charles de Lint
02fa2e4 Maybe she couldn't go. Maybe she wanted him to stay. But she knew enough not to try to hold him back if he had to go. It was no different than making friends with a wild creature. You could catch them and tie them up and make them stay with you, but their heart would never be yours. Their wild heart, the thing you loved about would wither and die. So why would you want to do such a thing? Charles de Lint
a5f4e02 I can't think of a better rationale to create a work of art. I don't care what form one's art takes, it has to be an attempt to leave the world a better place than it was before we got here or it's not doing its job. And I don't mean just making things that are pretty. Charles de Lint
a41abd0 In one form or another, it was one of the first implements created by ancient people to give voice to the mysteries that words cannot encompass, but that they had a need to express. Only the drum was older. Charles de Lint
4d1b7ae The old gods and their magics did not dwindle away into murky memories of brownies and little fairies more at home in a Disney cartoon; rather, they changed. The coming of Christ and Christians actually freed them. They were no longer bound to people's expectations, but could now become anything that they could imagine themselves to be. "They are still here, walking among us. We just don't recognize them anymore." Charles de Lint
df67f09 There are no happy endings," Cerin told her. "There are no real endings ever--happy or otherwise. We all have our own stories, which are just a part of the one Story that binds both this world and Faerie. Sometimes we step into each others' stories--perhaps just for a few minutes, perhaps for years--and then we step out of them again. But all the while, the Story just goes on." Charles de Lint
a74e9f0 He's this Goth dude, can control people." "Goth, like a Visigoth German Viking of the middle ages, or a Neil Gaiman-looking, Robert Smith, make-up-and-moonbeams Cure fan?" "What's a Neil Gaiman?" "You're an idiot." Charles de Lint
5f1e5da Bi kashtesko merel i yag, his Uncle Nonka would have said. Without wood the fire would die. Dwelling on sorrow and prikaza merely made them grow. Charles de Lint
d9a7885 in subsequent work where I explored the dark, I used the pseudonym Samuel M. Key. Charles de Lint
07836f6 With every light another color. --Romany description of themselves Charles de Lint
a871486 I've always wondered about the other religions. The Christian god is supposed to have created the world in seven days." "Their world--not ours." -- Charles de Lint
93825f9 You'd be okay with somebody eating you?" She shrugs. "If I'm stupid enough to get caught, sure. Everybody's got to eat." "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that idea." "Nobody goes looking for it. But life isn't ours to keep. We only get to hold it for a little bit and then we've got to pass it on." Charles de Lint
43e8ab8 telling me how the saguaro hold the spirits of the Kikimi who have lived a good life. He waited expectantly until I asked the question he was waiting for: What happens to those who live a bad life? They come back as people, he told me. Charles de Lint
0c9a37f She should have gotten a dog instead of having a kid. Dogs are easy to train and they like being led around on a leash. Charles de Lint
b11f220 Everything can talk," the old woman replied. "The trick is, not everybody knows how to listen." Charles de Lint
f2f8b60 Nothing strikes me as truly weird," Jilly told him. "There's only stuff I haven't figured out yet." Charles de Lint
eabd7b5 Life and death are only different positions on the wheel. Charles de Lint
8c480d7 On a quiet day, when the wind was still, the creek could be heard all the way up to where the old beech stood. Under its branches, cats would come to dream and be dreamed. dreams circle cats Charles de Lint
c5b21d2 Change wasn't necessarily bad. It was just scary. Charles de Lint
13d8bb0 On a quiet day, when the wind was still, the creek could be heard all the way up to where the old beech stood. Under its branches, cats would come to dream and be dreamed. Black cats and calicos, white cats and marmalade ones, too. But they hadn't yet gathered on the day the orphan girl fell asleep among its roots, nestling in the weeds and long grass like the gangly, tousle-haired girl she was. Her name was Lillian. dreams circle roots cats Charles de Lint
0d35c8e On a quiet day, when the wind was still, the creek could be heard all the way up to where the old beech stood. Under its branches, cats would come to dream and be dreamed. Black cats and calicos, white cats and marmalade ones, too. Sometimes they exchanged gossip or told stories about L'il Pater, the trickster cat. More often they lay in a drowsy circle around the fat trunk of the ancient beech that spread its boughs above them. Then one of.. dreams father-of-cats tousle-haired circle cats Charles de Lint
9b69f88 She hadn't meant to fall asleep, but she was a bit like a cat herself, forever wandering in the woods, chasing after squirrels and rabbits as fast as her skinny legs could take her when the fancy struck, climbing trees like a possum, able to doze in the sun at a moment's notice. And sometimes with no notice at all. possum wandering woods fancy girls Charles de Lint
344fb6f She hadn't meant to fall asleep, but she was a bit like a cat herself, forever wandering in the woods, chasing after squirrels and rabbits as fast as her skinny legs could take her when the fancy struck, climbing trees like a possum, able to doze in the sun at a moment's notice. And sometimes with no notice at all. (This text is originally from A Circle of Cats, which was revised and re-adapted by the author for The Cats of Tanglewood Fore.. possum wandering woods fancy girls Charles de Lint
ff06b4b There are few joys to compare with the telling of a well-told tale. Charles de Lint
74ff861 If you're not ready to die, then how can you live? Charles de Lint
cc6798f I'm not Chinese. I thrive in interesting times. Charles de Lint
9f63f14 The problem with children is that you have to put up with their parents. Charles de Lint
9a365d0 That was the trouble with not paying attention to money. It was never there when you needed it. Charles de Lint
da52967 I think you're all mad. But that's part and parcel of being an artistic genius, isn't it? Charles de Lint
362f1d0 The real problem is, people think life is a ladder, and it's really a wheel. Charles de Lint
5778bcd Wisdom never comes to those who believe they have nothing left to learn. Charles de Lint
6f5086f There are people who take the heart out of you, and there are people who put it back. Charles de Lint
b4669ac That dichotomy between who she was and who she thought she should be was what really killed her. Charles de Lint
27dba58 When you're invisible, no one can see that you're different. Charles de Lint
682ef63 Only fools think they're wise; the rest of us just muddle through as we can. Charles de Lint
5fdaad0 By enlarging your knowledge of things, you will find your knowledge of self is enlarged. Charles de Lint
32971df Life's like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still have meaning. Charles de Lint
177551d Nothing's different, but everything has changed. Charles de Lint
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