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eda6bde Insomnia is an all-night travel agency with posters advertising faraway places. Charles Simic
846a52d I left parts of myself everywhere, The way absent-minded people leave Charles Simic
7d50422 One writes because one has been touched by the yearning for and the despair of ever touching the Other. the-other writing Charles Simic
84a604e If the sky falls they shall have clouds for supper. Charles Simic
4f75925 Silence is the only language god speaks. Charles Simic
be8863a Poetry: three mismatched shoes at the entrance of a dark alley. Charles Simic
de9ed80 I was already dozing off in the shade, dreaming that the rustling trees were my many selves explaining themselves all at the same time so that I could not make out a single word. My life was a beautiful mystery on the verge of understanding, always on the verge! Think of it! Charles Simic
02dc5d8 The stars know everything, So we try to read their minds. Charles Simic
b187a24 ZlWun wHdun. lkn ZlWu man mnW? 'wdW 'n 'qwl: <>, lkn l yqyn fy dhlk. lyl bynm 'jls khlT 'wrq Smtn, 'qwl lh: <>. Charles Simic
ab8e816 In their effort to divorce language and experience, deconstructionist critics remind me of middle-class parents who do not allow their children to play in the street. deconstruction language poetry Charles Simic
613f1e1 Making art in America is about saving one's soul. Charles Simic
d2eceb5 While you sit Like a rain puddle in hell Charles Simic
055455d When you play chess alone it's always your move. Charles Simic
c4f5716 The truth is dark under your eyelids. What are you going to do about it? The birds are silent; there's no one to ask. All day long you'll squint at the gray sky. When the wind blows you'll shiver like straw. A meek little lamb you grew your wool Till they came after you with huge shears. Flies hovered over open mouth, Then they, too, flew off like the leaves, The bare branches reached after them in vain. Winter coming. Like the last heroic.. Charles Simic
e258743 There's a book called "A Dictionary of Angels." No one has opened it in fifty years, I know, because when I did, The covers creaked, the pages Crumbled. There I discovered The angels were once as plentiful As species of flies. The sky at dusk Used to be thick with them. You had to wave both arms Just to keep them away. Now the sun is shining Through the tall windows. The library is a quiet place. Angels and gods huddled In dark unopened boo.. Charles Simic
dbab768 The time of minor poets is coming. Good-by Whitman, Dickinson, Frost. Welcome you whose fame will never reach beyond your closest family, and perhaps one or two good friends gathered after dinner over a jug of fierce red wine... While the children are falling asleep and complaining about the noise you're making as you rummage through the closets for your old poems, afraid your wife might've thrown them out with last spring's cleaning. It's.. the-world-doesn-t-end Charles Simic
7a6779a To submit to chance is to reveal the self and its obsessions. Charles Simic
9480b18 A true confession: I believe in a soluble fish. fish philosophy Charles Simic
5b1ff41 ykhTw lmyt nzl mn `l~ lmqSl@. yHml tHt dhr`h r'sh ldhbyH. shjr ltfH muzhr. wlmyt yshq Tryqh l~ Hn@ lqry@ wljmy` yshhdwn. hnlk ysHb krsyan wyjls jnb mnDd@ wyTlb zjjty byr@, wHd@an lh wwHd@an lr'sh. tmsH 'my ydyh fy lmryl@ wtqwm `l~ khdmth. m 'shd lhdw fy l`lm. ymkn llmr 'n ysm` lnhr, ldhy 'Hyn m yns~ fy Gmr@ rtbkh, wyjry l~ lwr Charles Simic
014bf34 It is the desire for irreverence as much as anything else that brought me first to poetry. The need to make fun of authority, break taboos, celebrate the body and its functions, claim that one has seen angels in the same breath as one says that there is no god. myth nosology taboo wisdom Charles Simic
2fdfc56 The ambition of much of today's literary theory seems to be to find ways to read literature without imagination. literary-theory literature Charles Simic
77a9799 If the photographers are soul-thieves, whose soul is being stolen in a photograph of the night sky? The soul of the last one to go to bed and the soul of the first one to rise in the morning, perhaps? Photography is a black art like alchemy. It turns matter into spirit and spirit into matter. Still, there are moments when looking at a photograph of a night sky we have a hunch what the word soul means, what the word infinity encompasses. Charles Simic
158a6b2 Like many others, I grew up in an age that preached liberty and built slave camps. liberty wish Charles Simic
0c6cb38 Never since the beginning of the world has there been so little light. Our winter afternoons have been known at times to last a hundred years. Charles Simic
5c18587 rq@ ky'n admy tjh akhr fy 'zmn@ lkrhy@ ljm`y@ wl`nf ljm`y tstHq Htrman 'kthr mn kl w`Z lkny's mndh bd lzmn. tenderness Charles Simic
e4b4238 Nationalism is a self-constructed cage in which family members can huddle in safety when they're not growling and barking at someone outside the cage. Charles Simic
eac591d Thoreau loved ants. He'd meet one in the morning and spend the whole day talking to him. thoreau Charles Simic
3660449 hndwnh bwdy sbz br pyshkhwn mywh frwsh lbkhndsh r gz myznym w dndnhysh r tf mykhnym :: Watermelons Green Buddhas On the fruit stand. Charles Simic
6dc07c2 The poem I want to write is impossible. A stone that floats. Charles Simic
3ec3be6 'n 'bthl llfrS@ lty tmd lyWa ydan tshyr l~ mkhrj mn hdh lsjn ldhy 'smyh nfsy Charles Simic
4575a82 At some point my need for a solution was replaced by the poetry of my continuous failure. Charles Simic
145cc96 MY SECRET IDENTITY IS The room is empty, And the window is open Charles Simic
debc353 Are Russian cannibals worse than the English? Of course. The English eat only the feet, the Russians the soul. "The soul is a mirage," I told Anna Alexandrovna, but she went on eating mine anyway." russians souls Charles Simic
faa3b0e In the Library" for Octavio There's a book called "A Dictionary of Angels." No one has opened it in fifty years, I know, because when I did, The covers creaked, the pages Crumbled. There I discovered The angels were once as plentiful As species of flies. The sky at dusk Used to be thick with them. You had to wave both arms Just to keep them away. Now the sun is shining Through the tall windows. The library is a quiet place. Angels and gods .. Charles Simic
cf3cc69 Because the light is always with us and the hush of an early morning time propitious to plain speech space between the premonition and the event Charles Simic
a47123f I remember," someone said, "how in ancient times one could turn a wolf into a human and then lecture it to one's heart's content." Charles Simic
fb8fa4c It was only the sea sounding weary After so many lifetimes Of pretending to be rushing off somewhere And never getting anywhere. Charles Simic
1aedc60 Eyes Fastened With Pins" How much death works, No one knows what a long Day he puts in. The little Wife always alone Ironing death's laundry. The beautiful daughters Setting death's supper table. The neighbors playing Pinochle in the backyard Or just sitting on the steps Drinking beer. Death, Meanwhile, in a strange Part of town looking for Someone with a bad cough, But the address somehow wrong, Even death can't figure it out Among all the.. Charles Simic
0846130 Memory, all-night's bedside tattoo artist. Charles Simic
3fa801b The stone is a mirror which works poorly. Nothing in it but dimness. Your dimness or its dimness, who's to say? In the hush your heart sounds like a black cricket. Charles Simic
1141c14 History is a cookbook. The tyrants are chefs. The philosophers write menus. The priests are waiters. The military men are bouncers. The singing you hear is the poets washing dishes in the kitchen. Charles Simic
f3675bc lt`ql lbTwly fy mwjh@ l`bth hw tqryban kl m nmtlk. Charles Simic
6bdfe82 Dear Friedrich, the world's still false, cruel and beautiful... Charles Simic
6f30ddd On this Very Street in Belgrade" Your mother carried you Out of the smoking ruins of a building And set you down on this sidewalk Like a doll bundled in burnt rags, Where you now stood years later Talking to a homeless dog, Half-hidden behind a parked car, Charles Simic