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3700b3a No time to worry about that now. In ten minutes they will have arrived on campus. In ten minutes, George will have to be George--the George they have named and will recognize. So now he consciously applies himself to thinking their thoughts, getting into their mood. With the skill of a veteran he rapidly puts on the psychological make-up for this role he must play. pretend Christopher Isherwood
72a29d2 Orada gordugu, bir yuzden cok, berbat bir yuz ifadesi. Iste o yuzun kendine ettikleri, yasadigi elli sekiz yil boyunca nasilsa icine dusmeyi basardigi berbat durum; anlatimini donuk yorgun gozlerde, sis bir burunda, sanki kendi toksinlerinin eksikligiyle kenarlarindan asagi cekilip buzulmus bir agizda, kaslarinin palamarindan cozulmus sarkan yanaklarda, kucuk kucuk kirisikliklarla kat kat olup sarkmis boyunda bulan bir perisanlik. Olesiye y.. Christopher Isherwood
8d97a60 Azinliklar buyuk olasilikla bizlerden farkli gorunen, davranan, dusunen ve bizde olmayan kusurlari olan insanlardir. Onlarin gorunuslerinden, davranislarindan hoslanmayabilir, kusurlarindan nefret edebiliriz. Ayrica, neler hissettigimizi guya liberal bir duygusallikla ortmeye calismaktansa, onlardan hoslanmadigimizi, nefret ettigimizi itiraf etmek daha iyidir. Duygularimizi acikca disari vursak, bir emniyet subabimiz olursa da yargilamaya k.. Christopher Isherwood
13c666a Baski uygulayan cogunluk kotu olduguna gore, der liberal kisi, demek ki baski goren grup sutten cikma ak kasik olmalidir. Bu nasil bir sacmaliktir, farkinda misiniz? Kotunun kendisinden daha kotu olanlar tarafindan baski altina alinmasi olmayacak sey mi? Arenadaki butun Hiristiyan kurbanlar aziz mi olmalilar? Christopher Isherwood
3415d38 Azinligin da kendine gore bir saldirganligi vardir. Cogunluga kafa tutar, kendisine saldirilsin ister. Cogunluktan nefret eder -nedensiz degil tabi, onu teslim ediyorum. Hatta oteki azinliklardan bile nefret eder, cunku butun azinliklar birbirlerine rakiptir; her biri kendi cektiklerinin en kotusu, kendi ugradigi haksizliklarin en agiri oldugunu one surer. Daha cok nefret ettikce, daha cok baski gorurler, daha da aksilesirler! O halde, her .. Christopher Isherwood
029097c Oyle konular vardir ki yasamda, sana soruluncaya kadar kendin bile bunlari bildigini bilmezsin. Christopher Isherwood
cf1f09b They have planned a life for you - from the cradle to the grave and beyond - which it would be easy, fatally easy, to accept. The least wandering of the attention, the least relaxation of your awareness, and already the eyelids begin to droop, the eyes grow vacant, the body starts to move in obedience to the hypnotist's command. Wake up, wake up - before you sign that seven-year contract, buy that house you don't really want, marry that gir.. Christopher Isherwood
07f3bca I am a camera with its shutter open Christopher Isherwood
e133ae6 Comparing the two cities -- the Berlin I knew in the early thirties and the Berlin I revisited in the early fifties -- I have to admit that the latter is, in many respects, a far more exciting setting for a novel or a sequence of stories. Life in the Berlin of 1952 had an intensely dramatic doubleness. Here was a shadow-line cutting a city in half -- a frontier between two worlds at war -- across which people were actually being kidnapped, .. Christopher Isherwood
0395f41 Berlin was in a state of civil war. Hate exploded suddenly, without warning, out of nowhere; at street corners, in restaurants, cinemas, dance halls, swimming-baths; at midnight, after breakfast, in the middle of the afternoon. Christopher Isherwood
6479f87 I thought of Natalia: she has escaped - none too soon, perhaps. However often the decision may be delayed, all these people are ultimately doomed. This evening is the dress-rehearsal of a disaster. It is like the last night of an epoch. Christopher Isherwood
a91c0b9 Remorse is not for the elderly. When it comes to them, it is not purging or uplifting, but merely degrading and wretched, like a bladder disease. Christopher Isherwood
83e5d9a In a few days, I thought, we shall have forfeited all kinship with ninety-nine per cent of the population of the world, with the men and women who earn their living, who insure their lives, who are anxious about the future of their children. Perhaps in the Middle Ages people felt like this, when they believed themselves to have sold their souls to the Devil. It was a curious, exhilarating, not unpleasant sensation: but, at the same time, I .. Christopher Isherwood
d37723c I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking. Christopher Isherwood
c735769 'We don't think enough [about the lot] of the other fellow, and that's a fact.' Christopher Isherwood
667cd5f According to Christopher's diary: Christopher Isherwood
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