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0524a08 No matter how careful we are, if we live long enough, eventually one of us will die. It is not a happy thought, but it is the truth. Such is the way of the world. fate Christopher Paolini
37475ca Si no haces algun enemigo de vez en cuando, es que eres un cobarde... o algo peor. Angela Christopher Paolini
ebfe7a1 Es imposible pasar por la vida sin recibir ningun rasguno. Tampoco es deseable. Por las heridas que acumulamos podemos conocer tanto nuestras locuras como nuestros logros. Arya Christopher Paolini
06076f9 Do not pamper me, human. Elves train both their men and women to fight. I am not one of your helpless females to run away whenever there is danger. Christopher Paolini
33543dd Victory is victory, dead is dead, however it is achieved. Christopher Paolini
35c17d9 When the sun touched the earth, it spread out along the horizon like a giant yolk oozing free of its skin. metaphor sun Christopher Paolini
2478578 The thriknzdal, Christopher Paolini
db306d8 I'm not fighting for myself anymore.... It makes a difference. hope overcoming strength Christopher Paolini
5883112 A faint tickling on the back of his right hand caused Eragon to look down. A huge, wingless cricket clung to his glove. The insect was hideous: black and bulbous, with barbed legs and a massive skull-like head. Its carapace gleamed like oil. metaphor Christopher Paolini
55621e3 Why does everything have to be so hard? he wondered. Because, said Saphira, everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to be eaten. Christopher Paolini
2e2e161 Hay muchas penurias en el mundo, y una de las mayores es no ser capaz de ayudar a los que sufren. Christopher Paolini
6eb75a2 The future will be what it will, and fretting about it will only make your fears more likely to come true. I know, Eragon sighed, but it's not easy. Of course not. Few things of worth are. Christopher Paolini
3af155b The silver-haired elf woman Yaela had knelt by the side of the grave, taken an acorn from the pouch on her belt, and planted it directly above Wyrden's chest. And then the twelve elves, Arya included, sang to the acorn, which took root and sprouted and grew twining upward, reaching and grasping toward the sky like a clutch of hands. When the elves had finished, the leafy oak stood twenty feet high, with long strings of green flowers at the .. Christopher Paolini
e14ebb3 Es una tonteria afligirse sin motivos. Christopher Paolini
49bf7cd We will carry your message. May your swords stay sharp," said Brom. "And yours." paolini Christopher Paolini
74a0854 La gente ha la fastidiosa abitudine di ricordarsi le cose che non dovrebbe Christopher Paolini
7fa37f1 O que tiver de acontecer, acontece, e nao vou perder tempo de vida a preocupar-me com isso. A infelicidade vai sempre ao encontro de quem a espera. O truque e encontrar felicidade nos breves intervalos entre os desastres. Christopher Paolini
67586d8 He'd lost all fear of Death's embrace, The last embrace a man will know. Christopher Paolini
f5307ef When the time comes and you need a weapon, look under the roots of the Menoa tree. Then, when all seems lost and your power is insufficient, go to the Rock of Kuthian and speak your name to open the Vault of Souls. Christopher Paolini
70acdc9 Come, kiss me sweet, and then let us return to bed, for I am tired, and I would sleep. fiction Christopher Paolini
3a56b5b La ignorancia, el miedo y el odio: esos son nuestros enemigos. Niegalos con todas tus fuerzas, Eragon, porque si no, fracasaremos. Christopher Paolini
aa84cef Well, don't act so morose. It's not as if it's your execution!" "I know." "Then smile, because if it's not your execution, you should be happy!" Christopher Paolini
5686bbd And you don't put stock in gods." "We give credence only to that which we can prove exists. Since we cannot find evidence that gods, miracles, and other supernatural things are real, we do not trouble ourselves about them. If that were to change, if Helzvog were to reveal himself to us, then we would accept the new information and revise our position." "It seems a cold world without something ... more." "On the contrary," said Oromis, "it i.. Christopher Paolini
85ed7ff Whether fate and destiny really exist, the only thing I can do is enjoy the present and live as honorably as possible. Christopher Paolini
027f7a8 Dunya yuvarlak," dedi mirildanarak. "Gokyuzunun ici bos ve dunya yuvarlak." Christopher Paolini
956543b False modesty is never admirable, and least of all among those who command others. Christopher Paolini
a6e93b3 Hemos de ceder a nuestros impulsos de herir o matar a cualquiera que nos moleste, de tomar cuanto queremos de quienes son mas debiles y, en general, de despreciar los sentimientos de los demas? Somos imperfectos por nacimiento y debemos vigilar nuestros defectos para que no nos destruyan. Christopher Paolini
41c3550 As he gazed at the sun-darkened warriors, battle-worn before him, he decided that he would rather fight a hundred enemies than have to stand up in public and risk the disapproval of others. Christopher Paolini
e58e44f Hagas lo que hagas, basalo en lo que sea mas importante para ti. Solo entonces tendra profundidad y significado, y hallara eco en los demas. Christopher Paolini
852989a No es la flor mas perfecta y adorable? --pregunto Arya. Eragon la miro, con una exquisita conciencia de lo cerca que estaban en aquel momento, y dijo: --Si... Lo es. --Sin dar tiempo a que lo abandonara el coraje, anadio--: Como tu. Christopher Paolini
d8f89ee The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicate yourself to it. The deeds will give you new hope and purpose. But what can I do? The only true guide is your heart. Nothing less than its supreme desire can help you. Christopher Paolini
ea1a64a And in time, I must meet the same fate. Love, family, accomplishments--they are all torn away, leaving nothing. What is the worth of anything we do? The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicate yourself to it. Christopher Paolini
553f65f Lebe in der Gegenwart und hab keine Angst vor der Zukunft, denn sie existiert nicht und wird es auch nie tun. Es gibt nur das Jetzt. Christopher Paolini
1f638be Nunca peques de exceso de confianza, Eragon. Nunca te vuelvas arrogante, porque en ese momento te descuidaras y tus enemigos se aprovecharan de tu debilidad. Christopher Paolini
dd04d77 Los logros de los hijos son una muestra de la educacion que recibieron de sus padres. Christopher Paolini
7bd7da1 said Saphira. Christopher Paolini
5f864ea May the wind rise under your wings, may the sun always be at your backs, and may you catch your prey napping. And, Wolf-Eyes, I hope that when you find the one who left your paws in his traps, you do not kill him too quickly. Both Christopher Paolini
a090c10 Te confundes de asunto. Solo queria saber cual era la herramienta mas util que puede tener una persona, mas alla de que esta sea buena o mala. Estoy de acuerdo en que es importante tener un caracter virtuoso, pero tambien opino que si hubiera que escoger entre darle a un hombre una voluntad noble o ensenarle a pensar con claridad, seria mejor que hicieras lo segundo. Son demasiados los problemas de este mundo creados por hombres con volunta.. Christopher Paolini
bb49b61 I won't tell you what to believe, Eragon. It is far better to be taught to think critically and then be allowed to make your own decisions than to have someone else's notions thrust upon you. critical-thought teacher teaching Christopher Paolini
8cf653b He welcomed those limitations, for if he were perfect, what would be left for him to accomplish? limitations Christopher Paolini
c844ef2 The only certainty is that, eventually, all things shall pass. Christopher Paolini
3af989f No olvides, Eragon, que nadie se ve a si mismo como un villano y son pocos los que toman decisiones sabiendo que se equivocan. Christopher Paolini
bc88934 Eragon doubted that he would ever like an Urgal, but the iron certitude of his prejudice only a few minutes before now seemed ignorant, and he could not retain it in good conscience. Christopher Paolini
dcbe950 Ignorance, fear, hate: these are our enemies. Deny them with all your might. -Oromis inspirational-attitude inspirational-quotes Christopher Paolini
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