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d32af8a Dr. Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West was born in New York City on October 6, 1924. He died of cancer on January 2, 1999. Dr. West served in the U.S. Army during World War II and received his M.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1948, prior to Air Force LSD and MKULTRA contracts carried out there. He did his psychiatry residency from 1949 to 1952 at Cornell (an MKULTRA Institution and site of the MKULTRA cutout The Human Ecology Foundation). Fr.. child-abuse cia denial dissociative-identity-disorder ethics false-memory-syndrome-foundation fmsf government-abuse lies military-abuse misinformation mkultra multiple-personality-disorder ritual-abuse Colin A. Ross
6833cd1 The most chronic and complex of the dissociative disorders, multiple personality disorder, was renamed multiple personality disorder, was renamed 'dissociative identity disorder' in 1994 in DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association). The rationale for the name change, was among other things, to clarify that there are not literally separate personalities in a person with dissociative identity disorder; 'personalities' was a historical term fo.. dissociative-disorders dissociative-identity-disorder multiple-personality-disorder psychiatry psychology Colin A. Ross
f11fb8c Biological warfare (BW) and chemical warfare (CW) research was run out of Edgeware Arsenal but also involved testing in many other locations including Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. As in the radiation experiments described in an earlier chapter, BW/CW research involved releasing bacteria, fungi and viruses into general population areas. The bacterium Serratia marascens was released in many locations including New York (June 7-10, 1966), San .. Colin A. Ross
305c758 AR 601-210 was necessary because conscientious objectors could not enlist as medical experiment volunteers when there was no active draft program, according to prior Army regulations. This meant that the supply of WHITECOAT volunteers was cut off at the end of the Vietnam War. Colin A. Ross
70d01c3 Chief, Medical Staff, Technical Services Division, CIA responded, "I imagine the only reason would have been concern for broadening awareness of its existence." Colin A. Ross
06e1fdb within the CIA and its independence from supervision by the regular chain of command within the clandestine services made it possible for the activities of the Operation to stray over the bounds of the Agency's authority without the knowledge of senior officials. Colin A. Ross
3e206d1 senior administrators within the CIA participated in plausible denial and other disinformation and cover-up strategies concerning CIA operations run on U.S. soil. Like Colin A. Ross
990f5da Team within the United States, such operations had to be kept secret because the CIA was prohibited by its Charter from carrying out operations in the United States. Colin A. Ross
fda254c after the matter has cooled off during an extended period of investigation, to find a scapegoat to blame for unauthorized tampering with the mails. Colin A. Ross
f91955b On December 11, 1996 in a posting on the internet list WITCHNT@MITVMA.MIT.EDU, Dr Peter Freyd, husband of the Executive Directory of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, wrote: Since we all want to be open about any money we might have received from military-related sources, let me confess I, too, must go on record. Starting in 1998, I've been getting a lot of money from the U.S. Office of Naval Research. In 1968 I received a lot of money.. false-memory-syndrome-foundation kingdon-of-iran Colin A. Ross
a7cf1cd Undiagnosed DID patients received incorrect diagnoses of schizophrenia in 25% to 40% of cases in two large series (Putnam, 1989; Ross, 1989), while in one stores 12% and in the other 16% had received electroconvulsive therapy. misdiagnosis schizophrenia Colin A. Ross
7099536 The main problem with the 'histronic behaviour' hypothesis, like the alternatives, is that it is unitary and simplistic, while the phenomena are complex and heterogeneous. When advanced as a sole and complete explanation, ''hysteria' is a vague and inadequate construct. ... "secondary gain and hysteria can occur as reactions to real events, real sociological problems, and real biomedical diseases, so the presence of these elements does not .. histronic-behavior hysteria hysterical ritual-abuse satanic-ritual-abuse Colin A. Ross
8c31cf2 The media-contamination hypothesis usually focuses on the book Michelle Remembers (Smith and Pazder, 1980) and the movie Rosemary's Baby;. These images were in the popular culture for centuries before survivor memories started to surface in therapy; therefore, the media-contamination hypothesis fails to account for the time lag and cannot provide a full account of the phenomenona. satanic-ritual-abuse trauma-memories Colin A. Ross
ce624d1 Estabrooks himself a 32nd degree Mason. Although the Masons are not implicated as an organization in CIA and military mind control, connections in the network of doctors were maintained in part through high rank Masons. human-rights-violations masonic masons military-mind-control mind-control Colin A. Ross