But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know...we understand...and still we do it. Still we do it.
Colleen McCullough |
I think I'll wear the Chian outfit,' he said to his body servant standing waiting for orders. Many men in Marius's position would have lain back in the bath water and demanded that they be scrubbed, scraped, and massaged by slaves, but Gaius Marius preferred to do his own dirty work, even now. Mind you, at forty-seven he was still a fine figure of a man. Nothing to be ashamed of about his physique! No matter how ostensibly inert his days mi..
Colleen McCullough |
V nachaloto na vseki den toi si nalagal da ne umre i v kraia na denia se smeel pobedonosno, ustanoviavaiki, che e oshche zhiv
Colleen McCullough |
Zashcho ni nabi vsichki, Frank? -- popita Megi. -- Kazakh i, che samo az s'm vinovna. Frank svikna s mirizmata ot povr'shchano i veche ne obr'shchashe vnimanie. Protegna r'ka, pogladi razseiano kobilata po nosa i ia izbuta, shchom tia stana tv'rde liubopitna. -- Bedni sme, Megi, i tova e glavnata prichina. Sestrite vinagi mraziat bednite uchenitsi. Kato postoish niakolko dni v mukhliasaloto staro uchilishche na sestra Agata, shche razberesh..
Colleen McCullough |
Justine tu choi vi truoc het doi voi nang, tinh yeu la su tuoc doat, gia dinh la su cham dut tu do
Colleen McCullough |
Dr. Murray made it clear to me before I left that a woman who enhoys the Act is as loose as a harlot. God gives pleasure in it only to husbands. Women are the source of evil and temptation, therefore women are to blame when men fall into fleshly error. It was Eve who seduced Adam, Eve who entered into league with the serpent, who was the Devil in disguise. So the only pleasure women are allowed is in their children.
Colleen McCullough |
the Melbourne
Colleen McCullough |
Do you realize that you've been married to me for just about half of your entire life?" Her head came down, her eyes opened wide to stare at him. "Is that all?" she asked. "It seems an eternity". "Did I say a quiet lion?" Alexander pulled a face. "An eternity with me has turned you into a bitch, my dear"."
Colleen McCullough |
Quand vous avancerez en age, vous vous apercevez que la vie est faites de rencontres, de connaissances et de separations. Parfois, nous aimons les gens que nous rencontrons, parfois, nous ne les aimons pas, mais les connaitre est ce qu'il y a de plus important dans la vie, c'est cela qui fait de nous des etre humains.
Colleen McCullough |
on him at the time of his majority, and was more than enough for his needs. He would live his own life, then, far from Melbourne and parents, carve his own kind of niche. But the imminence
Colleen McCullough |
He was, he admitted, a man who liked to have his cake and eat it too.
Colleen McCullough |
Then God's a bigger poofter than Sweet Willie. "You might be right" said Justine. "He certainly isn't too fond of women, anyway. Second-class, that's us, way back in the Upper Circle. Front Stalls and the Mezzanine, strictly male."
Colleen McCullough |
All that appearance business is crap, and I'm not even going to be bothered arguing with you about it.
Colleen McCullough |
sold into an indentured servitude
Colleen McCullough |
Tai sao chung ta lai dau xot? Con may man duoc som thoat khoi cuoc song moi met nay. Chinh cuoc song nay moi la dia nguc; mot ban an no le suot doi o tran the. Chung ta phai chiu dung su dau kho trong dia nguc nay khi chung ta con song la nhu the
Colleen McCullough |
Lares of the Crossroads
Colleen McCullough |
this parish had been excellent for his self-control.
Colleen McCullough |
Give a Greek enough rope and he'll hang everyone else in sight.
Colleen McCullough |
Something in her little soul was old enough and woman enough to feel the irresistible, stinging joy of being needed; she sat rocking his head back and forth, until his grief expended itself in emptiness.
Colleen McCullough |
orgy of sampling Europe's charms, she never went back, and that was strange. In his experience people always
Colleen McCullough |
Bien mirado, era esta una prueba de amor mas evidente que un millon de besos faciles.
Colleen McCullough |
But I'll pin you to the wall on your own weakness, I'll make you sell yourself like any painted whore." Mary Carson to Father Ralph." --
Colleen McCullough |
The lioness in Rome is quiet. I will not wake her to seek more money.
Colleen McCullough |
Kitty!" "Wishes are evanescent,"
Colleen McCullough |
But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know. We understand. And still we do it. Still we do it
Colleen McCullough |
Was war eigentlich Besonderes mit dem nachtlichen Himmel? Dass, wie von einer sonst verschlossenen Truhe, der blaue Deckel des Tages hochgeklappt worden war und der Mensch nun gleichsam einen Blick werfen konnte in die Ewigkeit?
Colleen McCullough |
Wir verachten immer das, wovon es zuviel gibt. Hier draussen sind das die Schafe, aber in der Stadt sind es Menschen.
Colleen McCullough |
Nhung nguoi su dung tay trai la do quy su sinh ra
Colleen McCullough |
Chinh cuoc song nay moi la dia nguc; mot ban an no le suot doi o tran the.
Colleen McCullough |
Ho khong muon co nhieu nguoi vay quanh giua luc buon kho, ho thich doi dien mot minh voi noi thuong dau.
Colleen McCullough |
Anh luon tra loi cau hoi cua em bang mot cau hoi khac
Colleen McCullough |
father could hope for in a son.To have
Colleen McCullough |
Each of us has something within us which won't be denied, even if it make us scream aloud to die. We are what we are, that's all. Like the old Celtic legend of the bird with a thorn in it's breast, singing it's heart out and dying. Because it has to, it's driven to. We can know what we do wrong even before we do it, but self-knowledge can't affect or change the outcome, can it? Everyone singing his own little song, convinced it's the most w..
Colleen McCullough |
Chto tolku tomit'sia po cheloveku, esli on vse ravno tvoim nikogda ne budet?
Colleen McCullough |
I hate being on my best behavior. It brings out the absolute worst in me.
Colleen McCullough |
The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men more.
Colleen McCullough |