nyz bry hmkhlmy byd ryshh dr jn dshth bshd w `ml hr mwDw` trjykh bysty dr Hqyqt ryshh dwndh bshd.
Colum McCann |
There are those of us who haven't yet told our stories, or refuse to tell them, and so we become them: we hide away inside the memory until we can no longer stand the shell or the shock - perhaps I must tell it before it is forgotten or becomes like everything else, something else.
Colum McCann |
Outside, the dark brushed the city and the wind unleashed the snow
Colum McCann |
Was there not wage slavery? Were there not the chains of financial oppression?
Colum McCann |
Neki misle da je ljubav kraj puta na kojem, ako imas dovoljno srece da ga pronades, stajes i ne trazis novi. Drugi kazu da se ljubav pretvara u provaliju u koju padas i vise se ne mozes izvuci, ali oni koji imaju takvog-takvog iskustva znaju da je ljubav nesto sto se iz dana u dan mijenja i ovisno o tome koliko se boris, ti je osvajas, ili se hvatas za nju i ne pustas, ili je gubis, ali ponekad ljubavi jednostavno nema.
Colum McCann |
When you come into a rich man's house, the only place to split is in his face.
Colum McCann |
There's a high that you get when you're writing code. It's cool. It's easy to do. You forget your mom, your dad, everything. You've got the whole country onboard. This is America. You hit the frontier. You can go anywhere. It's about being connected, access, gateways, like a whispering game where if you get one thing wrong you've got to go all the way back to the beginning.
Colum McCann |
But it was only genius if you thought of it first. A teacher told him that. Genius is lonely.
Colum McCann |
A bi gezunt, his mother would have said. She was always one for the ancient phrase. You have your health, what more do you want? --
Colum McCann |
slh bharmy z rh nmyrsnd blkhh ywrsh myawrnd, w chwn Twfny z dr byrwn myrwnd w wyrny bhjy mygdhrnd.
Colum McCann |
He says to us something about being hungry and how he met his wife when he was hungry and then they crossed some border together into Austria and then she died.
Colum McCann |
mrsm tdfyn bhmthbh ykhy z shkhShhy zndgy st, mlkhy bry tshkhyS ynkhh ykh nfr chTwr zndgy khrdh st.
Colum McCann |
And when you go around in circles, brother, the world is very big, but if you plow straight ahead it's small enough.
Colum McCann |
She lasted three months, then passed on a September day when everything seemed split open with sunlight.
Colum McCann |
She was tall, exotic, so very young she seemed to flutter.
Colum McCann |
My father had been silent most of the time. He kissed my cheek. He told me that not many people were ordering hand-painted signs anymore, that they were all going neon, but if he had one sign he could put on the world he would say that he was Gloria's father.
Colum McCann |
the way he spoke was magical, but after a while even his voice began to grate and he began to remind me of the colors of the walls in the hotel rooms in which he stayed...
Colum McCann |
I remember thinking that they went like lovers. They could not survive without each other. It was like they had spent their lives breathing each other's breath.
Colum McCann |
Besides, I loved the sound of the gallop. On mornings, before the races, I would walk down among the stalls and breathe in all the scents of the hay and the soap and the saddle leather.
Colum McCann |
One corner to another. One more crack in the pavement. That's the way we all walk: the more we have to occupy our minds the better.
Colum McCann |
The mailman carried around huge bags of gloom.
Colum McCann |
Every time a branch of mine got to being a decent size, that wind just came along and broke it.
Colum McCann |
A man high in the air while a plane disappears, it seems, into the edge of the building. One small scrap of history meeting a larger one. As if the walking man were somehow anticipating what would come later. The intrusion of time and history. The collision point of stories. We wait for the explosion but it never occurs. The plane passes, the tightrope walker gets to the end of the wire. Things don't fall apart. It strikes her as an endurin..
Colum McCann |
They have a deep need just to talk, just to tell a story, however small or reckless.
Colum McCann |
Listening to these people is like listening to trees--sooner or later the tree is sliced open and the watermarks reveal their age.
Colum McCann |
she has heard somewhere that cigarettes are good for grief. One long drag and you forget how to cry. The body too busy dealing with the poison. No wonder they gave them out free to the soliders. Lucky Strikes.
Colum McCann |
He could help put a man on the Moon, but he couldn't count the body bags. Send a satellite spinning, but he couldn't figure out how many crosses to go into the ground.
Colum McCann |
People can look different from hour to hour depending on the angle of daylight.
Colum McCann |
Genius is lonely.
Colum McCann |
if he fell, well, he fell--but if he survived he would become a monument, not carved in stone or encased in brass, but one of those New York monuments that made you say: Can you believe it? With an expletive. There would always be an expletive in a New York sentence. Even from a judge. Soderberg was not fond of bad language, but he knew its value at the right time. A man on a tightrope, a hundred and ten stories in the air, can you possibly..
Colum McCann |
Aber das ist das Problem mit dem Alter: Man hat ein Gefuhl, aber kein Datum. Und wenn man das Datum ausgrabt, verliert man das Gefuhl.
Colum McCann |
I will always wonder what it was, what that moment of beauty was, when he whispered it to me, when we found him smashed up in the hospital, what it was he was saying when he whispered into the dark that he had seen something he could not forget, a jumble of words, a man, a building, I could not quite make it out. I can only hope that in the last minute he was at peace.
Colum McCann |
She read in a high African singsong that I guess came down along the line from Ghana long ago, something that she made American, but tied us to a home we'd never seen.
Colum McCann |
You have to look on the world with a shine like no one else has.
Colum McCann |
The truth of the matter is that the light at the end of the tunnel generally belongs to the pharmaceutical companies.
Colum McCann |
Mine is the apartment that receives all noises, even from the basement below. For one hundred and ten dollars a month, I feel as if I live inside a radio.
Colum McCann |
Spomniame si prostichkite neshcha. Spotaivat se skriti pod rebrata, a posle vnezapno se protiagat i usukvat s'rtseto na v'zel.
Colum McCann |
Colum McCann |
The river is not where it begins or ends, but right in the middle point, anchored by what has happened and what is to arrive.
Colum McCann |
A good novel can be a doorstop to despair.
Colum McCann |
It's strange but as I grow older, I find myself developing more optimism. I keep inching toward the point where I believe that it's more difficult to have hope than it is to embrace cynicism. In the deep dark end, there's no point unless we have at least a modicum of hope. We trawl our way through the darkness hoping to find a pinpoint of light. But isn't it remarkable that the cynics of this world--the politicians, the corporations, the sq..
Colum McCann |
Tova beshe edna ezhednevna liubov, za kakvato triabvashe da se naucha da se boria - ako si izras'l s takava liubov, ne ti se viarva, che e v'zmozhno niakoga da ia postignesh. Mislila s'm si, che na detsata na roditelite, koito se obichat istinski, ne im e nikak lesno - chovek trudno se izm'kva ot takava kozha, zashchoto v neia e tolkova uiutno, che niama zhelanie da si s'zdava sobstvena.
Colum McCann |
Ami, s'buzhdam se az tazi sutrin i ustanoviavam ranni simptomi na shchastie. - Ne s'm go chuval dori. - To e riadko sreshchano zaboliavane. Prikhvanakh go neposredstveno predi s'sedite da se s'budiat. - Zarazno li e? - Ti ne useshchash li priznatsite veche?
Colum McCann |
Hqyqt tSdfy tfq nmyftd, blkhh trsh mykhwrd w bh `ml myayd t wrd hsty myshwd. mHSwly st z zmn, fSlh w pywnd.
Colum McCann |