Abenteuer kann man doch nicht planen wie Ballett oder so was. Die warten um die Ecke und - zack! - plotzlich sind sie da!
Cornelia Funke |
In books I meet the dead as if they were alive, in books I see what is yet to come ... All things decay and pass with time ... all fame would fall victim to oblivion if God had not given mortal men the book to aid them.
Cornelia Funke |
Was waren sie doch alle fur Schauspieler! Alle, wie sie dastanden. Aber was spielten sie? Das, was die anderen sehen wollten? Das, was sie selbst gern sein wollten?
Cornelia Funke |
Truth or lie... he had always chosen the lie, to spare his little brother any unpleasant truth.
Cornelia Funke |
Only to be expected!' Elinor's voice almost cracked. Belligerent as a Bull Terrier, she marched up to him.
Cornelia Funke |
Never develop a passion you can't afford. It'll eat your heart away like a bookworm.
Cornelia Funke |
Some books you read, some you enjoy,
Cornelia Funke |
aber keine von ihnen war so recht bei der Sache und das Gefuhl, das sich sonst sofort eingestellt hatte, wenn sie zusammen im Wohnwagen sassen, das Gefuhl von Geborgenheit, von Freiheit und Freundschaft, wollte sich einfach nicht einstellen. Als hatte der Wohnwagen plotzlich Locher und flusterte ihnen all das uber die Welt zu, was sie nicht wissen wollten.
Cornelia Funke |
only the powerful were hated, and that was what he was meant to be in this world. Powerful.
Cornelia Funke |
Whenever he felt the sharp pangs of homesickness he had come back here to his old enemies, where he didn't feel quite so out of place.
Cornelia Funke |
The python dropped his head lightly for a moment on Mowgli's shoulders. "A brave heart and a courteous tongue," said he. "They shall carry thee far through the jungle, manling."
Cornelia Funke |
Nar det gallde traditioner kunde man inte argumentera med dvargar, lika lite som med praster om religion.
Cornelia Funke |
Det var kejsarinnans far som hade stiftat en lag, att foremal, djur och manniskor med magiska egenskaper var skyldiga att rapporteras. For det var ju inte latt att regera i en varld dar ett guldtrad kunde gora en tiggare till kung och talande djur viskade rebelliska visdomsord till skogsarbetarna.
Cornelia Funke |
Una storia cambia continuamente vestito. Una storia cresce e germoglia come un qualcosa di vivo! Quelle che vengono chiuse nei libri, invece? Si, magari vivono piu a lungo, ma prendono vita solo quando i libri vengono aperti. Sono suoni pressati tra i fogli, e solo una voce puo dar loro fiato!
Cornelia Funke |
ten pages of escapism, ten pages far from everything that made him unhappy, ten pages of real life instead of the monotony that other people called the real world?
Cornelia Funke |
You cannot fully read a book without being alone. But through this very solitude you become intimately involved with people whom you might never have met otherwise, either because they have been dead for centuries or because they spoke languages you cannot understand. And nonetheless, they have become your closest friends, your wisest advisors, the wizards that hypnotize you, the lovers you have always dreamed of. Antonio Munoz Molinas, "Th..
Cornelia Funke |
I libri la rincuoravano quando era triste e scacciavano la noia mentre Mo tagliava, rilegava, incollava pagine ormai logore, rese fragili da anni e anni d'uso sotto le innumerevoli dita che le avevano sfogliate.
Cornelia Funke |
Depose sul tavolo la cartella in cui teneva i risguardi da inserire prima del frontespizio e prese a sfogliarli con aria assente. <> aveva detto una volta a Meggie. <>
Cornelia Funke |
Cio che un libro avrebbe potuto raccontarle non l'aveva mai intimorita. Anzi, di solito non vedeva l'ora di lasciarsi trasportare in un mondo nuovo, inesplorato, e la sua curiosita era tale che si metteva a leggere nei momenti meno opportuni.
Cornelia Funke |
Oh, pestiferous parasols!" grumbled Sorrel."
Cornelia Funke |
widened greedily, Meggie concluded they could only be discussing a book,
Cornelia Funke |
an odd thing happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever after you have only to open that book to be back where you first read it. It will all come into your mind with the very first words: the sights you saw in that place, what it smelled like, the ice cream you ate while you were reading it ... yes, books are like flypaper--memories cling to the printed page better than anything else." He"
Cornelia Funke |
Escucha! -exclamo-. Se que es dificil de creer, pero si algo puede abrir las puertas de las mazmorras del Castillo de la Noche son las palabras de esta carta... y la lengua de Meggie. Ella es capaz de hacer que la tinta respire, Roxana, igual que tu con tus canciones. Su padre posee el mismo don. Si Cabeza de Vibora lo supiera seguramente lo habria ahorcado hace mucho tiempo. Las palabras con las que el padre de Meggie mato a Capricornio er..
Cornelia Funke |
For him that stealeth, or borroweth and returneth not, this book from its owner, let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him. Let him be struck with palsy, and all his members blasted. Let him languish in pain, crying aloud for mercy, and let there be no surcease to this agony till he sing in dissolution. Let bookworms gnaw his entrails ... and when at last he goeth to his last punishment, let the flames of hell consume him for ev..
Cornelia Funke |
Although it's not just plants and animals that die out, so do books. Quite often, I'm sorry to say. I'm sure you could fill a hundred houses like this one to the roof with all the books that have disappeared forever.
Cornelia Funke |
Ves esos nombres? -pregunto senalando las letras cinceladas que hablaban de personas ya desaparecidas-. Detras de cada nombre hay una familia, una madre o un padre, hermanos, acaso una esposa. Si uno de ellos averiguara que es capaz de despertar esas letras a la vida, que podria volver a ser de carne y hueso lo que ahora es unicamente un nombre, ?no crees que el o ella harian todo lo posible por conseguirlo?
Cornelia Funke |
They had gone. Had left him alone with all the blue, that clashed with the red of fire. Blue as the evening sky, blue as cranesbill flowers, blue as the lips of drowned men and the heart of a blaze burning with too hot a flame. Yes, sometimes it was hot in this world, too. Hot and cold, light and dark, terrible and beautiful, it was everything all at once. It wasn't true that you felt nothing in the land of Death. You felt and heard and sme..
Cornelia Funke |
They were her home when she was somewhere strange. They were familiar voices, friends that never quarreled with her, clever, powerful friends - daring and knowledgable, tried and tested adventurers who had traveled far and wide. Her books cheered her up when she was sad and kept her from being bored while Mo cut leather and fabric to the right size and re-stitched old pages that over countless years had grown fragile from the many fingers l..
Cornelia Funke |
E allora? Tutti gli scrittori sono svitati!
Cornelia Funke |
I know why you're here ... This world doesn't frighten you half as much as the other one. You have nothing and nobody to lose here. Except Fox, and she clearly worries more about you than you do about her. You've left all that could frighten you in the other world. But then Will came here and brought it all with him.
Cornelia Funke |
Li i libri erano ammassati dappertutto. Non erano solo sugli scaffali come nelle altre case, no: da loro erano accatastati sotto i tavoli, sulle sedie, negli angoli piu remoti. Ce n'erano in cucina e in bagno, sul televisore e nell'armadio; pile basse e pile alte. Grossi, piccoli, vecchi, nuovi... libri e ancora libri. Accoglievano Meggie sulla tavola apparecchiata per la colazione, invitanti; l'aiutavano a scacciare la noia... e qualche vo..
Cornelia Funke |
E Mo comincio a riempire la quiete notturna di parole. Le attirava fuori dalle pagine come se non stessero aspettando altro che la sua voce: lunghe e corte, aspre e dolci, sibilanti e gutturali. Danzavano per la stanza, solleticavano la pelle, dipingevano figure di vetro colorato nel vuoto.
Cornelia Funke |
Mai prima di allora, pero, aveva incontrato qualcuno che scriveva le frasi che ne riempivano le pagine. Persino di alcuni dei suoi libri preferiti non sapeva nemmeno il nome dell'autore, ne tanto meno aveva idea di che aspetto avesse. Sempre e solo i personaggi scaturiti da quelle magiche parole aveva visto con gli occhi della fantasia, mai chi stava dietro, chi li aveva inventati.
Cornelia Funke |
Voglio dire che io fiuto le belle storie a chilometri di distanza. Quindi non tenti di nascondermene una. Sputi fuori, forza, e in cambio si guadagna una fetta di questo fantastico dolce con i buchi - soggiunse in tono scherzoso.
Cornelia Funke |
Da dove devo cominciare? Intanto, va chiarita subito una cosa fondamentale: un romanziere non scrive mai tutto quello che sa sui suoi personaggi. I lettori non devono venire a sapere tutto. Alcuni aspetti e meglio che restino un segreto fra lo scrittore e le sue creature.
Cornelia Funke |
I libri amavano tutti coloro che li aprivano, offrivano protezione e amicizia senza pretendere nulla in cambio. Non ti abbandonavano mai, nemmeno quando li maltrattavi.
Cornelia Funke |
Come Mo aveva detto un giorno, scrivere storie, in fin dei conti, ha un po' a che fare con la magia.
Cornelia Funke |
Men liked to claim how different they were, yet they were all so alike.
Cornelia Funke |
No son historias, Lengua de Brujo, es la pura verdad! ?Es que ya no la reconoces cuando la ves? Cierto: es una chica fea y no es agradable mirarla a la cara.
Cornelia Funke |
Historier har aldrig nogen slutning, Meggie" havde han engang sagt til hende, "selvom bogerne gerne vil bilde os det ind. Historierne gar altid videre, de slutte lige sa lidt pa den sidste side, som de begynder pa den forste."
Cornelia Funke |
Molotov explained how that book, should one be foolish enough to open it, gave the power to read things and creatures out of any book in the world.
Cornelia Funke |
Jacob had seen too many horses whipped half to death to find anything romantic about horse-drawn carriages,
Cornelia Funke |
He sought her lips as if he needed to breathe through her, as if only she could keep him from choking on his rage.
Cornelia Funke |
She] did not reply. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She just wanted to listen to what her bewildered heart was telling her.
Cornelia Funke |