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7ba52f2 A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it. living philosophy women D.H. Lawrence
be65712 We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen. D.H. Lawrence
fc3c6cf I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself inspirational D.H. Lawrence
222f573 I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. self-pity D.H. Lawrence
b0f4b37 It's no good trying to get rid of your own aloneness. You've got to stick to it all your life. Only at times, at times, the gap will be filled in. At times! But you have to wait for the times. Accept your own aloneness and stick to it, all your life. And then accept the times when the gap is filled in, when they come. But they've got to come. You can't force them. loneliness philosophy D.H. Lawrence
6372969 She was always waiting, it seemed to be her forte. D.H. Lawrence
6e21ff0 Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen. D.H. Lawrence
b6c76b6 But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions. D.H. Lawrence
4526ae2 Nobody knows you. You don't know yourself. And I, who am half in love with you, What am I in love with? My own imaginings? D.H. Lawrence
7ec7a0f But that is how men are! Ungrateful and never satisfied. When you don't have them they hate you because you won't; and when you do have them they hate you again, for some other reason. Or for no reason at all, except that they are discontented children, and can't be satisfied whatever they get, let a woman do what she may. D.H. Lawrence
e28b3ca Life is ours to be spent, not t inspirational life D.H. Lawrence
fafabc3 I should feel the air move against me, and feel the things I touched, instead of having only to look at them. I'm sure life is all wrong because it has become much too visual - we can neither hear nor feel nor understand, we can only see. I'm sure that is entirely wrong. D.H. Lawrence
f3bf17c I like to write when I feel spiteful. It is like having a good sneeze." ( , November 1913)" -- spite writing D.H. Lawrence
80c3170 Instead of chopping yourself down to fit the world, chop the world down to fit yourself. D.H. Lawrence
b09cbde There's lots of good fish in the sea...maybe...but the vast masses seem to be mackerel or herring, and if you're not mackerel or herring yourself, you are likely to find very few good fish in the sea. D.H. Lawrence
e0a72cd When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego, and when we escape like squirrels turning in the cages of our personality and get into the forests again, we shall shiver with cold and fright but things will happen to us so that we don't know ourselves. Cool, unlying life will rush in, and passion will make our bodies taut with power, we shall stamp our feet with new power and old things will fall down, institutions D.H. Lawrence
fe5e80d A little morphine in all the air. It would be wonderfully refreshing for everyone. morphine refreshing D.H. Lawrence
0d2b7ad Be a good animal,true to your instincts. D.H. Lawrence
b938960 Obscenity only comes in when the mind despises and fears the body, and the body hates and resists the mind. D.H. Lawrence
0f3a44f Every true artist is the salvation of every other. Only artists produce for each other a world that is fit to live in. D.H. Lawrence
fa05f8a All hopes of eternity and all gain from the past he would have given to have her there, to be wrapped warm with him in one blanket, and sleep, only sleep. It seemed the sleep with the woman in his arms was the only necessity. D.H. Lawrence
45808d6 The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. social-isolation sociopathy united-states D.H. Lawrence
682b65c There is nothing to save, now all is lost, loss poems quotes stillness D.H. Lawrence
7fd96f9 His body was urgent against her, and she didn't have the heart anymore to fight...She saw his eyes, tense and brilliant, fierce, not loving. But her will had left her. A strange weight was on her limbs. She was giving way. She was giving up...she had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt and breeches, watching her with haunted eyes...He too had bared the front part of hi.. D.H. Lawrence
5758123 And that is how we are. By strength of will we cut off our inner intuitive knowledge from admitted consciousness. This causes a state of dread, or apprehension, which makes the blow ten times worse when it does fall. D.H. Lawrence
c3b26c9 Recklessness is almost a man's revenge on his woman. He feels he is not valued so he will risk destroying himself to deprive her altogether. D.H. Lawrence
8073733 What the eye doesn't see and the mind doesn't know, doesn't exist. D.H. Lawrence
a2a6a45 Sleep is still most perfect, in spite of hygienists, when it is shared with a beloved. The warmth, the security and peace of soul, the utter comfort from the touch of the other, knits the sleep, so that it takes the body and soul completely in its healing. D.H. Lawrence
5c74210 That's the place to get to--nowhere. One wants to wander away from the world's somewheres, into our own nowhere. travel wandering wanderlust D.H. Lawrence
435d4b7 If I were the moon, I know where I would fall down. D.H. Lawrence
963139b When I hear modern people complain of being lonely then I know what has happened. They have lost the cosmos. D.H. Lawrence
5b70898 Don't you find it a beautiful clean thought, a world empty of people, just uninterrupted grass, and a hare sitting up? ecology humanity D.H. Lawrence
c1114f0 Lies About Love We are all liars, because The truth of yesterday becomes a lie tomorrow, Whereas letters are fixed, and we live by the letter of truth. The love I feel for my friend, this year, is different from the love I felt last year. If it were not so, it would be a lie. Yet we reiterate love! love! love! D.H. Lawrence
e18f885 Vitally, the human race is dying. It is like a great uprooted tree, with its roots in the air. We must plant ourselves again in the universe. D.H. Lawrence
85d2375 Sex and a cocktail: they both lasted about as long, had the same effect, and amounted to the same thing. D.H. Lawrence
8f3949d A woman cannot bear to feel empty and purposeless. But a man may take real pleasure in that feeling. A man can take real pride and satisfaction in pure negation: 'I am quite empty of feeling. I don't care the slightest bit in the world for anybody or anything except myself. But I do care for myself, and I'm going to survive in spite of them all, and I'm going to have my own success without caring the least in the world how I get it. Because.. D.H. Lawrence
1ef47ee And woman is the same as horses: two wills act in opposition inside her. With one will she wants to subject herself utterly. With the other she wants to bolt, and pitch her rider to perdition. D.H. Lawrence
bbf5d33 She herself had never been able to be altogether herself: it had been denied her. D.H. Lawrence
a441117 It's terrible, once you've got a man into your blood!" she said." lady-chatterley-s-lover D.H. Lawrence
626ee89 Why, oh why must one grow up, why must one inherit this heavy, numbing responsibility of living an undiscovered life? Out of the nothingness and the undifferentiated mass, to make something of herself! But what? In the obscurity and pathlessness to take a direction! But whither? How take even one step? And yet, how stand still? This was torment indeed, to inherit the responsibility of one's own life. responsibility D.H. Lawrence
03fb1e6 And in this passion for understanding her soul lay close to his; she had him all to herself. But he must be made abstract first. heartbreak passion understanding D.H. Lawrence
a61376b She had borne so long this cruelty of belonging to him and not being claimed by him. D.H. Lawrence
53ae500 Night, in which everything was lost, went reaching out, beyond stars and sun. Stars and sun, a few bright grains, went spiraling round for terror, and holding each other in embrace, there in a darkness that outpassed them all, and left them tiny and daunted. So much, and himself, infinitesimal, at the core of nothingness, and yet not nothing. D.H. Lawrence
ac20efe So as long as you can forget your body you are happy and the moment you begin to be aware of your body, you are wretched. So if civilization is any good, it has to help us forget our bodies, and then time passes happily without our knowing it. Help us get rid of our bodies altogether. D.H. Lawrence
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