How is it that human anatomy evolved so that something as stupid-looking as a repetitive back-and-forth movement can generate the peak of physical ecstasy?
Daria Snadowsky |
Your love interest becomes the most important thing to you. And if the love is requited, it's the biggest high in the universe, and you'd be fine never being with anyone else. But if this person doesn't want you back, well, you pretty much wish you were dead . . . or that that person dies miserable.
Daria Snadowsky |
Some scientists hypothesize that having children is the only reason romantic love came about. It kept couples together long enough to mate and see a baby through infancy.
Daria Snadowsky |
I wasn't expecting him to light candles or scatter rose petals. But I just made myself infertile for him, so the least he could've done was make the bed.
Daria Snadowsky |
It goes back to keeping things equal. Friendship feels really demeaning if one person still likes the other more, which is probably what caused the breakup in the first place. It's such a misnomer that 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' have the word 'friend' in them." "I don't know, Dom. It's screwed up that people who dug each other enough to go out can't at least stay friends afterward. "Spoken by a true love virgin."
Daria Snadowsky |
So it's all right for him to rule out a serious relationship, but it's wrong if I'm not ready to settle for less?
Daria Snadowsky |
Once you've ridden the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel's kinda restricting.
Daria Snadowsky |
But recalling how my ex had nasty BO after track practice never made me feel better. It seemed disingenuous to hold things against him that before I readily accepted as the price of love.
Daria Snadowsky |
I didn't realize it was possible to obsess over a girl as much as you can over a boy.
Daria Snadowsky |
Ultimately, I have no power over what he or any boy thinks of me.
Daria Snadowsky |
I hate how it's so much easier to be open and straightforward to a computer screen than to an actual person.
Daria Snadowsky |
When presented with a member of the opposite sex, some of us get numbers and some of us throw up.
Daria Snadowsky |
But when I gave bl0w jobs to my ex, I secretly hated it. What's pleasant about sucking on a stiff, veiny appendage that spurts pee and sperm?
Daria Snadowsky |
The other big con is whether having sex could cause me to more than just like like Guy. But that could happen even if we don't sleep together. You don't even need to date a boy to dream about marrying him.
Daria Snadowsky |
In my experience all boys can be classified as either assholes or bores, unless they're both.
Daria Snadowsky |
Did things get a lot hooter between you tow? A little stove-top stuffing in the kitchen?" -Amy"
Daria Snadowsky |
A boy sees a girl topless for the first time only once, and the anticipation of the big reveal is really exciting. I feel like I'm a present being unwrapped.
Daria Snadowsky |
I realize that I'm far less familiar with my own privates than with Guy's, and I've seen his only twice! I guess that's to be expected, since girls can't really look at ourselves without a reflection, whereas nothing's hidden with boys. It seems unfair, but there's also something neat about it being shrouded in secrecy.
Daria Snadowsky |
I can't be happy going out if it's not . . . going anywhere.
Daria Snadowsky |
There's nothing like feeling like sh_t to kill your libido.
Daria Snadowsky |
In some ways therapists have it harder than surgeons, who can often correct the issue with one operation. There's no quick fix for emotional trauma.
Daria Snadowsky |
Nothing bonds people more than going through sh_t together, right?
Daria Snadowsky |
For me, at least, feeling something, even something bad, is better than feeling nothing.
Daria Snadowsky |
A month ago it would have been my dream just to be in his bedroom watching a movie, but now it's torture because I want so much more. It's like my entire conscious state has been reduced to this toxic blend of hope and uncertainty. I hate that I have to act cool and almost pretend I don't like him when in fact I do, because, God forbid, I come across as desperate for attention or a little clingy, which everyone should know are perfectly nat..
Daria Snadowsky |
When did you stop caring for me? Certainly not before Thanksgiving. You certainly wouldn't accept a blow job from someone if you were thinking about breaking up with her.
Daria Snadowsky |
Does he try to have intercourse with you?" "Grandma!" I gasp. "Not that it's any of your business, but no!" "Good. Remember, no ring, no ring-a-ding-ding. Because once you spread your legs for him, do you know where he'll race once he's done? He'll race to another woman, that's where."
Daria Snadowsky |
I can barely feel my arms now, and my shoulders are sore, but I take deep breaths and keep going. Every few seconds I alternate hands and lick them. "Hand job" is such a misnomer for this full-body routine. It's like I'm a one-man band."
Daria Snadowsky |
just because someone is a great guy doesn't guarantee we'll make a great couple, no matter how much I work at it and want it.
Daria Snadowsky |
Now I'll be spending the next who-knows-how-many days waiting for Guy to call/ text/ IM/ Facebook/ e-mail me. Then, if he ever does, I'll devote who-knows-how-many hours to reading into every word and deliberating about how to respond so I come off as available but not clingy. We may call/ text/ IM/ Facebook/ e-mail back and forth for who-knows-how-much longer until we start hanging out, if we ever do. Meanwhile I'll keep scrutinizing his b..
Daria Snadowsky |
I wonder how many more penises I'll have inside me in my lifetime.
Daria Snadowsky |
Cuteness and kindness are often inversely proportional in people.
Daria Snadowsky |
All I mean is that, hypothetically, why would we need to see anyone else? And as long as we're going out and happy, wouldn't marriage be the goal, even if it's a decade away? 'Cause if it's not, all this is pointless.
Daria Snadowsky |
That's the thing about exes - for eternity you feel like rivals in a kind of happiness contest, and losing would be the epitome of tragedy.
Daria Snadowsky |
That I don't feel upset by us really being over almost trivializes how special and intense our relationship once was.
Daria Snadowsky |
The more I hurt, the more I knew I loved, and that felt like a good thing. So that I'm letting go of the pain means I'm also letting go of the love.
Daria Snadowsky |
Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.'
Daria Snadowsky |
How is it that mankind can engineer condoms to prevent pregnancy and STDs and not be able to invent some sort of emotional safeguard? Is it even possible to abstain from falling in love?
Daria Snadowsky |