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ecfe32a Even a minute of dying is better than an eternity of nothingness. Darren Shan
d6c23d7 I don't like it, but my hands are tied. I just want you to know this: if I ever get the chance to betray you, I will. If the opportunity arises to pay you back, I'll take it. You'll never be able to trust me. threat Darren Shan
0861590 Ever hear of the phrase, Banging you're head on a brick wall?" Ah, but you forget, Darren, vampires can break brick walls with their heads." Darren Shan
2f79abe The thing about real life is, when you do something stupid, it normally costs you. In books the heroes can make as many mistakes as they like. It doesn't matter what they do, because everything works out in the end. They'll beat the bad guys and put things right and everything ends up cool. In real life, vacuum cleaners kill spiders. If you cross a busy road without looking, you get whacked by a car. If you fall from a tree, you break some .. fiction on-fiction reality Darren Shan
5b8b771 A world of "if"s, but it would make no difference. If I could go back in time... but I couldn't. The past was behind me. The best thing now would be to stop looking over my shoulder. It was time to forget the past and look to the present and future." Darren Shan
1066514 The pain didn't bother me. In fact, I welcome it: It meant I was alive. Darren Shan
4ab0c78 Maybe you're going insane." "Maybe," agreed Kernel. "I was joking." "I wasn't." Darren Shan
c4a5f5c It is too easy to say 'what if' and paint a picture of a perfect world. Darren Shan
4e515f6 You do not have to be alone. The world never inflicts loneliness upon us. That is something we choose or reject by ourselves. loneliness Darren Shan
0d87f77 The hands of Fate keep time on a heart-shaped watch." - Harkat Mulds(The Trials of Death)" Darren Shan
e0285b0 Indecision is the source of chaos." - Paris Skyle(Allies of the Night)" Darren Shan
24620a9 What are you doing?" "Looking for my fangs." "We don't grow fangs you idiot!" Darren Shan
6ed72d4 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." - Harkat Mulds (Hunters of the Dusk)" Darren Shan
8299831 You thought I was a werewolf?" Dervish asks. "Yes" I answer hollowly. "You ass." Darren Shan
26a95ce But in life we don't usually get to choose the time of our defining moments. We just have to stand and face them when they come, no matter what sort of a state we're in. Darren Shan
9dd1905 There's something different about you," he says. "I've started styling my hair differently," I laugh. "Oh. I thought it was that you were three feet taller, a hell of a lot broader, look like a werewolf, and are naked expect for that bit of cloth around your waist. But you're right - it's the hair." Darren Shan
25b8298 You can't hang around waiting for somebody else to pull your strings. Destiny's what you make of it. You have to face whatever life throws at you. And if it throws more than you'd like, more than you think you can handle? Well then you just have to find the heroism within yourself and play out the hand you've been dealt. The universe never sets a challenge that can't be met. You just need to believe in yourself in order to find the strength.. life motivational self-reliance Darren Shan
53aa6e3 Stick it up your crack, you warped son of a mutant b*tch! grubbs-grady lord-loss Darren Shan
b7f6676 For a long time that's all I could do, howl and scream and cry like the wild animal of the night that I'd become. Darren Shan
54c87de She was a beautiful woman." Gavner sighed, tracing the outline of one of the elephants. "She just had very bad taste in underwear ..." "And in boyfriends," I added impishly. Mr. Crepsley burst into laughter at that" crepsley gavner humor Darren Shan
e4b2183 Underneath me, Sam Grest - who'd been my friend and saved my life - lay perfectly still and slipped further and further into the final sleep of an unfair and horrible death. Darren Shan
123993b Now sod off back to your own world, you motherless scum, and save your threats for those who care. grubbs-grady lord-loss Darren Shan
f3271c3 Students never appreciate their teachers while they are learning. It is only later, when they know more of the world, that they understand how indebted they are to those who instructed them. Good teachers expect no praise or love from the young. They wait for it, and in time, it comes. teaching Darren Shan
82580ae That's what you taught me - we don't have to accept destiny or Des Tiny. We can create our own future, all of us. We have the power to rule our lives - we just have to make the choice to use it. Darren Shan
bb0fe9b You should take more pride in your appearance," I tell him. "You'll never attract girls with an ugly mug like that." Darren Shan
547b0e4 But stories don't end. They continue as long as you're alive. You just have to get on with things. Turn the page, start a new chapter, find out what's in store for you next, and keep your fingers crossed that it's not awful. Even if you know in your heart and soul that it most probably will be. Darren Shan
5478221 Of course I have nightmares-Who doesn't? Darren Shan
4b24e1c I don't think anyone ever remembers what they were really like as kids. Adults think they do, but they don't. Photos and videos don't capture the real you, or bring back to life the person you used to be. You have to return to the past to do that. Darren Shan
1747f69 Throw up whatever's making you sick, Darren," he said, "then get your behind back in here." Darren Shan
eae3573 You stole from a member of the undead Darren Shan
585e86f Yes?" she asked, eyeing me guardedly. I struck out a hand and said "Shake." Arra stared at the hand, then into my unfocused eyes. "One good fight doesn't make you a warrior," she said. "Shake!" I repeated angrily. "And if I don't?" she asked. "I'll get back up on the bars and fight you till you do," I growled. Arra studied me at length, then nodded and took my hand. "Power to you, Darren Shan," she said gruffly. "Power," I repeated weakly, .. inspirational Darren Shan
eaab255 Destiny's what you make of it. You have to face whatever life throws at you. destiny life Darren Shan
bed20aa I sucked blood from one of my best friends Darren Shan
ffcaa33 If he comes in the dark, then it's KYAG Time!" - Harkat Mulds (The Lake of Souls)" Darren Shan
68df559 I'm starting to understand that fear is like cancer - you can beat it back, but if it returns, it can be worse than ever. Darren Shan
88f3046 When he faced me again, he looked ashamed of himself. "I have gravely underestimated you, Darren," he said. "I will not do so again. I made a wiser choice than I realized when I chose you to serve as my assistant. I feel honoured to have you by my side." Darren Shan
3e0edd5 There are a lot of black-hearted, mean-spirited bastards in the world. It's important that we hold them to acount. But always remember that might be the most black-hearted and mean-spirited in the lot, so hold yourself the most accountable of all. darren-shan self-awareness zom-b Darren Shan
18d735a Bran," I sob. "You have to go." He just smiles. "Bran! You must!" Again the smile. He won't leave. He'll be my faithful friend forever. He'd rather die by my side than skip free without me. I return the smile. "Very well," I sigh and reach out a hand. Bran takes it, expecting only my touch. But what he gets on top of that is the last of my magic. A swift, improvised spell. I reach into his mind and send an image into his thoughts, of the ho.. bran magic run-fast Darren Shan
962634f No, thats not how it happened... Mr crepsley dropped. He was impaled on the stakes. He died. And it was awful... His cries as he writhed there, bleeding and dying, burning and screaming, will stay with me till I die. Maybe I'll even carry them with me after I go. darren-shan hunters-of-the-dusk larten-crepley mr-crepsley Darren Shan
d906be7 Man wasn't made to share the universe with gods. Their ways are not meant for the humble likes of us. But we've decoded some of their secrets regardless. Like worms, we've grabbed on to the talons of eagles and learnt some small truths and means of flight. But we can never really fly. We try, and succeed to a certain extent, but the fall is always--will always be--there. To be a druid is to embrace death, dance with it a while and finally f.. drust Darren Shan
d8a5c7e You mean I might end up like you one day?" I asked, alarmed at the thought of sounding so serious and stuffy. "You might," Mr Crepsley said, "though I would not bet on it. Seba commanded my utmost respect, so I tried hard to copy what he did. You, on the other hand, seem to be determined to do the opposite of everything I say." "I'm not that bad," I grinned, but there was some grain of truth in his words. I'd always been stubborn. I admir.. Darren Shan
e0fc306 I might have to drink the blood of animals to stay alive, but I would never feast on one of my own kind, no matter what Mr.Crepsley said, or hows much my belly growled. Darren Shan
3698285 Then set the hounds loose, boy - it's time to kick demonic ass! humor Darren Shan
92bbe5b The demons were scary, but girls - Well, girls are really terrifying girls lord-loss Darren Shan
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