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bc6e73b I'll tell you a secret. Something they don't teach you in your temple. The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. David Benioff
f52cc96 That is the way we decided to talk, free and easy, two young men discussing a boxing match. That was the only way to talk. You couldn't let too much truth seep into your conversation, you couldn't admit with your mouth what your eyes had seen. If you opened the door even a centimeter, you would smell the rot outside and hear the screams. You did not open the door. You kept your mind on the tasks of the day, the hunt for food and water and s.. history inspirational jewish jews pessimism russia russian story world-war-ii ww2 David Benioff
9f0e331 Every woman has a dream lover and anightmare lover. The nightmare lover, he just lies on top of her, crushing her with his belly, jabbing his little tool in and out till he's finished. He got his eyes clenched shut, he doesn't say a word; essentially he's just jerking off in the poor girl's pussy. (Kolya Vlasov) David Benioff
db4ce5d You couldn't let too much truth seep into your conversation, you couldn't admit with your mouth what your eyes had seen. David Benioff
51d339a This life came so close to never happening.. David Benioff
53dfeee This wasn't the way I had imagined my adventures, but reality ignored my wishes from the get-go, giving me a body best suited for stacking books in the library, injecting so much fear into my veins that I could only cower in the stairwell when the violence came. Maybe someday my arms and legs would thicken with muscle and the fear would drain away like dirty bathwater. I wish I believed these things would happen, but I didn't. David Benioff
3eba0df it smelled like jail...sore knees and loose assholes. David Benioff
6a73745 In the silence of her nonanswer, I considered the possibility that I was a very boring person. Who else but a boring person would utter such meaningless trifles? If a brilliant pig, the prodigy of the barnyard, spent his entire life learning Russian, and on finally becoming proficient the first words he heard were my own, he would wonder why he had wasted his best years when he could have been lolling in the mud, eating slop with the other .. David Benioff
352cc4e Your mother's cunt has a peculiar tubular shape!' he yelled. 'Nonetheless, I tolerate its effluvium and enthusiastically lick its inner folds whenever she demands! David Benioff
7875b95 Lev Beniov:] "The imminence of death did not frighten me as much as it should have. I had been too afraid for too long; I was too exhausted, too hungry, too feel anything with proper intensity. But if my fear had diminished, it was not because my courage had increased. My body was so weak, so spent, that my legs trembled from the effort of standing upright. I could summon no great concern for anything, including the fate of Lev Beniov." David Benioff
9e2042c I've always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboard of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed. I was born an insomniac and that's the way I'll die, wasting thousands of hours along the way longing for unconsciousness, longing for a rubber mallet to crack me in the hear, not so hard, not hard enough to do any damage, just a good whack to put me do.. David Benioff
9492e6c I didn't know if we were heading for the gallows or an interrogation chamber. The night had passed without sleep; save for a swig from the German's flask, there hadn't been a sip to drink since the rooftop of the Kirov; a lump the size of an infant's fist had swelled where my forehead had cracked the ceiling- it was a bad morning, really; among my worst- but I wanted to live. David Benioff
8ce1f17 Es gibt keine gute Nachricht. Nur weil es eine schlechte Nachricht gibt, muss es nicht zwangslaufig gute Nachrichten geben. David Benioff
a117544 Markov's not important,' she said. 'I'm not important. You're not important. Winning the war, that's the only important thing.' 'No,' I said, 'I disagree. Markov was important. So am I and so are you. That's why we have to win. David Benioff
1549c93 Don't worry, my friend. I won't let you die." I was seventeen and stupid and I believed him." stupid teenagers David Benioff
b2ad453 The man knows he's a target. He's very careful. The'll find the guns.' Kolya responded with a mournful fart, low and solemn as a single note of a baritone horn. David Benioff
ba71b0c Siempre he envidiado a las personas que se duermen con facilidad. Sus cerebros deben de estar mas limpios, los suelos del craneo bien barridos, y todos los pequenos monstruos de la mente encerrados en un baul a los pies de la cama. David Benioff
635e75b The days had become a confusion of catastrophes; what seemed impossible in the afternoon was blunt fact by the evening. confusion David Benioff
afeb739 Stalin goes to visit one of the collectives outside of Moscow," began Kolya in his joke-telling voice. "Wants to see how they're getting on with the latest Five-Year Plan. 'Tell me, comrade,' he asks one farmer. 'How did the potatoes do this year?' 'Very well, Comrade Stalin. If we piled them up, they would reach God.' 'But God does not exist, Comrade Farmer.' 'Nor do the potatoes, Comrade Stalin." stalin David Benioff
9bcb58b Kolya rose to a crouch and crept to the front door, keeping his head below the window line. I followed. We kneeled with our backs against the door. Kolya checked his pistol one last time. I pulled the German knife from my ankle sheath. I knew I looked silly holding it, the way a young boy looks holding his father's shaving razor. Kolya grinned at me as though he was about to start laughing. This is all very strange, I thought. I am in the m.. David Benioff
ccb0f54 Arrojo su taco de papel sobre la mesa, y pude ver que no habia estado tomando notas, como pense, sino simplemente dibujando equis una y otra vez, hasta que la hoja entera estaba cubierta de ellas. Por alguna razon esto me asusto mas que su uniforme o su cara de maton. David Benioff
8b82148 He gave me a small, secretive smile, a smile that said he knew many things but couldn't share them all at once. smile David Benioff
d861d9a Ho sempre invidiato le persone che prendono sonno all'istante. Devono avere la testa piu ordinata, le pareti del cranio ben pulite, tutti i mostriciattoli chiusi in un baule ai piedi del letto. Io ho sempre sofferto d'insonnia e continuero a farlo fino all'ultimo giorno della mia vita. Nel frattempo sprechero ore e ore a evocare il sonno, a sperare che un manganello mi colpisca in testa, non troppo forte, non abbastanza da farmi male, giust.. David Benioff
9fd05df What Slattery wants is a ring painted on concrete in the empty desert. With no living spectator around for miles, just him and the grinning demons. A chance to fight them each, one by one . . . to leave them broken and humbled, or even to lose the fights, but with nobility, and earn the respect of all the men who have showed him none. I want peace, he thinks to himself late at night. I want peace. But then he dreams of fistfights. David Benioff
2a67d00 It made me happy that poems are referred to in the present tense even when the poet is in the past tense. poems poet poetry David Benioff
f60103e El sonido mas solitario del mundo es el que producen otras personas haciendo el amor. David Benioff
8a2cdee The front door is usually unlocked and there is no alarm system. They don't wear their seat belts in the car; they don't wear suntan lotion in the sun. They have decided nothing can kill them but God himself, and they don't even believe in him. courage death fearless god David Benioff
e384ad6 A young woman stood in the hallway, a suitcase at her feet, a cardboard carton in her hands. She wore a yellow cotton dress with a white flower print. The silver dragonfly on her necklace hung in the hollow of her collarbone and her thick red hair cascaded past her sunburned shoulders. She will tell you that she hadn't chosen that dress with any care, or the necklace, that she hadn't washed her hair or scrubbed her face, put a little red on.. playful David Benioff
5305982 I wish I could tell you that the thought of deserting Vera never entered my mind, that my friend was in danger and I went to her rescue without hesitation. Truly, though, at that moment I hated her. I hated her for being clumsy at the worst possible time, for staring up at me with her panicked brown eyes, electing me to be her savior even though Grisha was the only one she had ever kissed. I knew that I could not live with the memory of tho.. courage David Benioff
f4999bf Ah, the farmer, he kicks the first sack, 'Meow,' and so on. He kicks the second sack, and the boy inside says, 'Woof!' Pretending to be--" Kolya pointed at me to finish the sentence. "A cow." "A dog. When he kicks the third sack, the boy inside says, 'Potatoes!' " We walked in silence. "Well," said Kolya at last, "other people think it's funny." On" David Benioff
68b8ec1 If we piled them up, they would reach God.' 'But God does not exist, Comrade Farmer.' 'Nor do the potatoes, Comrade Stalin.' " "Old one." "Jokes only get old if they're good. Otherwise, who keeps telling them?" "People like you who aren't funny?" David Benioff
98854a3 Polislerin cani cehenneme.guvenimize ihanet ediyorsunuz! elini bir cocugun pantolonuna sokan rahiplerin cani cehenneme. onlari koruyan, bizi kotuluge yonelten kiliselerin cani cehenneme. konu acilmisken, Isa'nin da cani cehenneme. pacayi ucuz kurtardi. carmihta bir gun, cehennemde hafta sonu boyunca kaldi ve meleklerin ilahileri sonsuza dek onun icin soylenecek. Otisville' de yedi yil yasamayi denesene Isa! David Benioff
e1398e5 Nos pasabamos los minutos sobrantes cazando ratas, que debian de haber pensado que la desaparicion de los gatos de la ciudad era la respuesta a todas sus antiguas plegarias, hasta que comprendieron que ya no habia nada que comer en la basura. David Benioff
b56f673 De waarheid mag dan vreemder zijn dan de verbeelding, maar vraagt wel om een betere redacteur. Het grootste deel van het leven van een mens is de moeite van het onthouden niet waard. David Benioff
304a73c Kolya was a braggart, a know-it-all, a Jew-baiting Cossack, but his confidence was so pure and complete it no longer seemed like arrogance, just the mark of a man who had accepted his own heroic destiny. David Benioff
d002638 Talent must be a fanatical mistress. She's beautiful; when you're with her, people watch you, they notice. But she bangs on your door at odd hours, and she disappears for long stretches, and she has no patience for the rest of your existence: your wife, your children, your friends. She is the most thrilling evening of your week, but some day she will leave you for good. One night, after she's been gone for years, you will see her on the arm.. David Benioff
7f0d811 I've always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed. I was born an insomniac and that's the way I'll die, wasting thousands of hours along the way longing for unconsciousness, David Benioff
3dc0d4b She was not a writer herself but she was a very good reader, passionate and eclectic in her tastes, and my father had great faith in her judgments. writers David Benioff
12a0be1 Your mother and sister weren't on the radio telling us all to be brave. Look, I don't expect composers and poets to be heroes. I just don't like hypocrites. David Benioff
5bacccf I was a runt from birth. Big nosed, black haired, skin scribbled with acne--let's admit I was no girl's idea of a catch. But war made me more attractive. Others dwindled as the ration cards were cut and cut again, halving those who looked like circus strongmen before the invasion. I had no muscle to lose. Like the shrews that kept scavenging while the dinosaurs toppled around them, I was built for deprivation. David Benioff
b5799c3 Monty kucuk tuvaletin kapisini kilitleyip, klozetin kapali kapaginin ustune oturdu. Biri tuvalet kagidi rulosunun takili oldugu plastigin uzerine, cehenneme kadar yolunuz var, yazmisti. Kesinlikle diye dusundu o da. Ama senin de cehenneme kadar yolun var. Herkesin. Kapidaki Fransiz kadinin, sarap icerek yemek yiyenlerin, siparisleri alan garsonlarin, hepinizin cani cehenneme. Bu kentin ve icindeki herkesin cani cehenneme. Sokak koselerinde .. David Benioff
9dc91e2 Fuck Jesus Christ, he got off easy, an afternoon on the cross, a weekend in hell, and then the hallelujahs of all the legioned angels. David Benioff
d24d1fc The secret to winning a woman is calculated neglect. David Benioff
b0fbb35 Vika sat next to me, chewing on her fingernails. She chewed methodically, not an anxious person with a nervous habit but a butcher sharpening his knives. David Benioff