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790d2b9 You can try to fight it back. You can buy a daily planner and a to-do list application for your phone. You can write yourself notes and fill out schedules. You can become a productivity junkie surrounded by instruments to make life more efficient, but these tools alone will not help, because the problem isn't you are a bad manager of your time--you are a bad tactician in the war inside your brain. David McRaney
f8af7b6 Evrimsel olarak daima kesin olan bahsi oynamak mantiklidir; atalarinizin emekliligi ya da kalp krizini dusunmesi gerekmiyordu. Beyniniz torunlarinizla tanismanin muhtemel olmadigi bir dunyada evrimlesti. Beyninizin aptal maymun tarafi sekerlemeleri cabucak yiyip bitirmek ve borca batmak istiyor. David McRaney
2c0dea7 Any extended period of negative emotions can lead to you giving in to despair and accepting your fate. If you remain alone for a long time, you will decide loneliness is a fact of life and pass up opportunities to hang out with people. The loss of control in any situation can lead to this state. David McRaney
25dcd83 THE MISCONCEPTION: Your opinions of people and events are based on objective evaluation. THE TRUTH: You translate your physical world into words, and then believe those words. David McRaney
d04b29e Insanlari degerlerini satmakla suclayanlar, elinde kimsenin almak isteyecegi seyler olmayan saticilardir." - Patton Oswalt" David McRaney
2871012 Mathematically speaking, though, there is a miracle happening every time you turn a page of this book. David McRaney
512ca14 Your effort is better spent outsmarting yourself than making empty promises through plugging dates into a calendar or setting deadlines for push-ups. David McRaney
8bcdc42 When a kid asks, "But, why?" she is rightfully bringing to the attention of the adult world that all this stuff is just made up and mostly arbitrary nonsense often clung to for some long-forgotten reason." David McRaney
c56cefb If you think catharsis is good, you are more likely to seek it out when you get pissed. David McRaney
6167410 When it comes to buying lottery tickets, fearing the West Nile virus, looking for child molesters, and so on, you use the availability heuristic first and the facts second. David McRaney
4c1a5a6 Anosognosia sufferers are paralyzed but won't admit it. They tell their doctors and loved ones they have severe arthritis or need to watch their weight if asked to move their incapacitated arm to take a piece of candy. They lie, but they don't know they are lying. The deception is only directed inward. They truly believe the fiction. * A person with Capgras delusion believes their close friends and family have been replaced by impostors. Th.. David McRaney
e326b77 The flow of consciousness is one thing; the recollection of its course is another, yet you usually see them as the same. This is one of the oldest concepts in psychology and philosophy--phenomenology. David McRaney
9457a6b You are a liar by default, and you lie most to yourself. If you fail, you forget it. If you win, you tell everyone. David McRaney
9358201 THE MISCONCEPTION: If you are in a bad situation, you will do whatever you can do to escape it. THE TRUTH: If you feel like you aren't in control of your destiny, you will give up and accept whatever situation you are in. David McRaney
f3808e4 As psychologist Bruce Hood writes in his book The Self Illusion, you have an origin story and a sense that you've traveled from youth to now along a linear path, with ups and downs that ultimately made you who you are today. Babies don't have that. That sense is built around events that you can recall and place in time. Babies and small children have what Hood calls "unconscious knowledge," which is to say they simply recognize patterns and.. David McRaney
ca9f6f2 You sold out long ago in one way or another. The specifics of who you sell to and how much you make--those are only details. David McRaney
0b50a10 THE MISCONCEPTION: You evaluate yourself based on past successes and defeats. THE TRUTH: You excuse your failures and see yourself as more successful, more intelligent, and more skilled than you are. David McRaney
080454a You, too, are unaware of how unaware you are David McRaney
8494516 THE MISCONCEPTION: You know why you like the things you like and feel the way you feel. THE TRUTH: The origin of certain emotional states is unavailable to you, and when pressed to explain them, you will just make something up. David McRaney
8f4ce6c THE MISCONCEPTION: If you can't trust someone, you should ignore that person's claims. THE TRUTH: What someone says and why they say it should be judged separately. David McRaney
d825265 THE MISCONCEPTION: Venting your anger is an effective way to reduce stress and prevent lashing out at friends and family. THE TRUTH: Venting increases aggressive behavior over time. David McRaney
3d4d48b THE MISCONCEPTION: People who are losing at the game of life must have done something to deserve it. THE TRUTH: The beneficiaries of good fortune often do nothing to earn it, and bad people often get away with their actions without consequences. David McRaney
8716a62 Did we really put a man on the moon? If you are looking for proof we didn't, you can find it. David McRaney
2bf30d3 THE MISCONCEPTION: Wine is a complicated elixir, full of subtle flavors only an expert can truly distinguish, and experienced tasters are impervious to deception. THE TRUTH: Wine experts and consumers can be fooled by altering their expectations. David McRaney
b720c30 The tendency to make poor decisions and ignore odds in favor of your gut feelings is called the affect heuristic. David McRaney
3c5bae6 THE MISCONCEPTION: You know how much control you have over your surroundings. THE TRUTH: You often believe you have control over outcomes that are either random or are too complex to predict. David McRaney
b997e1c THE MISCONCEPTION: Other people's behavior is the reflection of their personality. THE TRUTH: Other people's behavior is more the result of the situation than their disposition. David McRaney
0afb8d3 THE MISCONCEPTION: You prefer the things you own over the things you don't because you made rational choices when you bought them. THE TRUTH: You prefer the things you own because you rationalize your past choices to protect your sense of self. David McRaney
450989d You are as deluded as the rest of us, but that's OK, it keeps you sane. David McRaney
5ddc2e0 Remember, your capacity to fool yourself is greater than the abilities of any conjurer, and conjurers come in many guises. You are a creature impelled to hope. As you attempt to make sense of the world, you focus on what falls into place and neglect that which doesn't fit, and there is so much in life that does not fit. David McRaney
bb29bfb You don't believe you are an average person, but you do believe everyone else is. This tendency, which springs from self-serving bias, is called the illusory superiority effect. David McRaney
20544a5 Artik firmalar, barlara ve kuluplere gidip alt kulturlerin nelerden hoslandigini gozlemlemeleri icin insanlari ise aliyorlar ve bulduklari seyler daha populer olurken alisveris merkezlerinin vitrinlerine yerlestiriyorlar. Karsi kultur, bagimsiz film hayranlari ve underground yildizlari -onlar kapitalizmin arkasindaki itici guctur. Bunlar motordur. Bu da bizi su noktaya getiriyor: Tuketiciler arasindaki rekabet kapitalizmin jet motorudur. Si.. David McRaney
f27940d You can't prime yourself directly, but you can create environments conducive to the mental states you wish to achieve. Just like the David McRaney
cdb157b It turns out, for any plan to work, every team needs at least one asshole who doesn't give a shit if he or she gets fired or exiled or excommunicated. David McRaney
acaa956 If your group includes a person who can hire or fire, groupthink comes into play. David McRaney
a46bc9d Many treatments have turned out over the years to be no better than placebos, and placebos, we have learned, are now known to be one of the strongest anomalies of the mind. David McRaney
f6f78a7 The more info you get about a statement, the more likely you are to believe that statement. David McRaney
6c9b09d This sets you up to be more afraid of terrorists than home furniture, even though falling couches and televisions take more lives each year. David McRaney
3a3dc6e You and everyone else come into the world preloaded with these pesky and completely wrong ways of seeing things, and you rarely notice them. David McRaney
35dabfc A bias is a tendency to think in one way when other options are just as good, if not better. David McRaney
cba59b7 You are always under the influence of irrational reasoning. You persist in a state of deluded deliberation. You are terrible at explaining yourself to yourself, and you are unaware of the depth and breadth of your faults in this regard. You feel quite the opposite, actually. You maintain an unrealistic confidence in your own perceptions even after your limitations are revealed. David McRaney
e5a99ac THE MISCONCEPTION: Clothes as everyday objects are just fabrics for protection and decoration of the body. THE TRUTH: The clothes you wear change your behavior and can either add or subtract from your mental abilities. David McRaney
0d20809 So the next time you are in a group of people trying to reach consensus, be the asshole. Every group needs one, and it might as well be you. David McRaney
5338782 What should be evident from the studies on the backfire effect is you can never win an argument online. When you start to pull out facts and figures, hyperlinks and quotes, you are actually making the opponent feel even surer of his position than before you started the debate. As he matches your fervor, the same thing happens in your skull. The backfire effect pushes both of you deeper into your original beliefs. Climate scientist John Cook.. David McRaney
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