You are the man. You have to take your dignity and self respect to the pawnbrokers.
David Mitchell |
In the next room a freckly girl Julia's age sat in a wheelchair. One of her legs wasn't there. She'd probably love to have my stammer if she could have her leg back, and I wondered if being happy's about other people's misery.
David Mitchell |
But this isn't a ghost story: the ghost is in the background, where she has to be. If she was in the foreground she'd be a person.
David Mitchell |
Neither of us had anything to say, or rather we had everything to say, but after all those nights of not saying a word, we suddenly found we had not one dollar of time left between us.
David Mitchell |
To my hens, I'm a two-legged giant who throws them corn and keeps stealing their eggs.
David Mitchell |
He sifts the radio waves, but it's all men singing like women and women singing like men...
David Mitchell |
A Titus Andronicus catalog of threats beat at the door. They haunt my nightmares still.
David Mitchell |
I'm shoutin' back more'n forty long years at myself, yay,...Oy, list'n! Times are you're weak 'gainst the world! Times are you can't do nothin'! That ain't your fault, it's this busted world's fault is all! But no matter how loud I shout, ...he don't hear me nor never will.
David Mitchell |
These people, I'm afraid, include those who suffer from 'wheat intolerance'. I know there is such a thing, which can afflict even the sturdiest, most no-nonsense of souls and causes the consumption of foods containing wheat to bring on unpleasant symptoms that, while not at the same level as an allergic reaction, the sufferer would still want to do something about, such as stopping eating wheat, and that wouldn't necessarily make them a ted..
David Mitchell |
I'd learn betrayals came in various shapes and sizes, but to betray someone's dream is the unforgivable one.
David Mitchell |
Photos're better than nothing, but things're better than photos 'cause the things themselves were part of what was there.
David Mitchell |
there're times when i suspect that the mind has a mind of its own. it shows us pictures. pictures of the past and the might-one-day-be. this mind's mind exerts its own will, too, and has its own voice
David Mitchell |
People're a nestful of needs. Dull needs, sharp needs, bottomless-pit needs, flash-in-the-pan needs, needs for things you can't hold, needs for things you can.
David Mitchell |
You groan and shake your head, Sixsmith, I know, but you smile too, which is why I love you.
David Mitchell |
Why have you given your life to books, TC? Dull, dull, dull! The memoirs are bad enough, but all that ruddy fiction! Hero goes on a journey, stranger comes to town, somebody wants something, they get it or they don't, will is pitted against will. "Admire me, for I am a metaphor."
David Mitchell |
Bury the hatchet. Hatchets don't work on ghosts. They cannot hear you. You only end up hatcheting yourself.
David Mitchell |
Oaks live for six hundred years. Two hundred to grow, two hundred to live, two hundred to die.
David Mitchell |
The reductio ad absurdum of M.D.'s view, I argued, was that science devises ever bloodier means of war until humanity's powers of destruction overcome our powers of creation and our civilization drives itself to extinction. M.D. embraced my objection with mordant glee. 'Precisely. Our will to power, our science, and those v. faculties that elevated us from apes, to saves, to modern man, are the same faculties that'll snuff out Homo Sapiens ..
David Mitchell |
Dentro de todo secreto acecha el miedo a descubrirlo.
David Mitchell |
A classical LP was playing... ... Jealous and sweet, this music was, sobbing and gorgeous, muddy and crystal. But if the right words existed the music wouldn't need to.
david mitchell |
One bright dusk, four, five, no, my God, six summers ago, I strolled along a Greenwich avenue of mature chestnuts and mock oranges in a state of grace. Those Regency residences number amount London's Costliest properties, but should you ever inherit one, dear Reader, sell it, don't live in it. Houses like these secrete some dark sorcery that transforms their owners into fruitcakes. One such victim, an ex-chief of Rhodesian polices, had, on ..
David Mitchell |
Odd how the wrong stories pop into one's head at my age.
David Mitchell |
Men of your age don't bounce. They splat.
David Mitchell |
When pain is vivid, when decisions are keen-edged, we believe that we are the surgeons. But time passes, and one sees the whole more clearly, and now I perceive us as surgical instruments used by the world.
David Mitchell |
Mariangela says that the best way to work with dementia is to act as if the person you knew is still inside the wreckage. If you're wrong, and the person you knew is gone, then no damage is done but the standards of care stay high; if you're right, and the person you knew is still bricked up inside, then you are the lifeline.
David Mitchell |
I find geriatric prodigies much more interesting than child prodigies
David Mitchell |
Old Father Timothy offers this advice to his younger readers, included for free in the price of this memoir: conduct your life in such a way that, when you train breaks down in the eve of you years, you have a warm dry car drive by a loved one - or a hired one, it matters not - to take you home.
David Mitchell |
the soul is on the edge of what's visible, like a clear glass marble in a jar of water,
David Mitchell |
These...xistential qualms you suffer, they just mean you're truly human.
David Mitchell |
The purpose of modern warfare is to slay as many civilians as possible.
David Mitchell |
So Wise Man summ'ned Crow an' say-soed him these words: Fly across the crazed'n'jiffyin' ocean to the Mighty Volcano, an' on it's foresty slopes, find a long stick. Pick up that stick in your beak an' fl into that Mighty Volcano's mouth an' dip it in the lake o' flames what bubble'n'spit in that fiery place. Then bring the burnin' stick back here to Panama so humans'll mem'ry fire once more an' mem'ry back its makin
David Mitchell |
Never done anything yourself, have yer? Never performed live to a real audience, have yer?' 'Nor have I fucked a donkey, destabilized a Central American state, or played Dungeons & Dragons,' retorts Cheeseman, 'but I reserve the right to hold opinions on those who do.
David Mitchell |
Uncle Tarmac says vehicles always resemble their owners, and likes advising my female cousins to judge whether boyfriends will make decent husbands or not by observing how they treat or mistreat their cars.
David Mitchell |
Habia leido lo bastante como para apreciar mi ingenio literario, pero no lo bastante como para identificar mis fuentes de conocimiento. Me encantan las mujeres asi. Podia decirle cosas como: "La principal diferencia entre la felicidad y la alegria es que la felicidad es solida, mientras que la alegria es liquida" y, escudandome en su ignorancia de Salinger, sentirme ingenioso, seductor y, porque no decirlo, joven. Notaba que Ernie me miraba..
David Mitchell |
Ethical cyberexplorers are responsible, yeah? We are friendly ghosts in the machine, not poltergeists or hooligans. We are a growing breed. Over sixty-five percent of top-flight systems explorers are ethical." Ai gives Suga a black look. "And over eighty-five percent of all statistics are made up on the spot."
David Mitchell |
Ambassadors are idiots who possess only one skill: outkowtowing one another at official functions.
David Mitchell |
Preemptive strike,' said Huw, 'must mean not declaring war until your cameras are in position.
David Mitchell |
My soul may be stoned an' my luck may be rotted but I can still cuss a cuss
David Mitchell |
London darkens the map like England's bowel polyp. There is a whole country up here.
David Mitchell |
But, overall, I concluded the young-hack-versus-corporate-corruption thriller had potential. (The Ghost of Sir Felix Finch whines, "But it's been done a hundred times before!" - as if there could be anything done a hundred times between Aristophanes and Andrew Void-Webber! As if Art is the , not the !)"
David Mitchell |
Un sueno a pleno dia. Jamas escribire nada que valga la centesima parte. Ojala pecase de inmodesto, pero no es el caso. El sexteto del Atlas de las nubes engloba mi vida, es mi vida, ahora soy un cohete consumido; pero al menos he sido un cohete.
David Mitchell |
Marinus blows out a mouthful of air. "Did close-range artillery knock any sense into you, or are we staying?"
David Mitchell |
La paz es como el cristal: si se golpea repetidamente, termina mostrando su fragilidad.
David Mitchell |
When I was a young man, and the Russkies were going to blow us all to Kingdom Come, we were told we'd have a four-minute warning. I'm talking Ford, Carter, Reagan Days. Four minutes, I used to wonder . . . What would I do in four minutes? Boil an egg, have sex, telephone my enemies to have the final word, listen to Jim Morrison, hotwire a car and drive three blocks?
David Mitchell |