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0131bd3 wavering David Walliams
7821c11 miles an hour. David Walliams
4cc25af In her heart the girl knew that she should never ever sign over the deeds of Saxby Hall to her wicked aunt. But her heart was broken. Stella's body and spirit had been crushed by the past days and nights of terror. With her parents gone, and Soot trapped at the bottom of the icy lake, she felt she had nothing left to live for. If she signed now perhaps this nightmare would be over. David Walliams
d11c11d I'm too young to die. David Walliams
922561e Father David Walliams
60d4143 As she took each step a little bubble of wind puffed out of her saggy bottom. It sounded like a duck quacking. Either she didn't realise or was extremely good at pretending she didn't realise. David Walliams
6edfe9e Granny's bum squeaking again David Walliams
826f7ea dining room and up the stairs to David Walliams
4dc29b3 AWFUL AUNTIE David Walliams
9b84c1f Up and down went the ends of the old man's moustache David Walliams
9d748df Fingers and Thumbs David Walliams
4306cdb Detective David Walliams
3661ca2 peeved. David Walliams
df32dfa rozzers"*" David Walliams
8be9a22 Oh, shut yer face, ya idiot! David Walliams
7942c90 various David Walliams
9d6d39e greatest David Walliams
c1be64f Twilight Towers. David Walliams
0a306a5 and a tea David Walliams
1b21b88 lifetime left. Jack was going to have to help him. But he had David Walliams
bcb7786 Sweating profusely, the thirsty dentist took a large swig of mouthwash, David Walliams
5a96db2 carry him. That fateful afternoon the boy vowed that he would never ever David Walliams
36ff5ad bunnykins, David Walliams
4ee26a4 GGGRRRUUURRR! The noise of Woolly's bottom burping sounded just like a bear growling. David Walliams
21bb69c Billionaire Boy David Walliams
e90f2d2 Myrtle's David Walliams
8ba9816 until recently, it would have been Grandpa tucking Jack in. Now David Walliams
a8d9252 But as ever in life, wherever there is tragedy, you can often find comedy. David Walliams
27b0683 No one knows where socks disappear to. It is one of the universe's greatest mysteries. Either they are sucked into a black hole where time and space have become flattened, or they get caught in the back of the washing machine. David Walliams
019f51b That night Jack lay in bed, in the place just between awake and asleep. The room was beginning to disappear to make way for the world of dreams. David Walliams
fabdde6 Detective Bone David Walliams
c47e2d9 have your chocolate stolen? David Walliams
c6d0b64 morning, they were forced to lift her up and carry her there. Myrtle refused to walk even though it David Walliams
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