He explained to me at great length the difficulties I am likely to face here, and I listened with as much politeness as I could muster. Any governess, after the few hours I have had in this house, would have a full and clear picture of the task awaiting her, but he is a man, hence cannot see how tiresome it is to have explained at length what one has already fully understood. My fidgeting and the slight sharpness of one or two of my answers..
Diane Setterfield |
Politeness. Now, there's a poor man's virtue if ever there was one. What's so admirable about inoffensiveness, I should like to know. After all, it's easily achieved. One needs no particular talent to be polite. On the contrary, being nice is what's left when you've failed at everything else. People with ambition don't give a damn what other people think about them.
Diane Setterfield |
Death might be a necessity in farming, but suffering? Never.
Diane Setterfield |
Her hair was a dirty color that was too dark to be blond, her chin was big and her eyes were small.
Diane Setterfield |
There's a great many things hard to fathom in darkness that set themselves straight in the light of day.
Diane Setterfield |
Time was of the essence. For at eight o'clock the world came to an end. It was reading time.
Diane Setterfield |
The hours between eight in the evening and one or two in the morning have always been my magic hours.
Diane Setterfield |
Pigs are remarkable creatures and, though most men are too blind to see it, have intelligence that they show in their eyes.
Diane Setterfield |
They were not willfully cruel, you know. Only foolish. Misguided by their learning, their ambition, their own self-deceiving blindness.
Diane Setterfield |
just 'cause a thing's impossible don't mean it can't happen.
Diane Setterfield |
And yet I cannot pretend that the reading I have done in my adult years matches in its impact on my soul the reading I did as a child. I still believe in stories. I still forget myself when I am in the middle of a good book. Yet it is not the same. Books are, for me, it must be said, the most important thing; what I cannot forget is that there was a time when they were at once more banal and more essential than that. When I was a child, boo..
Diane Setterfield |
A story so cherished it had to be dressed in casualness to disguise its significance in case the listener turned out to be unsympathetic.
Diane Setterfield |
The doctor is an intelligent, cultivated man. He has a sincere desire to see the twins improve and has been the prime mover in bringing me to Angelfield. He explained to me at great length the difficulties I am likely to face here, and I listened with as much politeness as I could muster. Any governess, after the few hours I have had in this house, would have a full and clear picture of the task awaiting her, but he is a man, hence cannot s..
Diane Setterfield |
There are stories that may be told aloud, and stories that must be told in whispers, and there are stories that are never told at all. The story of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong was one of these latter ones, known only to the two parties to whom it belonged and the river. But as secret visitors to this world, as border crossers between one world and another, there is nothing to prevent us sitting by the river and opening our ears; ..
Diane Setterfield |
El silencio no es el entorno natural para las historias -me dijo en una ocasion la senorita Winter-. Las historias necesitan palabras. Sin ellas palidecen, enferman y mueren. Y luego te persiguen.
Diane Setterfield |
El silencio donde moraban sus demonios.
Diane Setterfield |
A river no more begins at its source than a story begins with the first page.
Diane Setterfield |
Pero ?que tormenta golpea en silencio?
Diane Setterfield |
her fear of action was overtaken by her fear of inaction.
Diane Setterfield |
No conviene encarinarse con los personajes secundarios. No es su historia. Vienen, se van, y una vez que se han ido ya no vuelven. Eso es todo.
Diane Setterfield |
Cualquier institutriz, despues de pasar unas pocas horas en esta casa, se habria hecho una idea clara y completa de la tarea a la que se enfrenta; pero el medico es un hombre, de modo que no puede percatarse de lo tedioso que a cualquiera le resulta que le expliquen detenidamente lo que ya ha entendido.
Diane Setterfield |
Una mente fatigada tiende a tomar derroteros infructuosos; no hay nada que una buena noche de sueno no pueda reparar.
Diane Setterfield |
Cuando escribo, incluso ahora mientras estoy escribiendo esta frase, esta palabra, soy consciente de la presencia de un lector fantasma que se inclina sobre mi hombro y contempla mi pluma, que tergiversa mis palabras y distorsiona mi significado, haciendome sentir incomoda incluso en la intimidad de mis propios pensamientos.
Diane Setterfield |