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146fabd Friendship is a combination of art and craft. The craft part is in knowing how to give and how to take. The art part is in knowing when, and the whole process only works when no one is keeping track. E.L. Konigsburg
6f4abc6 Oh, well,' Mrs. Zender continued, 'Mother always said that Mr. Zender had other talents. He was good looking, and I think Mother put looking good right up there with the harpsichord, an instrument that has limited performance time and requires a great deal of maintenance. E.L. Konigsburg
84938ed Inside me there was a lot of best friendship that no one but Ginger was using. E.L. Konigsburg
2422420 I keep telling you that often the search proves more profitable than the goal. E.L. Konigsburg
e219648 Jamie: The only kind of deal that I can make is with money, and we haven't got any of that. Mrs. Frankweiler: You are very poor indeed if that is the only kind of deal you can make E.L. Konigsburg
f28f9f4 A good lawyer never asks a witness a question she doesn't know the answer to.' 'But, Margaret, I'm not trying to be a good lawyer. I'm trying to be a good friend. E.L. Konigsburg
c1f6dd8 Becoming a team didn't mean the end of their arguments. But it did mean that the arguments became a part of the adventure, became discussions not threats. To an outsider the arguments would appear to be the same because feeling like part of a team is something that happens invisibly. You might call it caring. You could even call it love. E.L. Konigsburg
276ada6 I want all the books on the shelves. I want the books with dinosaur words like that show the skeletons in our national closet. I want books with the word cunt as well as the word kike. Words don't scare me. Suppressing them does. censorship language literature misogyny racism redaction suppression E.L. Konigsburg
1dc5687 Jamie spied a Hershey's almond bar still in its wrapper lying in the corner of the landing. He picked it up and tore open one corner. "Was it bitten into?" asked Claudia. "No," Jamie smiled. "Want half?" "You better not touch it," Claudia warned. "It's probably poisoned or filled with marijuana, so you'll eat it and become either dead or a dope addict". Jamie was irritated. "Couldn't it just happen that someone dropped it?" "I doubt th.. dope funny E.L. Konigsburg
369b9de The storm in our private lives had picked him up and put him out of place. Me, too. I, too, had been picked up from one place and set down in another. I, too, had been stranded. We both needed help resettling. E.L. Konigsburg
7303618 Julian Singh," he said, extending his hand. No one (a) introduces himself and then (b) extends his hand to be shaken while (c) wearing shorts and (d) knee socks and (e) holding a genuine leather book bag on (f) the first day of school." E.L. Konigsburg
a24701c But no one was prouder of me or happier for me than Branwell, and I think he would not have been prouder or happier if he had won himself. And I don't know anyone anywhere who has a friend like that. E.L. Konigsburg
15b5431 Peter took a deep breath. 'Really, Mother! Anyone who blows pink bubble in front of a Picasso Blue painting should be arrested. E.L. Konigsburg
e221377 How dare he fall in love with his own wife! -Salai E.L. Konigsburg
b60217c Blue peter. E.L. Konigsburg
873d148 should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up inside of you until it touches everything. And you can feel it inside you. If you never take time out to let that happen, then you just accumulate facts, and they begin to rattle around inside of you. You can make noise with them, but never really feel anything with them. It's hollow. E.L. Konigsburg
f0c62db Mrs. Olinski was the first teacher Epiphany ever had who taught from a wheelchair. E.L. Konigsburg
abc4d93 Because we are human we have a long childhood, and one of the jobs of that childhood is to sculpt our brains. We have years--about twelve of them--to draw outlines of the shape we want our sculpted brain to take. Some of the parts must be sculpted at critical times. One cannot, after all, carve out toes unless he knows where the foot will go. We need tools to do some of the fine work. The tools are our childhood experiences. And I'm convinc.. brains childhood children children-s-books children-s-lit children-s-literature development experiences life life-experiences literature reading E.L. Konigsburg
05b7021 It is sometimes necessary to use unnecessary words like thank you and please just to make life prettier. pretty thank-you words E.L. Konigsburg
fdeec9d I chose a brunette, a redhead, a blond, and a kid with hair as black as print on paper. E.L. Konigsburg
83361e6 I am truly anxious to get on with my life. E.L. Konigsburg
04787da Some people spend all their time on a vacation taking pictures so that when they get home they can show their friends evidence that they had a good time. They don't pause to let the vacation enter inside of them and take that home. E.L. Konigsburg
382baaf Something made me pull sounds out of my silence... E.L. Konigsburg
bc32765 Good explanations are like bathing suits, darling; they are meant to reveal everything by covering only what is necessary. explanations revelations E.L. Konigsburg
fac1ad8 Since language is the only tool with which writers can reflect and shape a culture, it must be transformed into art. Language is not a limitation on the art of literature; it is a glorification. It has been the scaffolding inside which nations and philosophies have been built, and the language of literature has added the ornamental pediment by which the culture is remembered. language legacy literature writers writing E.L. Konigsburg
dba1594 Friendship depends on interlocking time, place, and state of mind. E.L. Konigsburg
3852588 Tell how it is normal to be very comfortable on the outside but very uncomfortable on the inside. Tell how funny it all is. But tell a little something else, too. What can it hurt? Tell a little something else--about how you can be a nonconformist and about how you can be an outsider. And tell how you are entitled to a little privacy. But for goodness' sake, say all that very softly. outsider E.L. Konigsburg
2f939f6 For the novelist or poet, for the scientist or artist, the question is not do ideas come from, the question is how they come. The is the mystery. The how is fragile. artists books creativity ideas inspiration novelists poems poets science scientists E.L. Konigsburg
6a8e9cf It takes more courage to disturb the neighborhood than it takes to disturb the universe. And the price is often higher. books change courage creativity ideas revolution science E.L. Konigsburg
7853545 Let me first talk about our brains as a personal radio telescope. Let me talk first about its wonderful built-in wiring for tuning out the static of our civilization in order to better tune in its symphony. development life E.L. Konigsburg
02322f4 that. I think you should learn, of course, and some days you must learn a great deal. But you should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up inside of you until it touches everything. And you can feel it inside you. If you never take time out to let that happen, then you just accumulate facts, and they begin to rattle around inside of you. You can make noise with them, but never really feel anything with them. It's .. E.L. Konigsburg
1448a5f The girl clones at Singer Grove were just like the ones in Texas; they knocked themselves out to be like everyone else and then bragged about how they were different. All their differences put into a pot and boiled down wouldn't spice baby food. By trying to brag about how different they were, they just really showed how alike they were, because all their differences were alike. similarities students E.L. Konigsburg
e8d3172 Parke-Bernet Galleries. E.L. Konigsburg
5d44450 The men left, turning" E.L. Konigsburg
d1bae88 Next to any kind of elegance, Claudia loved good clean smells. After E.L. Konigsburg
d7f5976 you should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up inside of you until it touches everything. And you can feel it inside you. If you never take time out to let that happen, then you just accumulate facts, and they begin to rattle around inside of you. You can make noise with them, but never really feel anything with them. It's hollow." Both" -- E.L. Konigsburg
48bf9b1 Angel" became part of Claudia's story about finding herself, about how the greatest adventure lies not in running away but in looking inside, and the greatest discovery is not in finding out who made a statue but in finding out what makes you." E.L. Konigsburg
91cab3a In some way, every creative action disturbs the universe. creation creativity literature revolution E.L. Konigsburg
72b4fd8 I have such faith in words that when I read about such families as a child, I thought that they were the norm and that the way I lived was subnormal, waiting for normal. E.L. Konigsburg
32b580a We'll walk from here to the E.L. Konigsburg
39639de box tops E.L. Konigsburg
944dedc You must thing of those six steps not as preparation for the beginning but as the beginning itself" p10" E.L. Konigsburg