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b0429ec The sensation was part of the general strangeness that made him feel like a man waking from a long sleep to find himself in an unknown country among people of alien tongue. We live in our own souls as in an unmapped region, a few acres of which we have cleared for our habitation; while of the nature of those nearest us we know but the boundaries that march with ours. Of the points in his wife's character not in direct contact with his own, .. Edith Wharton
eb45691 Glennard did himself injustice. it was from the unexpected discovery of his own pettiness that he chiefly suffered. Our self-esteem is apt to be based on the hypothetical great act we have never had occasion to perform; and even the most self-scrutinizing modesty credits itself negatively with a high standard of conduct. Glennard had never thought himself a hero; but he had been certain that he was incapable of baseness. We all like our wro.. Edith Wharton
256ec36 Vd'khvashchiiat trepet produkt na obshchestvenata sistema, k'm koiato prinadlezheshe i toi i v koiato viarvashe, devoikata, koiato ne znaeshe nishcho i ochakvashe vsichko, go gledashe kato nepoznata prez poznatite cherti na Mei Uel'nd i toi oshche vedn'zh os'zna, che brak't ne e tikho pristanishche, kakto mu biakha vnushavali, a plavane iz neznaini moreta. български добър-вкус Edith Wharton
6139f5d Archer disliked her use of the word "clever" almost as much as her use of the word "common"; but he was beginning to fear his tendency to dwell on the things he disliked in her. After all, her point of view had always been the same. It was that of all the people he had grown up among, and he had always regarded it as necessary but negligible. Until a few months ago he had never known a "nice" woman who looked at life differently; and if a m.. Edith Wharton
9ed796c Is New York such a labyrinth? I thought it so straight up and down--like Fifth Avenue. And with all the cross streets numbered!" She seemed to guess his faint disapproval of this, and added, with the rare smile that enchanted her whole face: "If you knew how I like it for just that--the straight-up-and-downness, and the big honest labels on everything!" He saw his chance. "Everything may be labelled--but everybody is not." Edith Wharton
39f593f imagination WAS the eagle that devoured Prometheus! Edith Wharton
690daab Why do we call all our generous ideas illusions, and the mean ones truths. Edith Wharton
cfc4578 If the ability to read carries the average man no higher than the gossip of his neighbours, if he asks nothing more nourishing out of books and the theatre than he gets hanging about the store, the bar and the street-corner, then culture is bound to be dragged down to him instead of his being lifted up by culture. literature reading Edith Wharton
22afe48 There were moments when she longed blindly for anything different, anything strange, remote and untried; but the utmost reach of her imagination did not go beyond picturing her usual life in a new setting. She could not figure herself as anywhere but in a drawing-room, diffusing elegance as a flower sheds perfume. Edith Wharton
a1010c1 I hate in-the-end kindnesses: they're about as nourishing as the third day of cold mutton. Edith Wharton
1c4ac98 He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface; but there was nothing unfriendly in his silence. I simply felt that he lived in a depth of moral isolation too remote for casual access, and I had the sense that his loneliness was not merely the result of his personal plight, tragic as I guessed that to be, but had in it, as Harmon Go.. Edith Wharton
e8d0518 In consequence of this search he arrived late at the office, perceived that his doing so made no difference whatever to any one, and was filled with sudden exasperation at the elaborate futility of his life. Edith Wharton
2afd7e8 The stage was thought to have a shaping influence, for the most part a bad one, on youthful character and conduct in much the way television is thought to have in our day. Edith Wharton
633f292 Ruth Varnum was always as nervous as a rat; and, come to think of Edith Wharton
c135809 Meanwhile everything matters -- that concerns you. Edith Wharton
bc3ab56 Nao e verdade, monsieur, que o grande valor esta em manter a propria liberdade intelectual, em nao escravizar o nosso poder de apreciacao, a nossa independencia critica? Edith Wharton
016fcc4 and he was struck again by the religious revernce of even the most unworldly American women for the social advantages of dress. 'It's their armour,' he thought, 'their defence against the unknown, and their defiance of it. Edith Wharton
d8a558b She clung to him desperately, and as he drew her to his knees on the couch she felt as if they were being sucked down together into some bottomless abyss. Edith Wharton
add565c This new resolve gave her a sort of light-headed self-confidence: when she left the dinner-table she felt so easy and careless that she was surprised to see that the glass of champagne beside her plate was untouched. She felt as if all its sparkles were whirling through her. confidence Edith Wharton
f7ad45a Her mind was as destitute of beauty and mystery as the prairie school-house in which she had been educated; and her ideals seemed to Ralph as pathetic as the ornaments made of corks and cigar-bands with which her infant hands had been taught to adorn it. He was beginning to understand this, and learning to adapt himself to the narrow compass of her experience. ralph-marvell superficiality undine-spragg Edith Wharton
3edeb13 cherished it for being small and inconvenient, and thus keeping out the "new people" whom New York was beginning to dread and yet be drawn to; and the sentimental clung to it for its historic associations, and the musical for its excellent acoustics, always so problematic a quality in halls built for the hearing of music." Edith Wharton
8518b18 I'm improvident: I live in the moment when I'm happy Edith Wharton
17f2883 bursting with the belated eloquence of the inarticulate"...happens to me on a daily basis!" Edith Wharton
fbf4e5e W]hat with the hours dedicated to the law and those given to dining out or entertaining friends at home, with an occasional evening at the Opera or the play, the life he was living had still seemed a fairly real and inevitable sort of business. But Newport represented the escape from duty... Edith Wharton
e0193d5 But least is he who, with enchanted eyes Filled with high visions of fair shapes to be, Muses which god he shall immortalize In the proud Parian's perpetuity, Edith Wharton
8390b1a And how can anyone give you happiness who hasn't got it himself? Edith Wharton
cdba079 The light of the October afternoon lay on an old high-roofed house which enclosed in its long expanse of brick and yellowish stone the breadth of a grassy court filled with the shadow and sound of limes. Edith Wharton
0764033 he saw his marriage becoming what most of the other marriages about him were: a dull association of material and social interests held together by ignorance on the one side and hypocrisy on the other. privilege Edith Wharton
36270b3 name's Regina Dallas,' I said, 'It was Beaufort when he covered you with jewels, and it's got to stay Beaufort now that he's covered you with shame.' '' So Edith Wharton
82960d7 the first six months were always the most difficult in marriage. "After that I suppose we shall have pretty nearly finished rubbing off each other's angles," he reflected; but the worst of it was that May's pressure was already bearing on the very angles whose sharpness he most wanted to keep." Edith Wharton
14c3737 and I know how names can alter the colour of beliefs. Edith Wharton
7ea0fef He took [the book] up, and found himself plunged in an atmosphere unlike any he had ever breathed in books; so warm, so rich, and yet so ineffably tender, that it gave a new and haunting beauty to the most elementary of human passions. Edith Wharton
5ef0c58 It seems so to me," said his wife, as if she were producing a new thought." society Edith Wharton
9dc77a7 Odbacila sam par dobrih prilika na samom pocetku - pretpostavljam da to svaka devojka uradi, a znate da sam vrlo siromasna - i vrlo skupa. Edith Wharton
4f607db But I've caught it already. I am dead -- I've been dead for months and months. Edith Wharton
ca78aa8 Here were two people who had penetrated farther than she into the labyrinth of the wedded state, and struggled through some of its thorniest passages; and yet both, one consciously, the other half-unaware, testified to the mysterious fact which was already dawning on her: that the influence of a marriage begun in mutual understanding is too deep not to reassert itself even in the moment of flight and denial. Edith Wharton
78d360a Archer, through all his deeper feelings, tasted the pleasurable excitement of being in a world where action followed on emotion with such Olympian speed. Edith Wharton
0280030 There was no sense of guilt in her now, but only a desperate desire to defend her secret from irreverent eyes, and begin life again among people to whom the harsh code of the village was unknown. Edith Wharton
103108a The persons of their world lived in an atmosphere of faint implications and pale delicacies, and the fact that he and she understood each other without a word seemed to the young man to bring them nearer than any explanation would have done. Edith Wharton
cc8d9d0 the endless labour of rolling human stupidity up the steep hill of understanding. Edith Wharton
d7f0e09 The instinctive posture of grief is a shuffling compromise between defiance and prostration; and pride feels the need of striking a worthier attitude in face of such a foe. grief-and-loss grieving Edith Wharton
c398701 The longing was with him day and night, an incessant undefinable craving, like the sudden whim of a sick man for food and drink once tasted and long since forgotten. He could not see beyond the craving, or picture what it might lead to, for he was not conscious of any wish to speak to Madame Olenska or to hear her voice. He simply felt that if he could carry the vision of the spot of earth she walked on, and the way the sky and sea enclosed.. Edith Wharton
7751129 Will-power, he saw, was not a thing one could suddenly decree oneself to possess. It must be built up imperceptibly and laboriously out of a succession of small efforts to meet definite objects, out of the facing of daily difficulties instead of cleverly eluding them, or shifting their burden on others. Edith Wharton
64f512c For the first time he was face to face with his hovering dread: he was judging where he still adored. Edith Wharton