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d08e8c3 Classically, the patient went into psychotherapy because she was neurotic from the suppression of her perverse desires, now she goes into psychotherapy because she is guilty about not enjoying her perverse desires. psychotherapy Edward St. Aubyn
41d8571 If anything should take place behind closed doors, it was cruelty and betrayal. closed-doors cruelty Edward St. Aubyn
6416f97 He had only just made the Elysian deadline; hanging onto the typescript until the last moment in case there was something still to be done; two sentences turned into one, one sentence broken into two, the substitution of a slightly resistant adjective to engender a moment's reflection, in short, the joys of editing, all carried out without forgetting the art that disguises art. joys-of-editing Edward St. Aubyn
de1754a But then neither revenge nor forgiveness change what happened. They're sideshows, of which forgiveness is the less attractive because it represents a collaboration with one's persecutors. I don't suppose that forgiveness was uppermost in the minds of people who were being nailed to a cross until Jesus, if not the first man with a Christ complex still the most successful, wafted onto the scene. Presumably those who enjoyed inflicting cruelty.. Edward St. Aubyn
9928576 No, no, I just meant...' Patrick felt he was coming from too many directions at once. Edward St. Aubyn
e82c8a3 At the same time, his past lay before him like a corpse waiting to be embalmed. Edward St. Aubyn
fe7b3d8 She tried to walk more slowly up the hill. God, her mind was racing, racing in neutral, Edward St. Aubyn
0c9e100 She had brushed her teeth before vomiting as well, never able to utterly crush the optimistic streak in her nature. Edward St. Aubyn
6fc92a0 I find everything boring, therefore I'm fascinating. Edward St. Aubyn
8d0f0db This was it, the big moment: the corpse of his chief enemy, the ruins of his creator, the body of his dead father; the great weight of all that was unsaid and would never have been said; the pressure to say it now, when there was nobody to hear, and to speak also on his father's behalf, in an act of self-division that might fissure the world and turn his body into a jigsaw puzzle. This was it. Edward St. Aubyn
f496eb9 All she remembered was that Caligula had planned to torture his wife to find out why he was so devoted to her. What was David's excuse, she wondered. Edward St. Aubyn
feba441 Ninety per cent of the drugs were for him and ten per cent for Natasha, a woman who remained an impenetrable mystery to him during the six months they lived together. The only thing he felt certain about was that she irritated him; but then, who didn't? Edward St. Aubyn
c0c309a Thank goodness there were people who were happy with nothing, thought Julia, so that people like her (and everyone else she had ever met) could have humor Edward St. Aubyn
5abf4c5 Anne came downstairs wearing a white cotton dress almost indistinguishable from the white cotton nightgown she had taken off. Edward St. Aubyn
e242dee There's a blast of palpable stupidity that comes from our host, like opening the door of a sauna. The best way to contradict him is to let him speak. Edward St. Aubyn
edf7ad2 An image flashed across her mind of two rams flinging their heads against each other on a rocky mountainside. What did the girl rams do? Faint with pleasure? Clap their cloven hooves? Lean against some nearby boulders, with little tubs of mountain grass, discussing the battle? discussing girl-rams pleasure rams Edward St. Aubyn
76a5921 I'll let you in on a little secret, Garry: everything is history. By the time you notice it, it's already happened. That famous imposter, "the present," disappears in the cognitive gap. Mind the gap!" history past present Edward St. Aubyn
89d83cd In the Dodge City of romantic love, crowded with betrayal, abandonment and rejection, it was better to fire first than to take the risk of being gunned down. fire-first gunned-down romantic-love Edward St. Aubyn
2442ccb In England, art was much less likely to be mentioned in polite society than sexual perversions or methods of torture. england methods-of-torture polite-society sexual-perversions Edward St. Aubyn
673e576 The Park's nice,' his father conceded, 'but the rest of the country is just people in huge cars wondering what to eat next. humor Edward St. Aubyn
826f4d0 How could he relax his guard when beams of neurotic energy, like searchlights weaving about a prison compound, allowed no thought to escape, no remark to go unchecked. Edward St. Aubyn
f0cad87 It's the hardest addiction of all,' said Patrick. 'Forget heroin. Just try giving up irony, that deep-down need to mean two things at once, to be in two places at once, not to be there for the catastrophe of a fixed meaning. irony patrick-melrose Edward St. Aubyn
6430cc7 Balance was so elusive: either it was like this, too fast, or there was the heavy thing like wading through a swamp to get to the end of a sentence. Edward St. Aubyn
58a225d Just before the top of the hill she stopped, breathed deeply, and tried to muster her scattered sense of calm, like a bride checking her veil in the last mirror before the aisle. Edward St. Aubyn
7bdb0fb made him more conscious of how little experience he had of saying what he meant. Edward St. Aubyn
cffbfd2 They had never met, but she had come to understand what had driven Victor's wife to seek refuge in a full set of Snoopy mugs. Edward St. Aubyn
78cbab9 the real failure: that he couldn't be the sort of father he wanted to be, a man who had transcended his ancestral muddle and offered his children unhaunted love. He had made it out of what he thought of as Zone One, where a parent was doomed to make his child experience what he had hated most about his life, but he was still stuck in Zone Two, where the painstaking avoidance of Zone One blinded him to fresh mistakes. In Zone Two giving was .. Edward St. Aubyn
a740b79 If we can't control our conscious responses, what chance do we have against the influences we haven't recognized? Edward St. Aubyn
63bfbbf Patrick's own nanny was dead. A friend of his mother's said she had gone to heaven, but Patrick had been there and knew perfectly well that they had put her in a wooden box and dropped her in a hole. Heaven was the other direction and so the woman was lying, unless it was like sending a parcel. Edward St. Aubyn
20e39a3 Unlike the riotous appetites of adolescence, his present cravings had a tragic tinge, they were cravings for the appetites, metacravings, wanting to want. Edward St. Aubyn
d7eca5c I just have to get rid of this piece of glass,' said Anne. 'I guess something broke here earlier?' 'It was me,' said Patrick. Edward St. Aubyn
265154c And my heart is a handful of dust, / And the wheels go over my head, / And my bones are shaken with pain, / For into a shallow grave they are thrust, / Only a yard beneath the street,' something, something, 'enough to drive one mad. Edward St. Aubyn
45fbf8e Observe Everything. Always think for yourself. Never let other people make important decisions for you. Edward St. Aubyn
a04d0fe A little Indian guy being sneered at by monsters of English privilege would normally have unleashed the full weight of Anne's loyalty to underdogs, but this time it was wiped out by Vijay's enormous desire to be a monster of English privilege himself. Edward St. Aubyn
6fa815b Talking of 'letting go of a lot of stuff,'" his father handed the phrase back to Seamus, held by the corner like someone else's used handkerchief...." Edward St. Aubyn
0cb4769 She liked the feeling that Maine was basically inhospitable, that it would soon shake out its summer visitors, like a dog on a beach. Edward St. Aubyn
300e349 No pain is too small if it hurts, but any pain is too small if it's cherished Edward St. Aubyn
a9a0006 Other people knew what they were meant to say, knew what they were meant to mean, and other people still - otherer people - knew what the other people meant when they said it. Edward St. Aubyn
b12c430 Most people either felt regret at staying with someone for too long, or regret at losing them too easily. I manage to feel both ways at the same time about the same object. Edward St. Aubyn
8c2692a The mess that's least reflects the truth of my experience, the fact that every contemplation is interrupted, and that every interruption becomes further object of contemplation, and that this rhythm of delusion and revelation feels as if it's essential to the nature of consciousness considering itself. Edward St. Aubyn
ed6b4c6 What if memories were just memories, without any consolatory or persecutory power? Would they exist at all, or was it always emotional pressure that summoned images from what was potentially all of experience so far? memories past patrick-melrose Edward St. Aubyn
ac26a46 a face like a creme brulee after the first blow of the spoon, Edward St. Aubyn
13ae1d4 That was the wonderful thing about historical novels, one met so many famous people. It was like reading a very old copy of magazine. humor Edward St. Aubyn
21d00d9 There seemed to be no one in a position of power, from the Vatican to Wall Street, from Parliament to Scotland Yard to Fleet Street, who could think of anything better to do than abuse it.... power Edward St. Aubyn
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