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9b75dd9 For a moment she stared at him, panting, breathless and wordless, it seemed, with rage. He'd had no idea she would respond to his capture of her queen so violently. It was rather arousing. bridget-crumb rage unexpected val-napier Elizabeth Hoyt
6fe4f39 Tell me, Mr. Harte, do you ever give up?" "Never." His green eyes narrowed as his mouth firmed. He looked very much as he had when he'd struck Mr. Sherwood: savage, uncompromising, a force to be reckoned with. She should be afraid of this man. Perhaps she was. Perhaps the hammering of her heart, the quickening of her breath were fear. But if she were, she chose to disregard it. "Very well." He sat back, a wide, lopsided grin spreading over .. eve-and-asa Elizabeth Hoyt
fba3a49 Then I suppose our discussion is done." She turned to go, but he had a hard grip on her upper arm, pulling her back. "Not yet it's not," he growled. She fought down the old, nauseous fear. "Let go of me." "Why?" He cocked his head, an ugly sneer on his beautiful lips. "Can't stand my touch?" "Yes!" she tossed back, losing her patience, her self-control, and any upper hand she'd ever had in their argument. Which was when he took her by the s.. Elizabeth Hoyt
0d17332 I haven't room in my life for anything else." "Or any'one' else?" She tilted her head, studying him. "That sounds... rather lonely." One corner of his mouth kicked up, his green eyes suddenly amused. "Not as lonely as all that, I assure you. I have needs like any other man and I make sure to fulfill them." She pursed her lips to hide the fact that her heart had sped up at the thought of his 'needs.' "I understand from Violetta that you are .. eve-and-asa Elizabeth Hoyt
c3e8a4f I'm Joanna but you can call me Jo if you wish. I've always wanted someone to call me Jo. It's sounds so dashing, don't you think? Elizabeth Hoyt
5e26b56 Oh, the slide of his cock inside her! It was a pleasure so deep it was nearly pain and she ground back down again, closing her eyes, savoring this purely physical joy. Except it wasn't purely physical, was it? The thought that it was Asa inside her, Asa driving his hips up into her now, Asa begging her to go faster... oh, that was the addicting thought. She wanted to ride him, wanted to hide him away in her bedroom, to use only for herself... Elizabeth Hoyt
336c3ea Oh, he was glorious! He was everything she'd suspected- and feared- that first morning. His shoulders so wide, his chest swirled with wet, dark hair his hips slim, and his sex framed by the V of muscle that ran from the sides of his belly to his groin. His cock bobbed wetly, the foreskin already pulled taut under the head. His thighs were long and bulged with muscle, and even his feet were large and hairy. Elizabeth Hoyt
839aadf She shifted until his cock was under her. She rubbed herself against him, using his hard flesh to pleasure herself. He arched under her, this big strong man. The tendons of his neck stood out; he flung wide his arms and clutched at the bedclothes. "Eve, what you do to me." She watched him and slowly reached down to pull her sodden chemise up, up over her belly, over her breasts, over her head, undulating on him all the while." -- Elizabeth Hoyt
5673df3 He took a deep breath and wished irritably that she would call him by his given name. He longed to hear her say Edward. But no. It would be highly inappropriate for her to call him by his Christian name. He gathered his scattered thoughts. "We should return to work." He stood and strode from the room, feeling as if he were fleeing fire-breathing monsters rather than one plain little widow." Elizabeth Hoyt
71b243a I'm afraid I'm rather used to females making themselves shameless for me. Elizabeth Hoyt
26876ed Tell me, Miss St. John, are you on the hunt for a husband? Elizabeth Hoyt
64bb7bf He rose up over her, his arms straight on either side of her shoulders, and slowly withdrew, his flesh dragging against hers. He was hot and hard. She spread her thighs, reveling in this lush feeling, his thrusts blunt and hard now, pounding into her body. And still he watched her, the green of his eyes slivers of want, demanding something of her. Something she was no longer willing to give, it was just too much. When at last she came, her .. Elizabeth Hoyt
f3c1cbe He smelled the scent of roses and it nearly maddened him. Or perhaps he was already mad. "Run now," he whispered. She stared at him, refusing to move. "Very well," he snarled, and took her into his arms." Elizabeth Hoyt
28fd8c5 She was lost. He broke their kiss and laid his forehead against hers. "Make me stop." "I can't," she whispered. "Then... we're doomed," he said, his voice husky and low." Elizabeth Hoyt
658680b The face that was revealed had once been as beautiful as an angel's but was now horribly mutilated. A livid red scar ran from just below his hairline on the right side of his face, bisecting the eyebrow, somehow skipping the eye itself but gouging a furrow into the lean cheek and catching the edge of his upper lip, making it twist. The scar ended in a missing divot of flesh in the line of the man's severe jaw. He had inky black hair and, th.. scarred Elizabeth Hoyt
b564dcc Eve Dinwoody would never be called pretty, but there was something alluring about her nonetheless. She had the sort of plainness that surpassed mere symmetry of feature, transcended simple beauty, and became quietly compelling. And when she smiled at him like that? With joy and happiness and a sort of peace? She was radiant. Elizabeth Hoyt
cadb499 When next Eve woke, the sun was shining through the windows. She blinked and realized a large male arm was thrown across her stomach, pinning her in place. Oddly, she didn't panic. Instead she gingerly removed the arm and slowly, carefully levered herself up to peer at her sleeping bedmate. Asa Makepeace was on his back, his arms and legs spread wide and taking up most of the bed. A sunbeam struck his hair, making gold and red strands glint.. eve-and-asa Elizabeth Hoyt
6662cee Really, sometimes it would be much easier if one were allowed to simply hit gentlemen over the head. Elizabeth Hoyt
8b812dc Iris," came a low, smoky snarl from the doorway. "Come here." She felt Hugh's arms tighten around her as she glanced over her shoulder. Raphael stood on the threshold, Ubertino, Bardo, and Ivo behind him. Her husband's eyes were so icy a gray that from where she stood they nearly shone. 'Oh.' His gaze flickered from her to the man holding her. "Unhand. My. Wife." Raphael's face was set and stern, entirely frozen over and it occurred to her-.. raphael-de-chartres Elizabeth Hoyt
b760e85 Then she heard a masculine chuckle behind her. Bridget froze, ice sliding down her spine. The sound could be nothing else, not the wind or a creaky house or even a mouse in the walls. She turned, pushing the panel shut with her shoulder, and palming the portrait as she did so. The Duke of Montgomery, all golden hair and sharp blue eyes, and wearing a purple velvet suit, smiled at her from the armchair in the far corner of the room. "A lovel.. val-montgomery Elizabeth Hoyt
d7fd69b I see a woman who has a deep curiosity. Who wants to feel but is worried- of herself? Of others? I'm not sure. But I think she has a fire banked within her. Maybe it's only embers now, glowing in the dark, but if tinder were to be put to those embers... oh, what a conflagration that would be. Elizabeth Hoyt
49a7827 I control your funds. I don't control you. And I think, Mr. Harte, that had you all the money in the world, or sat penniless in a gutter, I still would not find you very likable. Elizabeth Hoyt
4f03806 And what was more, he'd had to let Silence's brothers bear her away because the palace wasn't safe for her or the babe now. Conceding to anyone was not something Mick was used to doing. If any man had told him a month ago that he'd let four men walk out of the palace with something--someone--he considered his, Mick would've laughed in his face. But that was before Silence and the babe had come to be important to him. More important than eve.. Elizabeth Hoyt
bec09ba And he bent and kissed her clitoris. She froze because she'd had no idea what he was going to do and if she had- He opened his mouth, licking her. 'Oh, God!' One hand flew to her mouth. She bit down on her knuckles, trying to keep any sound from escaping. The other hand clutched at his hair, that tawny mane, as he ravished her with his mouth, licking, kissing, 'sucking.' She gasped, unable to fill her lungs. What he was doing to her was di.. Elizabeth Hoyt
6988975 now she couldn't quite remember the face of the boy whose Elizabeth Hoyt
16d8fd3 you can't teach a dog not to bark, for 'tis God's will that they do, Elizabeth Hoyt
dc1b9f4 His knee pressed between her thighs, bunching the linen against her woman's place, spreading her and rubbing into her folds. She found herself undulating against that knee, pleasuring herself with his hard, hot, wet body. Elizabeth Hoyt
6f5d753 He had no money or influence here. The clothes on his back were ragged, his moccasins were worn, and he was skeletally thin from lack of food and walking. But he would sail on a ship bound for England even if he had to scrub the decks to pay his way. He was Reynaud St. Aubyn, the Viscount of Hope, and by God or the devil, he was going home. Elizabeth Hoyt
15527ce TEMPERANCE STARED Elizabeth Hoyt
25a2a45 But I do admire your perseverance." She rounded his table and gracefully sat at her desk, apparently unaware that he'd stopped dead, staring at her. "You do?" She was feeding the dove, which for some reason she'd brought with her this morning, but she looked up at his words, her face curious. "Yes, of course. A man who sets a course and proceeds to sail it, no matter the barriers or odds, is very admirable in my opinion." "Ah." He ran his f.. eve-and-asa Elizabeth Hoyt
8323e2a He smiled slowly, as if particularly pleased with her question, and she couldn't help smiling in return. He reached around her, his arms nearly embracing her, and wrote in the notebook on her lap, Very good. Yes, the root ball should be quite big, even so. "Should be?" His breath was warm against her ear. I confess. I've never attempted to transplant a fully grown tree. I shall do so, however, this afternoon. Would you like to watch? If som.. Elizabeth Hoyt
0d17df8 And his simple bravery, his quiet pride, finally broke her. She let the cloth slip from her fingers and bent down to kiss him. His reaction was immediate and decided. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap, forcing her to straddle his legs. He cradled the back of her head in the spread of his fingers, angled his head for a better fit, and opened his mouth over hers. And, oh, the man knew how to kiss. Elizabeth Hoyt
bee756e She took two swift steps forward and placed her palms against his chest, pushing. He allowed himself to sway an inch backward with her thrust before righting himself. She stilled, staring up at him. The top of her head barely came to his mid-chest. He could feel the brush of her breath on his lips. The warmth of her hands seemed to burn through the rough fabric of his waistcoat. This close her green eyes were enormous, and he could see shar.. Elizabeth Hoyt
c1db735 You look pensive," he said quietly, holding his hand out from where he lay on the bed. He wore only his shirt and breeches. She went to him without protest. Why pretend when they really had so little time left together? He gathered her against him, her back to his front, and began plucking the pins from her coiffure. "Have I told you how much I admire your hair?" "It's just plain brown," she murmured. "Plain, lovely brown," he replied, rais.. Elizabeth Hoyt
e0584c0 buss him on Elizabeth Hoyt
5824504 He sat docilely, letting her do as she would. The rag turned out to be the remains of his shirt, now entirely ruined, and she wondered if he had another. Maybe he'd have to go naked from the waist up, except for his waistcoat, as he labored about the garden. That would be a distracting sight: his huge arms flexing as he wielded a shovel or his savage hooked knife. She fancied she could charge ladies a shilling to come sit by the theater and.. Elizabeth Hoyt
34e9a97 Anna Wren was not for him. She was of a different class than he, and, moreover, she was a respectable widow from the village. She wasn't a sophisticated society lady who might consider a liaison outside of wedlock. Elizabeth Hoyt
7f86a4c aimaichkaartaab`dkh`ngchanhr`kthiithamaihchanphikaar aetepnephraaakhn`uuen+ thukkhntadsinaicchwaachanaichchiiwitaimaidephraaakaartaab`dkh`ngchan Elizabeth Hoyt
4e42615 It was no use. Edward rolled his head back against his shoulders, trying to ease the tension. He would have to make a trip to London soon to spend a night or even two at Aphrodite's Grotto. Perhaps after that he could be in his secretary's presence without lustful thoughts taking over his mind. Elizabeth Hoyt
6ce5c27 She caught her breath on a sob. He was going to London to bed another woman. Elizabeth Hoyt
90cb3c3 I must have an heir. Do you understand?" He grit his teeth and said, as if he were pulling the words, bloody and torn, from his very heart, "I must marry a woman who can bear children." Elizabeth Hoyt
8c2d68f He studied her upturned face for a minute. "Please forgive me. I don't want you to hope. If there were any way--" "I know." She got to her feet. "I even understand." She walked briskly to the door. "I came down to get something for Rebecca. She must be wondering what happened to me." Elizabeth Hoyt
626d306 She remembered her hand and how to work it, tearing open his falls and the smallclothes beneath. Her breaths were coming in hot little pants now and she stared up at him as she took him into her fist. She would remember this. She'd remember this until her dying day, she promised herself. "Ah, Eve," he groaned, his head falling back, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. He thrust once, convulsively, into her hand, and then he was liftin.. Elizabeth Hoyt
616d36f He would have to marry her, and in doing so give up all his dreams, all his hopes, of having a family. She Elizabeth Hoyt
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