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0ec020c How did you ever get here, Maddie Brodatt?" "'Second to the right, and then straight on till morning,'" she answered promptly-it did feel like Neverland. "Crikey, am I so obviously Peter Pan?" Maddie laughed. "The Lost Boys give it away." Jamie studied his hands. "Mother keeps the windows open in all our bedrooms while we're gone, like Mrs. Darling, just in case we come flying home when she's not expecting us." maddie-bradott Elizabeth Wein
aab6916 The soaring mountains rose around her, and the poets' waters glittered beneath her in the valleys of memory--hosts of golden daffodils, Swallows and Amazons, Peter Rabbit. She Elizabeth Wein
44a1798 It was a nightmare I could never really define, to have so many people packed around me and not be able to communicate with any of them unless they felt like it. Elizabeth Wein
29ea20b Have you ever loved anything?" Yes. Yes. All the wrong things. The hunt, and darkness, and winter, and you, Godmother." Elizabeth Wein
2e2c296 Hope--you think of hope as a bright thing, a strong thing, sustaining. But it's not. It's the opposite. It's simply this: lumps of stale bread stuck down your shirt. Stale gray bread eked out with ground fish bones, which you won't eat because you're going to give it away, and maybe you'll get a message through to your friend. Elizabeth Wein
f6e0753 the Cup That Cheers Elizabeth Wein
78e0f78 Teach your boy to fly, and he will be safe from spears and antique rifles." "I don't want him to go to war at all!" "When it comes, you will have no choice. The only way to save him is to lift him above the crowd." Elizabeth Wein
b9d5f32 So, I have no sense of direction. In some of us it is a TRAGIC FLAW, and Elizabeth Wein
c5ab8b5 He wept when they told him you were no longer allowed to see him. He WEPT. How much weeping have you done on his account, girl?" "I wake up screaming every night on his account." Elizabeth Wein
38d88e1 Follow them," said Goewin, "and listen." So he did." Elizabeth Wein
e16fc74 I mean, we are all in it together. None of us is innocent; none of us is alone." "You were both." Elizabeth Wein
42e550a Wait and hope, as I did while they took your arm off. I held my hand over your heart all through that final morning, so I could warn the surgeon of its faltering." "Did it falter?" "Not once. Nor will it falter now. Fly free, my brave one, my sunbird. Take back the sky. Do not be afraid." Elizabeth Wein
e097dc5 The Rosalie really did not want to go like the clappers and performed its usual consumptive drama every time we came to an uphill slope, coughing and gasping like a dying Dickens heroine, and finally just stopped--engine still gasping a bit but the car just stopped. Simply could not move forward up the hill. Choke full out but cylinders firing pathetically as though we were trying to make the poor thing run on nothing but air. Elizabeth Wein
a95f0a2 Driving like a man is one of her few foibles. driving foible mother womens-rights Elizabeth Wein
d731867 Listening to the Rabbits talk about their operations was like watching a horror movie in a foreign language. You sort of hoped you'd misunderstood what was going on. And then when you figured out what was really going on, it was worse than you'd thought. Elizabeth Wein
adfae5a Lucky for me I didn't know. Why lucky for her? Not lucky for the people she was protecting, but lucky for Roza. She didn't have to choose. Elizabeth Wein
d8d5555 Inspector Milne's suspicious prying appeared to have awakened her inner Bolshevik, and so I discovered my own lady mother is not above quietly circumventing the law. bolshevik curious delightful elizabeth-wein innovative mother surprising the-pearl-thief Elizabeth Wein
f4d204d She gave a low and delighted chuckle. Her eyes were black as a moonless December night and reflected the electric lights like stars. bisexual-character chuckle ellen-mcewen julie lgbtqia-character romance stars teen-romance the-pearl-thief Elizabeth Wein
9d51e6b Och, they suit you, Queenie! Promise me you'll wear them. elizabeth-wein julie lgbtqia-character queenie sarcasm the-pearl-thief Elizabeth Wein
52fb64f take me. Ancient Elizabeth Wein
ccee2f4 Von Linden really should know me well enough by now to realize that I am not going to face my execution without a fight. Or with anything remotely resembling dignity. Elizabeth Wein
89fb401 But a part of me lies buried in lace and roses on a riverbank in France--a part of me is broken off forever. A part of me will always be unflyable, stuck in the climb. Elizabeth Wein
4250ffd But she did it. Because you do. It is incredible what you do, knowing you have to. A Elizabeth Wein
1ea26d9 Ellen looked around the room with an odd expression, for the first few seconds not taking in the collection spread across the tables, but just taking in the library: the smell of ink and foxy paper and old wood, the green view of the river beyond the leaded casement window propped open just an inch. As if she loved it, but was a little scared to be there. Elizabeth Wein
ea482dc It's not desperation--there is something inhuman in it. That is what I find so creepy. Five years of destruction and mayhem, lives lost everywhere, shortages of food and fuel and clothing--and the insane mind behind it just urges us all on and on to more destruction. And we all keep playing. Elizabeth Wein
e19152d The ballpoint pen was invented by Laszlo Biro, a Hungarian journalist who fled to Argentina to escape the German occupation of Europe. In 1943 he licensed his invention to the RAF, and the first ballpoint pens were manufactured in Reading, England, by the Miles aircraft manufacturer, to supply pilots with a lasting ink supply! Elizabeth Wein
0383633 Writing to you like this makes me feel that you are still alive. It's an illusion I've noticed before--words on a page are like oxygen to a petrol engine, firing up ghosts. It lasts only while the words are in your head. After you put down the paper or the pen, the pistons fall lifeless again. Elizabeth Wein
1cd8b50 Patriotism is not enough--I must have no hatred or bitterness for anyone. Elizabeth Wein
ad5c1a4 I ken who you are! You're Strathfearn's granddaughter. Julie Stuart, is it? Och, aye, Lady Julia! Well then, Lady Julia, tell me -- who don't you deserve a glass of water? elizabeth-wein ellen-mcewen frustration indignation lady-julia sarcasm the-pearl-thief upstart Elizabeth Wein
c0c099b The wave of memory had submerged me for a whole minute, while I'd just sat staring and let it all come flooding back. elizabeth-wein julie memory mind submerged the-pearl-thief Elizabeth Wein
b999ca9 Looking up at the stars and smoking in silence. certainty elizabeth-wein ellen-mcewen julie romance silence smoking stars the-pearl-thief Elizabeth Wein
615ddf2 Which would you rather have--an unlimited supply of Chanel No. 5, or freedom? Elizabeth Wein
a6b9eed That's why we like to make things pretty; it's just'cause we're so dang sick of cleaning up horrible messes. Same instinct Elizabeth Wein