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401ee0b I am really here. Yet I know I am not. I am inside something that must be buried in my head. I am layers deep in my own brain. Emily Barr
fd55077 I want to see how I can exist by myself. I want to be allowed to live inside my memory. Emily Barr
ed271d3 The inside of my head is out of control. It is on fire. It is snowing. It is a wild jungle. It is an Arctic wilderness. It is everything that has ever happened and everything that ever will happen, all at once. Emily Barr
200e2ee Don't panic, because everything is probably all right, and it it's not, panicking will make it worse. everything-is-all-right panicking Emily Barr
6cc6586 Time is a random thing. It is the thing that makes us older. Humans use it to organize the world. They have invented a system to try to make order from randomness. The other humans, all of them but me, live their lives by hours and minutes and days and seconds, but those things are nothing. The universe would laugh at our attempts to organize it, if it could be bothered to notice them. Time is the thing that makes our bodies shrivel and de.. universe time Emily Barr
d6ccc5c I have woken up inside one of my own memories. I am really here, yet I know I am not. Emily Barr
52595e0 Although I don't know much about anything, I know that I have a story. I know that it is not over. There are shades and shadows of adventures and people and wild new places. Whatever Paris might turn out to be, and whatever Dr. Epstein is able to do, I want to be there to find out. people life-story shades wild-new-places shadows Emily Barr
b2461d1 I think you're talking shit. You think we don't all feel like that? Like we're crazy, like we're not a real person, like we don't exist? Everyone feels that way sometimes. I can remember talking to you when you lost your bag. So what? You can't remember and that's not a bad thing. It doesn't make me better than you. I'm a stranger to you, but here's what I see: I see a girl who has suffered a terrible damage to her brain. Someone who, it s.. midnight-sun northern-lights svalbard Emily Barr
48d42ed I want to look after her. I cannot begin to look after her: she looks after me and that's how we work. Emily Barr
8ded17a Have you seen this cat? Emily Barr
a6dce0d I put a row of toys on the bed. A brown-haired Barbie doll, then a Lego ambulance...then a gray Buckbeak the Hippogriff. flora-banks harry-potter-reference Emily Barr
df4cace apron, a cheap appropriation of the Cath Kidston effect. I feel like an interloper in someone else's life. I am a creature from science fiction, wearing an earth body to disguise my true self. Emily Barr
6854546 This, once almost an endearing habit, is now an affectation that drives me to the brink of homicide. Emily Barr
626af6d I am married to a man who calls a phone charger 'the pluggy-in thing', and the remote control 'the buttony thing for the telly'. Emily Barr
0b11033 It is lonely, being an evil alien in disguise. Emily Barr
88a8a27 want to scream, and sometimes I do. On occasion, I scream as loudly as I can, Emily Barr
b33469c and he has never been anything worse to me than incredibly, cringingly annoying. I married the wrong man, with an inkling at the time that that was what I was doing, and so it is my fault and I am stuck. Emily Barr
86b184d Last time we went to the Ferryboat, I looked around at the families of upmarket beachgoers, at their healthy children expertly peeling prawns and drinking organic lemonade, and I tried to tell myself that everyone has sadnesses, that some of the adults would be hideously miserable in their marriages, that people would be having affairs and drinking too much and addicted to gambling, that lives would be on the verge of falling apart, familie.. Emily Barr
807a89e I would rather be single. I cannot possibly say that. Emily Barr
7a42385 I have never really been able to separate a good instinct from a self-destructive urge), Emily Barr
13ecef4 Il tempo e una cosa casuale. E la cosa che ci rende vecchi. Gli uomini lo usano per organizzare il mondo. Hanno inventato un sistema per cercare di dare ordine al caso. Gli altri esseri umani, tutti tranne me, hanno la loro vita scandita dal passare delle ore, dei minuti, dei giorni, dei secondi, ma tutte queste cose non sono niente. L'universo riderebbe dei nostri tentativi di organizzarlo, se si prendesse la briga di notarli. Il tempo e .. Emily Barr
bd03a61 There is nothing in the universe but this. I smile. I do not talk to people. I just breathe and stare and exist. Emily Barr
d1e3bdb my face: I should have had a single tear frozen to my cheek, Emily Barr
f26fe4e You would have been happy with a wife who adored you, not someone who clung on to you like a life raft on a stormy sea and then wished she could cast you aside and move on when she reached land. Emily Barr
7b361f0 I was just a tiny part of a huge universe, and nothing really mattered. Every single thing was temporary, and one day all of us would be gone without trace. It was an intensely soothing thought. Emily Barr