God loves my people and me. God also loves those whom I consider my enemies. Now what do I do? The spirit of truth does not see the world in either-or or binary form. Technologies are not always against nature. Human action and nature's process are not always at odds with each other. Globalism and localism are not mutually exclusive. Immigrants and citizens do not have to be fearful of the other. Gay and straight are not enemies. Pro-life a..
Eric H.F. Law |
There is no halftruth in the Hebrew emet. We cannot take one moment, one feeling, or one perspective and call that the truth. For this reason, we do not select one verse from the Bible and use it in a polarizing way to make judgments, calling that verse the "truth." To discern the truth we need to read the whole Bible from beginning to end. The Chinese word for truthful or genuine, (zhen), includes two ideograms, (shi) and (mu). is the numb..
Eric H.F. Law |
Yunus, now a famous Nobel Prize winner, was invited to meet with the CEO of Adidas, who wanted to understand the concept of social businesses, which Yunus described as a kind of business that is "built on the selfless part of human nature" and in which "everything is for the benefit of others and nothing is for the owners--except the pleasure of serving humanity."5"
Eric H.F. Law |
So when we do not have much money, we should give it away anyway. It can be exchanged for other currencies that we need more than mere money. When we give, we interact with others and we exchange other currencies. When we give, we form trusting networks and create community. When we give, we start things moving and flowing again, recirculating different currencies through the community.
Eric H.F. Law |