She loved "their funny stiff dancing, listening to their incomprehensible and guttural tongue, and watching their simple gestures, natural behavior and childlike eagerness for life."
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The ranks included a carpenter and furniture-maker named Elias Disney, who in coming years would tell many stories about the construction of this magical realm beside the lake. His son Walt would take note.
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a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly... So perfect is his reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or hot, he is not real." - A description of the term "psychopath" by Dr. Hervey Cleckley in the 1890s."
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Do you think all these people would be booking passage on the Lusitania if they thought she could be caught by a German submarine? Why it's the best joke I've heard in many days, this talk of torpedoing the Lusitania.' Both Vanderbilt and Turner laughed.
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Francis J. Bellamy, an editor of Youth's Companion, thought it would be a fine thing if on that day all the schoolchildren of America, in unison, offered something to their nation. He composed a pledge that the Bureau of Education mailed to virtually every school. As originally worded, it began, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands ..." A"
Erik Larson |
But I had at least hoped to find some decent people around Hitler. I am horrified to discover that the whole gang is nothing but a horde of criminals and cowards." Fromm"
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But Roosevelt understood that the political costs of any public condemnation of Nazi persecution or any obvious effort to ease the entry of Jews into America were likely to be immense, because American political discourse had framed the Jewish problem as an immigration problem.
Erik Larson |
On August 3 a big Chicago bank, Lazarus Silverman, failed.
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Samuel Gompers, standing at the back of speaker's wagon No. 5, ask, "Why should the wealth of the country be stored in banks and elevators while the idle workman wanders homeless about the streets and the idle loafers who hoard the gold only to spend it in riotous living are rolling about in fine carriages from which they look out on peaceful meetings and call them riots?" For"
Erik Larson |
We must keep in mind, I believe, that when Hitler says anything he for the moment convinces himself that it is true. He is basically sincere; but he is at the same time a fanatic.
Erik Larson |
Burnham's frequent admonition: "Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood." Burnham"
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Once built, the Montauk was so novel, so tall, it defied description by conventional means. No one knows who coined the term, but it fit, and the Montauk became the first building to be called a skyscraper.
Erik Larson |
Hunt was the janissary of a dead vernacular.
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All the despair, terror and anguish of hundreds of souls passing into eternity composed that awful cry.
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B]eing broke didn't disturb me in the least. I had started with nothing, and if I now found myself with nothing, I was at least even. Actually, I was much better than even: I had had a wonderful time
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chronic anger
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On March 30, 1890, an officer of the First National Bank placed a warning in the help-wanted section of the Chicago Tribune, to inform female stenographers of "our growing conviction that no thoroughly honorable business-man who is this side of dotage ever advertises for a lady stenographer who is a blonde, is good-looking, is quite alone in the city, or will transmit her photograph. All such advertisements upon their face bear the marks of..
Erik Larson |
Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood.
Erik Larson |
I went to Harvard for examination with two men not as well prepared as I. Both passed easily, and I flunked, having sat through two or three examinations without being able to write a word." Burnham said. Larson wrote, "The same happened at Yale, Both schools turned him down. He never forgot it."
Erik Larson |
It was a difficult ride for him. He had passed this way before, to bury John Root. The fair had begun with death, and now it had ended with death.
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following my between-books strategy of reading voraciously and promiscuously. What
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After noting that Germany's submarine campaign had sharply reduced traffic from America, Churchill told Runciman: "For our part, we want the traffic--the more the better; and if some of it gets into trouble, better still."
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For those passengers who did feel unsettled by the German warning, Cunard offered comforting words. Wrote passenger Ambrose B. Cross, "From the very first the ship's people asseverated that we ran no danger, that we should run right away from any submarine, or ram her, and so on, so that the idea came to be regarded as a mild joke for lunch and dinner tables."
Erik Larson |
With the onset of winter Burnham ordered all hydrants packed in horse manure to prevent freezing. On the coldest days the manure steamed, as if the hydrants themselves were on fire.
Erik Larson |
He came from plebeian roots and had failed to distinguish himself in any way, not in war, not in work, not in art, though in this last domain he believed himself to have great talent. He was said to be indolent. He rose late, worked little, and surrounded himself with the lesser lights of the party with whom he felt most comfortable, an entourage of middlebrow souls that Putzi Hanfstaengl derisively nicknamed the "Chauffeureska," consisting..
Erik Larson |
she suppressed a revolt led by the board's executive secretary that had caused open warfare between factions of elegantly coiffed and dressed women.
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A battle followed, fought in true Gilded Age fashion with oblique snubs and poisonous courtesy.
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As the crowd thundered, a man eased up beside a thin, pale woman with a bent neck. In the next instant Jane Addams realized her purse was gone. The great fair had begun.
Erik Larson |
Ferris had created more than simply an engineering novelty. Like the inventors of the elevator, he had conjured an entirely new physical sensation.
Erik Larson |
But one thing was quite clear..." he wrote. "[B]eing broke didn't disturb me in the least. I had started with nothing, and if I now found myself with nothing, I was at least even. Actually, I was much better than even: I had had a wonderful time." Bloom went on to become a congressman and one of the crafters of the charter that founded the United Nations."
Erik Larson |
But Hitler's government was neither civil nor coherent, and the nation lurched from one inexplicable moment to another.
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Asked later how this feat had been achieved, Morton answered, "If you had to jump six or seven feet, or certainly drown, it is surprising what 'a hell of a long way' even older people can jump."
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my between-books strategy of reading voraciously and promiscuously. What
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look as if they had been plucked from the Palace of Versailles or a Jacobean mansion--that you were aboard a ship being propelled far into the bluest reaches of the ocean.
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fair. Washington laid claim to the honor on grounds it was the center of government, New York because it was the center of everything. No one cared what St. Louis thought, although the city got a wink for pluck.
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In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself in a dark wood where the straight way was lost. --DANTE ALIGHIERI, The Divine Comedy: Canto I
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it is less important where one lives than how one lives.
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gin daisy, which
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Ferris, himself fed up with construction delays and Burnham's pestering, had told Gronau to turn the wheel or tear it off the tower.
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He had only to assert the most commonplace thing and it sounded important and convincing.
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The wheel had consumed 28,416 pounds of bolts in its assembly;
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A single German submarine, Unterseeboot-9--U-9, for short--commanded by Kptlt. Otto Weddigen, had sunk all three ships, killing 1,459 British sailors, many of them young men in their teens.
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Americans coming to Germany will find themselves surrounded by influences of the Government and
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most sailors still held the belief that there was no point in knowing how to swim, since it would only prolong your suffering. Turner
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