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d1c586f standing on Europa, discussing the possibility of extraterrestrial life beneath the moon's icy crust. Ernest Cline
c292321 Three hidden keys open three secret gates Wherein the errant will be tested for worthy traits And those with the skill to survive these straits Will reach The End where the prize awaits Ernest Cline
ccc5fe0 The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games. Ernest Cline
efa7c8e my two least-favorite words appeared on the screen: GAME OVER. Ernest Cline
2c458ca She used to make me wear earplugs at night so I wouldn't hear her in the next room, talking dirty to tricks in other time zones. Ernest Cline
40fb1d6 Pues sabes una cosa? Que tu tambien eres como siempre crei que serias: feo como el culo. Ernest Cline
21aa038 all dressed in mid-1980s attire. A woman with a giant ozone-depleting hairdo bobbed her head to an oversize Walkman. A Ernest Cline
9cbf89c Y, sin poder evitarlo, me eche a reir. Era una risa absurda, sin sentido, y sabia que ella se daba cuenta, porque al momento vi que relajaba un poco los hombros y soltaba un suspiro de alivio. Y entonces ella tambien solto una carcajada que, en realidad, era mitad risa y mitad llanto. O eso me parecio. Ernest Cline
58af06c Neonoir Ernest Cline
5a92e3a Era el nacimiento de una nueva era, una era en la que casi toda la humanidad pasaba su tiempo libre en un videojuego. Ernest Cline
6be5063 Also, it turns out that burning all of those fossil fuels had some nasty side effects, like raising the temperature of our planet and screwing up the environment. So now the polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, and the weather is all messed up. Plants and animals are dying off in record numbers, and lots of people are starving and homeless. And we're still fighting wars with each other, mostly over the few resources we have le.. Ernest Cline
6e52664 Newer, faster, or more versatile components were always being released, so I was constantly spending large chunks of my meager income on upgrades. Ernest Cline
8da6af6 Whenever I saw the sun, I reminded myself that I was looking at a star. One of over a hundred billion stars in our galaxy. A galaxy that was just one of billions of other galaxies in the observable universe. This helped me keep things in perspective. Ernest Cline
421e826 In the OASIS, you got used to seeing freakishly beautiful faces on everyone. But Art3mis's features didn't look as though they'd been selected from a beauty drop-down menu on some avatar creation template. Her face had the distinctive look of a real person's, as if her true features had been scanned in and mapped onto her avatar. Big hazel eyes, rounded cheekbones, a pointy chin, and a perpetual smirk. I found her unbearably attractive. Art.. Ernest Cline
fe63ccf Agarre uno al azar y lo meti en la ranura. Por los altavoces internos y externos del robot empezo a sonar Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, de AC/DC, a un volumen tan exagerado que la silla en la que iba sentado empezo a vibrar. Ernest Cline
84fc677 El plan era tan disparatado que suponia que nadie podia haberlo previsto. Ernest Cline
5a7839e Joder, tia, sabes un monton. +Gracias. Ser obsesiva y compulsiva ayuda. Sin vida propia. Ernest Cline
4966de1 Nunca me senti a gusto en el mundo real. No conectaba bien con su gente. Durante toda mi vida tuve miedo. Ernest Cline
1d92cb4 Y teniendo en cuenta que somos un punado de monos sin pelo, lo cierto es que hemos llegado a inventar algunas cosas increibles. Ernest Cline
25cff09 The Copper Key awaits explorers In a tomb filled with horrors But you have much to learn If you hope to earn A place among the high scorers Ernest Cline
e0b667b Walking with a dead man over my shoulder. Don't run away, it's only me... Ernest Cline
9c10418 No aceptan la idea de que una mujer sea mas lista que ellos y vaya por delante. Ernest Cline
ec798b7 My generation had never known a world without the OASIS. To us, it was much more than a game or an entertainment platform. It had been an integral part of our lives for as far back as we could remember. We'd been born into an ugly world, and the OASIS was our one happy refuge. Ernest Cline
5187809 Oculto a la vista de todos. Ernest Cline
1ba0d1d Notaba que iba sucumbiendo a una desesperanza inconmensurable. Ernest Cline
c46fed6 Resulto ser una bendicion envenenada. Ernest Cline
90efe86 La verdad estaba ahi mismo, esperandome, oculta en libros. Ernest Cline
04a419c Como decia G. I. Joe: !Saber es la mitad de la batalla! Ernest Cline
2236410 Bester, Bradbury, Haldeman, Heinlein, Tolkien, Vance, Gibson, Gaiman, Scalzi, Zelazny. Ernest Cline
c25851c The OASIS would ultimately change the way people around the world lived, worked, and communicated. Ernest Cline
9d02068 MTFBWYA, Parzival Ernest Cline
e3598a1 Casi siempre, la vida del ser humano es repugnante. Los videojuegos son lo unico que la hacen soportable. Ernest Cline
630cf6b Xur Ernest Cline
69c45b3 You don't need to sell me on anything, Wade," she said. "You're my best friend. My favorite person." With" -- Ernest Cline
1a7fa33 We talked for hours. Long, rambling conversations about everything under the sun. Spending time with her was intoxicating. We seemed to have everything in common. We shared the same interests. We were driven by the same goal. She got all of my jokes. She made me laugh. She made me think. She changed the way I saw the world. I'd never had such a powerful, immediate connection with another human being before. Ernest Cline
b3033c9 El Riesgo Siempre Vive Ernest Cline
2f53c3e But you do realize that nearly half the people on this planet are starving, right?" I detected no malice in her voice. She sounded like she genuinely believed I might not be aware of this fact. "Yes, I know," I said defensively. "The reason so many people are starving is because we've wrecked the planet. The Earth is dying, you know? It's time to leave." Ernest Cline
eb164c6 Unlike their real-world counterparts, most of the OASIS public school teachers seemed to genuinely enjoy their job, Ernest Cline
513171f Ernest Cline lives in Austin, Texas, where he devotes a large portion of his time to geeking out. This is his first novel. Ernest Cline
8421c62 Begin morning run," I said to Max. "Bifrost track." The virtual gym vanished. Now I was standing on a semitransparent running track, a curved looping ribbon suspended in a starry nebula. Giant ringed planets and multicolored moons were suspended in space all around me. The running track stretched out ahead of me, rising, falling, and occasionally spiraling into a helix." Ernest Cline
093acc5 Eres malvada. Supongo que ya lo sabes. +Caotica neutral, cielo. Ernest Cline
ed35c61 Eres inteligente. Y tienes cojones. Dos cualidades que admiro mucho. Ernest Cline
e45a67b No tenia sentido negar la evidencia. Ernest Cline
0825fc3 You could shove it up your ass and pretend you're a corn dog. Ernest Cline
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