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9684fc0 Deocamdata, nu avem decat siguranta unei autenticitati; aceea a inautenticitatii noastre. A fi autentic inseamna a te trada fata de o suma infinita de trairi posibile. Eugène Ionesco
296c76f Publicul romanesc este dezorientat, sugestibil, capricios, inzestrat cu un gust dubios [...] orice carte lansata pe piata, buna sau rea este un mare risc, o aventura care, adesea, poate duce falimentul sau bogatia. Psihologia publicului nostru nu cunoaste nicio lege in afara de legea capriciului Eugène Ionesco
3904c6a comes out of the bathroom] Brrr. [He trumpets again.] BERENGER: That's not what you believe fundamentally--I know you too well. You know as well as I do that mankind... JEAN: [interrupting him] Don't talk to me about mankind! BERENGER: I mean the human individual, humanism... JEAN: Humanism is all washed up! You're a ridiculous old sentimentalist. [He goes into the bathroom.] BERENGER: But you must admit that the mind... JEAN: [from the bat.. Eugène Ionesco
4956162 Det er ikke sikkert at alkohol dreper alle sykdomsbasiller. Nar det gjelder neshorneri, vet man ikke noe forelobig. science cure rhinoceros health Eugène Ionesco
63ac17d Hvis dette bare hadde hendt et annet sted, i et annet land, og vi hadde lest om det i avisen! Da hadde vi kunnet snakke om det i fred og ro, studere sporsmalet fra alle sider, og trekke objektive slutninger. Vi kunne ha organisert diskusjonsmoter og fatt vitenskapsmenn, forfattere, jurister, laerde damer og kunstnere til a komme. Ja, alminnelige mennesker ogsa. Det ville vaert interessant, spennende og laererikt. Men nar en star midt oppe i.. here-and-now rhinoceros objectivity subjectivity experience Eugène Ionesco
be44cb6 Nar det kommer til stykket, er jeg ikke sikker pa om De har moralsk rett til a blande dem i saken. Dessuten tror jeg fremdeles ikke det er noen fare pa ferde. Etter min mening er det absurd a ga fra konseptene fordi om noen mennesker har fatt lyst til a skifte ham. Det far bli deres egen sak. Det star enhver fritt for. rhinoceros liberals tolerance relativism stoicism Eugène Ionesco
e12eab4 Life is beautiful: a whole existence of old papers and office dust; the bed in my hotel room which often remained unmade from morn till night when I came home from the office, because of the dearth of hired help, the only maid being an aged hunchback who did the best she could. The rude awakenings in the morning; the mad rush to the office in the hope of still finding my time card; the joy at reaching the office on time so that I could sign.. Eugène Ionesco
d8f7e69 BERENGER - Eu nao gosto muito de alcool. E, no entanto, se nao bebo, nao me sinto bem. E como se eu tivesse medo... Entao bebo para nao ter mais medo. JEAN - Medo de que? BERENGER - Nao sei bem como explicar. Sao umas angustias dificeis de definir. Nao me sinto a vontade na vida... No meio das pessoas... Entao, recorro ao alcool. E isso me acalma, me descontrai, me faz esquecer. JEAN - Voce se esquece de voce mesmo! BERENGER - Estou cansado.. Eugène Ionesco
1999ded BERENGER - (a Jean) Voce tem forca. JEAN - Sim, eu tenho forca: Tenho forca por varias razoes. Em primeiro lugar, eu tenho forca, porque eu tenho forca e em segundo lugar, eu tenho forca, porque tenho forca moral. E mais: tambem tenho forca, porque nao sou alcoolatra, meu caro. Eu nao o quero magoar, mas devo lhe dizer, que na realidade o que pesa e o alcool. BERENGER - (a Jean) Quanto a mim, sinto pouca forca para aguentar a vida. Talvez .. Eugène Ionesco
0ebd669 I had a little ginger cat. I found him in a field, stolen from his mother, a real wild cat. He was two weeks old, maybe a little more, but he already knew how to scratch and bite. I fed him and petted him and took him home. He became the sweetest cat. Once, he hid in the sleeve of a visitor's coat. He was the most polite creature, a real prince. When we came home in the middle of the night, he would come greet us, his eyes all sleepy. Then .. Eugène Ionesco
8c625fc JULIETTE: Camera n-are fereastra. REGELE, cu aceeasi incantare: N-are fereastra! Iesi. Cauti lumina. O gasesti. Ii zambesti. Ca sa iesi, rasucesti cheia in broasca, deschizi usa, rasucesti din nou cheia, incui usa. Tu unde locuiesti? JULIETTE: In pod. REGELE: Ca sa cobori, o iei pe scari, cobori o treapta, inca o treapta, inca o treapta, inca o treapta, inca o treapta, inca o treapta. Ca sa te imbraci, iti pui ciorapii, pantofii... JULIETTE.. Eugène Ionesco
05e1e7d Good men make good rhinoceroses, unfortunately. It's Eugène Ionesco
12884ba Il y a une chose que je ne comprends pas. Pourquoi a la rubrique de l'etat civil, dans le journal, donne-t-on toujours l'age des personnes decedees et jamais celui des nouveaux-ne? C'est un non-sens. ionesco Eugène Ionesco
f0b2266 Ve den som vil bevare sitt saerpreg! mass-movement rhinoceros Eugène Ionesco
9e62818 Liber e cel ce nici macar nu stie ca e liber,nici ca exista libertate,nici ca exista inchisoare.Liber e nu cel ce se afla dincolo de bin si de rau,ci in afara obsesiilor libertatii si puscariei.A dori sa nu ai dorinte inseamna tot a avea o dorinta.aceea anume de a nu avea dorinte.Liber,nici macar liber,nici macare ne-liber,liber cel ce traieste oricum,cel ce nici nu accepta nici nu refuza sa traiasca,cel care pentru a trai si a muri e totun.. Eugène Ionesco
4368dbf There are now many invisible people on stage. Eugène Ionesco
4a466cb We are all Victims of Duty. Eugène Ionesco
c186093 Oh words, what crimes are committed in your name! Eugène Ionesco
85f0fef Good men make good rhinoceroses, unfortunately. Eugène Ionesco
d92e08e 'It was a lot of fuss about nothing, wasn't it?' Eugène Ionesco
ad22068 It isn't what people think that's important, but the reason they think what they think. Eugène Ionesco
978eb7c Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together. Eugène Ionesco
656c5c4 It's not a certain society that seems ridiculous to me, it's mankind. Eugène Ionesco
1ae6be7 God is dead. Marx is dead. And I don't feel so well myself. Eugène Ionesco
ae99b9d People who don't read are brutes. It is better to write than to make war, isn't it? Eugène Ionesco
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