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74099ae Also another time she had wakened in dead of night, thinking that something touched her, and when she looked she saw that a black scaly tail, tufted with flame at the end, like a fiend's, had switched across her and lay there burning the covers. And when she turned shrieking, to see what manner of thing lay beside her in the bed, she was at first reassured by sight of her husband's face, then saw, to her horror, that horns had risen, black .. satan devil witchcraft Evangeline Walton
f232e5a Outside the drizzling rain had begun again. It pattered around the house, and on the roofs and eaves, like a million, tiny, stealthy feet: softly, as though the night were teeming with a host of minute, dark beings. Evangeline Walton
ff7bb92 Are these black cats like the hare?" "No. They're smaller; they only want me to play with them. Fly away with them to a place on the other side of the moon. There's a garden there, all silvery-gold, and the cats and hares dance and jump round and round. They can jump so much farther than they can on earth; it's like flying, and they love it so. Sometimes I've felt as if I'd like to dance and jump through the air too, they looked so happy,.. dreams moon rabbits cats Evangeline Walton
eef7ce4 It was so awful! And he kept on looking at me and I knew I must get out of bed or he'd come and touch me. I did, too, but when I got out I wasn't me-I was a little white bunny. And he started out of the room and I had to go with him for fear he'd touch me. It felt so horrid, going out with him and looking back at mother there asleep. "We went into the main part of the house, and one of the big front doors was open, and we went out through i.. moon hare rabbit witch nightmares nightmare Evangeline Walton
f09666f For cleverness and wisdom are as different as are the circuitous passages of a labyrinth and the straight, upward flight of a bird. wisdom mabinogion labyrinth welsh Evangeline Walton
e02849f It isn't brave to do something you're not afraid to do. fear Evangeline Walton
2f34910 Five actors playing allotted parts on a set stage; and now he, for whom no part had been written, had walked onto the stage unexpectedly, because one of the players had turned rebel, as she had once before. He threw everything out of focus, and them into a fever. The heat and intensity of these flying questions was enough to make a man with even partially trained clairvoyant faculties feel as if he sat in a room filled with flashing firefli.. haunting evil-thoughts hauntings Evangeline Walton
f1dd5ce Quincy laughed. "If I were Elizabeth I shouldn't thank either of you for that comforting diagnosis. Would it do any good to open Aunt Sarai's grave and drive a stake through her? If you believe in as much sorcery as that, you must regret the days of witch-burners, Carew." Carew said quietly, "No. Witch-burners were barbarous blunderers. If I wanted to suppress a dangerous letter, could I do it by burning the envelope and leaving the letter .. witches spiritual-evolution witch-hunts spiritual-development witch Evangeline Walton
dbf7da6 He asked, looking at her dark-rimmed eyes, "You do not sleep?" She shivered. "No. I do not want to sleep any more. I sleep too much already. It is so cold, where Quincy sends me in my sleep. Deep into the house, farther in, not into the house we see. It is as if that house were a face, and when you see a face you can't see the brain or the thoughts of the person behind it. And it is so strange - the house inside the house." ******** "How is.. vision nightmare Evangeline Walton
cd45a01 Death is the one friend who never fails any man. Evangeline Walton
54d59f9 Yet woman, though she ceased to be a king* and man protected her, was still reverenced as the source of life. Only now when man is learning that she cannot give life without him does he begin to scorn her whom he protects. So she that created property will become property. "So it is already in the Eastern World, so it will be here. And out of that constant injustice will rise continually more evils to breed wars and fresh injustice until me.. Evangeline Walton
2cbaba1 Impari lentamente, mio amato, ma impari. E cio che si impara lentamente scende piu nel profondo. Voi uomini e i vostri Dei! Vi beffate della Madre per la sua lentezza da lumaca, perche crea ciecamente al buio. Tuttavia quando create senza di Lei, in fretta e alla luce, create davvero ciecamente, dando forma, magari, alla morte di un mondo! Ebbene, avvelenate il mare e il cielo, l'aria che respirate, e persino la dolce pelle bruna del suo se.. mabinogion walton welsh mythology Evangeline Walton
990f051 The doctor from the mainland came and went. Silence settled over the island again, like a displaced curtain falling back in thickened, heavier folds. For there was a different quality in the silence now. It had tasted something, rich food on which it had long been thinly rationed. Shadowy things were trooping up, called by that scent of blood, like flies that smell carrion. They were not strangers to the old house; they had been ill-fed and.. horro ghost supernatural Evangeline Walton
57bb2e4 Gli uomini dell'Isola dei Potenti scesero a terra. Tirarono in secca le loro navi presso la foce del fiume Boyne, il dolce corso d'acqua che prende nome da un'antica Dea, madre di Angus degli Uccelli. Il fiume scorre a poca distanza da Tara dei Re, e passa vicino a Brug na Boinne, la splendida tomba di pietra che potrebbe essere piu antica della piu antica piramide d'Egitto. Una cosa e certa: non per Matholuch, ne per altri re suoi pari, ve.. mabinogi mabinogion mitologia walton Evangeline Walton
dd54f64 Worry and improper thinking are luxuries as dangerous as drink. self-mastery Evangeline Walton
68bb5cf Only a fool is humiliated by having been weak enough to have to overcome obstacles. Evangeline Walton
d30d7e3 Questions can be more dangerous than swords. questions swords Evangeline Walton
b5d0fd5 For other men --- men who are part of something, who follow a chief they believe in, or ways they were reared in from birth --- they can keep their eyes from seeing what they have not been taught to see, and do not want to see. But too late was I brought to my father's house. I tried to be part of it, but I never could. joiners unpleasant-truths skeptics illusions traditions Evangeline Walton
1765823 A true king never robs his people of peace. peace Evangeline Walton
a067b8d Force is an ill broom to sweep anything clean with. leadership Evangeline Walton
0b156db If men become tyrants, they shape for themselves the doom of tyrants, who are always betrayed. Evangeline Walton